Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making web conferencing a hit

Success! Making Web Conferencing a Hit

Web conferencing is starting to replace fact-to-face meetings. Web conference aims to make employees more productive at the same provide significant improvement on how the company runs.

There are several things to remember to ensure that web conferencing was done or conducted effectively and is a success. Preparation is important for a successful web conference. According to Resource Center, it is never to early to prepare for the conference. A month before the web conference, it is important to determine if it is indeed necessary and design who will be participating in the conference and rough outline of the topic to be discussed.

Two to three weeks before the scheduled conference, invitations to the participants should already be sent out. A week before the conference will just be for polishing of the details planned couple of weeks earlier.

A week before the actual date of the conference, it is important to conduct a dry-run or trial run. This would


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