Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making working at home more fun

Making Working At Home More Fun

Ok, so most of the people who hear that you work at home wont think you need to have more fun. After all, you just sit around and watch TV, and some piddly amount of money just appears with no effort on your part, right?

Dont know about you, but none of thats true for me. I work hard, watch very little TV (and Im generally working at the same time), and the moneys pretty darn good.

But some days its just so hard to get going. Things just kind of drag, or maybe you...

work at home,time management

Ok, so most of the people who hear that you work at home wont think you need to have more fun. After all, you just sit around and watch TV, and some piddly amount of money just appears with no effort on your part, right?

Dont know about you, but none of thats true for me. I work hard, watch very little TV (and Im generally working at the same time), and the moneys pretty darn good.

But some days its just so hard to get going. Things just kind of drag, or maybe youre frustrated that things seem to be staying in one place. Whatever the reason, sometimes you need to spice things up a little to help motivate yourself when you work at home.

* Work someplace else! If you have a laptop, work in the back yard, take the kids to the playground, just start working someplace you dont usually. If you dont have a laptop computer, think of some of your other work that could possibly be done away from your desk. Even if its nothing but brainstorming ideas, getting out of your home office can be a lot of fun and actually help your productivity.

* Play some music! No, not the kids favorite CDs, something you want to hear.

* Involve your kids. Theyll have a lot of fun helping you and youre making your work more real to them. Its a great example for your children to learn that there are more possibilities out there than just a traditional job.

* Take time for you. If youre feeling burnt out, taking a break can actually help you to get more work done.

* Make more time for your kids. Ive found I do much better if I make sure to include plenty of time to play with my children throughout my day. Theyre much more cooperative when I say I need to work if Ive been playing with them other times.

* Learn something new! Come on, what have you been considering learning but havent found the time for? Maybe it relates to your work at home job or business or maybe its about a hobby, but learning can give you a fresh perspective even if you arent learning something specific to your work.

Anyone who has worked at home for a significant time knows that working at home isnt the cakewalk some think it is. But you can revive yourself by changing your habits, even if its just for a day or two a month.


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