Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why do you want to start a business

Why Do You Want To Start A Business?

Think about this. What are the reasons you want to start a business?

1. Are you tired of getting nowhere in your present profession? Do you find this really discouraging?

2. Are you looking for a chance to accumulate real wealth?

3. Maybe its the tax advantages that you could have from your own business. These tax advantages can add up quickly.

4. Or it could be a dream that you have had for a long time and its now time to get your business started.
Whatever the...



Think about this. What are the reasons you want to start a business?

1. Are you tired of getting nowhere in your present profession? Do you find this really discouraging?

2. Are you looking for a chance to accumulate real wealth?

3. Maybe its the tax advantages that you could have from your own business. These tax advantages can add up quickly.

4. Or it could be a dream that you have had for a long time and its now time to get your business started.
Whatever the reason, you need to take a good hard look at what you want to do.

Owning a business has its rewards but it takes a lot of work, but this work is a satisfying work. Why? Because it is YOUR business, no one to report to but yourself and all the important fringe benefits (vacations, cars, retirement etc.) when you succeed in your business. Satisfying work is often so much more beneficial than working at a job that you are not very interested in, not to mention being able to work for yourself instead of for someone else.

Maybe you have the drive, meaning you are tired of working for someone else and have the desire to succeed in your own business. The drive also means that even if you fail once or twice you get right back up, learn from your mistakes and try again. People with the drive usually end up succeeding in one or more businesses. So do you have the drive? If you do, first keep this in mind, its better to learn from other peoples mistakes instead of making your own. Study what others have done successfully.

Do you have what it takes to be a business owner or entrepreneur?

Ask yourself this, am I an entrepreneur? Am I an individual that will innovate within business frameworks and will I take risks for the sake of potential profits? If you will, then you are an entrepreneur, congratulations the first step in owning a business.

That was only the first step to think about. Also consider some of these questions to help you decide if you want to start a business.

  1. Do you know where to look for help?

  2. Do you know where to get sources of capital?

  3. Do you have a business plan?

  4. Can you manage your time?

  5. Can you develop a marketing plan?

  6. Do you know how to advertise and where to advertise?

  7. Can you keep a budget?

  8. Can you stay consistent and persistent?

  9. Do you think you know it all? Think again!

These are just a few questions of many you need to ask yourself if you want to start a business. However, dont let these questions bother you if you had answered no to any of them. Answering no is not a reason not to start a business, you just need to look at your strengths and weaknesses and start learning what you need to do to improve yourself.

So why do you want to start a business? Ill leave that answer up to you!


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