Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making the case for case management

Making The Case For Case Management


Case Management involves facilitating the access of a patient to appropriate medical, rehabilitation and support programs, and coordination of the delivery of linkages. This role may involve liaison with various professionals and agencies, advocacy on behalf of the patient, and arranging for purchase of linkages where no appropriate programs are available. Case management differs from therapy in that the case manager is something of a broker-advocate. Many patients who need c...

case management, counselor, social work, prescription medication, rehabilitation, mental health

Case Management involves facilitating the access of a patient to appropriate medical, rehabilitation and support programs, and coordination of the delivery of linkages. This role may involve liaison with various professionals and agencies, advocacy on behalf of the patient, and arranging for purchase of linkages where no appropriate programs are available. Case management differs from therapy in that the case manager is something of a broker-advocate. Many patients who need case management services would have difficulty advocating for themselves, knowing what services are available and coordinating those resources. Unfortunately, in many states, only those who have severe mental illness qualify for case management services to be covered by their insurance. The responsibility often lies with the Licensed Professional Counselor or rehabilitation counselor to perform case management services. Billing for these services is often tricky. In Florida, during the initial assessment we create a list of needed refer

Many of my staff struggled at first with the biopsychosocial model I brought as a Rehabilitation Counselor. They were used to dealing with the mental health diagnosis as if it existed in a vacuum. Once they saw the logic to a comprehensive approach, they were eager to learn more. The first principle for anyone is that you have to have your basic needs met before you can focus on any sort of "therapy." Adequate food, shelter, medical care and clothing and a feeling of safety are paramount. For parents, this includes food, shelter, medical care, daycare and clothing for their children as well. Unfortunately we cannot just wave a magic wand to make these things available---usually. In solution focused counseling, we often have clients identify where they are at. This is a "1." Then we have them identify what their life would be like if things were going well. This is a "10." The next step is to figure out what sm

Physically many of our patients had dental and medical problems that had been untreated due to lack of insurance. Many also had no prescription coverage, so they were not taking necessary medications. Keep a list of the free and low cost medical and dental clinics in your area. United Way Information and Referral also often has lists of charities that will help people with one-time medical expenses and can provided limited transportation to doctors appointments. Help them make these appointments and ensure they have transportation. We all know how overwhelming making doctor's appointments can be, not to mention how difficult it is to arrange for a medicaid van or figure out what busses to take. Al so keep copies of medication vouchers in your desk. These can be printed out from the pharmaceutical company websites or websites such as It astounds me how few physicians assist their patients in linking with these resources. If the patient brings the voucher to his physician, it can be filled out

A patient who is medication compliant, sleeping well, eating well and not in pain is much more likely to benefit from therapy. This brings me to food. If your patients do not qualify for food stamps, or if the food stamps are not enough, you may need to work with them on reducing their budget. Powedered milk is cheaper than liquid. Beans, rice, peanut butter, crackers, oatmeal, ramen noodles are far cheaper than cheese and meat. I made up a recepie book for my patients that had super low-cost meal ideas in it. We also made healthy snacks available to our patients during each therapy session. Our food services director would by these from the food bank each week at less that wholesale. You might also consider maintaining a food closet where people can donate canned and nonperishable goods. Additional referrals might include a victim advocate, a grief counselor from hospice, vocational rehabilitation, any local programs that rehabilitate cars and donate them to people in need, agencies that provide voucher

Often there are many organizations in your community that can help with specific needs. Establish a relationship with your local information and referral. They are a wonderful resource. Ultimately, ask yourself, "If I was in this person's shoes, what would I need to do before I could focus on feeling better?" These are the referrals/linkages you need to make.


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