Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why does a long layoff make you play better golf

Why Does a Long Layoff Make You Play Better Golf?

As the new golf season rolls around, you may find yourself saying the words, "I think I've got it". Why? Because for most of us, the beginning of the season brings us some surprisingly good rounds of golf. So what happened over the course of a long lay off that allows us play so well?

golf swing instruction tips

As the new golf season rolls around, you may find yourself saying the words, "I think I've got it". Why? Because for most of us, the beginning of the season brings us some surprisingly good rounds of golf. It's funny how you haven't played golf seriously in about 4-6 months, yet right out of the gate, you end up playing some of the best golf of the year. This, of course, leaves you scratching your head because you remember how last year wasn't so great. So what happened over the course of the winter that is allowing you to play so well now?

Maybe your new found skill occurs because you took a break over the winter months? Maybe it's the new clubs you received for Christmas? Maybe you read a tip in a golf magazine? Or maybe you are taking the game less seriously? To be honest with you, it's a little bit of all of these things. Here's what I mean ...

Taking a Break

When you take a break for a few months over the winter you seem to forget what you were working on at the end of last year


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