Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making the most of web directories

Making The Most Of Web Directories

A web directory is just like an online phone book. It contains listings of web sites arranged by category.

While most web directories dont provide a lot of traffic it is still important to have your site listed in as many as possible. It helps build your web presence, assists with your sites page rank and link popularity.

When looking for directories to submit your site to, the following are good places to start:

(1) Search engine listings, just do a Google/Yahoo/M...



A web directory is just like an online phone book. It contains listings of web sites arranged by category.

While most web directories dont provide a lot of traffic it is still important to have your site listed in as many as possible. It helps build your web presence, assists with your sites page rank and link popularity.

When looking for directories to submit your site to, the following are good places to start:

(1) Search engine listings, just do a Google/Yahoo/MSN search for web directory

(2). , and all offer quality directory listings

(3) In forums.
New directories will announce their creation in some of the larger forums. You can pick up free one-way listings from new directories that will later on charge for inclusion.

Having selected a list of directories, its worth checking a few details before listing your link:

(1) Check The Page Rank of the site.
The higher the better. Site with higher page ranks tend to get inde


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