Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why do we hurt those we love most and how to stop this

Why Do We Hurt Those We Love Most And How To Stop This


We all need energy to live and to survive. As long as you think this energy has to come from other human beings, you will get caught up in struggle. Because human energy is limited. You have to fight for it. Its the responsibility of each and every person to generate energy by himself and not to depend on other people. Loving another human being is giving him energy! See the difference? Do you want to love your loved ones or steal their energy?

love, relationship, dispute, energy, victim, blame, love problems, happiness

You love each other but cant manage to communicate without arguing, fighting and ending up exhausted, each one in his corner, trying to lick his wounds and thinking of how to protect one self against a new attack. And in spite of thatyou love each other? How is this possible? Why do people hurt most those they love?

How come we cant express our love? How come we are full of good intentions but when it comes to reality we find ourselves again shouting and blaming the other one. And then that monster of guilt jumps out of nowhere to our throat to strangle us once again.

How to stop this infernal behavior?

First let me explain why this happens.

We all need energy. We need energy to live and to survive. Energy comes in many forms : love, attention, interest, food, friendship, money, approval, recognition

We all need this to feel good, to build our personality and to find our place in society.

But here it is : as long as we think this energy has to come from other human beings, we will get caught up i


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