Saturday, May 28, 2011

Male menopause the alternative anti aging approach

Male "Menopause" - The Alternative Anti-Aging Approach

If you are a male over the age of 40 and are suffering from weakness, impotence, pain, stiffness, drooping muscles, depression, anxiety, or heat intolerance, you may be experiencing andropause.

Andropause is a syndrome resulting from the deficiency of hormones, especially testosterone. Its onset and symptoms may not be as dramatic as female menopause, but its effects can be just as serious. It is interesting that hormone replacement is quite routine in women but barel...

anti-aging, antiaging, menopause, male, male menopause, clinic, treatment

If you are a male over the age of 40 and are suffering from weakness, impotence, pain, stiffness, drooping muscles, depression, anxiety, or heat intolerance, you may be experiencing andropause.

Andropause is a syndrome resulting from the deficiency of hormones, especially testosterone. Its onset and symptoms may not be as dramatic as female menopause, but its effects can be just as serious. It is interesting that hormone replacement is quite routine in women but barely even addressed in men. The decline in hormone levels in both sexes has an adverse impact on ones state of health. Starting around age 25, DHEA and testosterone levels begin a progressive downward trend. With falling hormones, it is much harder to maintain muscle mass. Things begin to sag and fat begins to form increasingly thick layers around the lower back and abdomen. Stamina is affected and exercise intolerance occurs. Osteoporosis is well-documented in women and occurs in men as well. This can result in hip and vertebral compressi


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