Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making the right fast food choices

Making the Right Fast Food Choices

As luck would have it, there are actually some things that you can order from a few of the popular fast food places that are somewhat on the healthier side.

fast food, calories, fat

Every now and then, even with the best of intentions, we find ourselves looking to a fast food restaurant for lunch or dinner. Maybe a lack of time or a lack of planning is to blame for forcing this upon us. Maybe something came up beyond our control that is making us resort to this as a last minute meal decision. Whatever the reason, you will be ordering your next meal by talking into a plastic clown from your car window.

The problem with this is, you know that fast food is notorious for very high fat content and very high calorie count while at the same time being very low in nutrition. Well, as luck would have it, there are actually some things that you can order from a few of the popular fast food places that are somewhat on the healthier side. The main thing is to stay away from the fat laden side orders like the fries and shakes, and go with the broiled and grilled items. Here are some examples of the better fast food choices:

At burger king, go with the BK broiler chicken sandwich or the broiled


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