Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why do so many people fail to achieve financial freedom

Why Do So Many People Fail To Achieve Financial Freedom

Recently I stumbled across a movie witch I have not seen in a while. It has been a few years since the movie the Matrix hit the big screen. Anyway if you have seen the movie do you remember when Neo,( Keano Reeves), had a hard time in the beginning when he was learning to jump from one building to another? When he was inside the computer, there was no limit to what he could do. But he never truly believed it. Then something happened at witch point he realized his limitation...



Recently I stumbled across a movie witch I have not seen in a while. It has been a few years since the movie the Matrix hit the big screen. Anyway if you have seen the movie do you remember when Neo,( Keano Reeves), had a hard time in the beginning when he was learning to jump from one building to another? When he was inside the computer, there was no limit to what he could do. But he never truly believed it. Then something happened at witch point he realized his limitations were self inflicted, and when he realized this he was able to break out of his mental handcuffs, and do anything he wanted. At that moment I realized that than truth was stranger than fiction. In todays world of the computer and the internet, people have almost no limit to what they can do while on their computers.

Through experience I have observed that people have limited beliefs. I my self was limited by my beliefs at one time by setting up boundaries in my own mind. These barriers stopped me from any possibility of surpassing the limits of those beliefs, and the same goes for most people I have observed.

For example, many people think it is impossible for them to make $ 100,000- $250,000 or even $1,000,000 a year working from home. Many people dream of working for themselves and fulfill their financial dreams, then the barriers pop up in their minds. People in general think whatever they are making or doing is all they are good for. But the truth of the matter is, you can make whatever amount you want. Its youre decision, the only one stopping you is you. Because there are those making those incomes and more.

If you believe you can do it you can, but if you believe you cant you certainly wont. So instead of rationalizing about what you cant do to reach youre goal, think about what you can do to reach youre goal, think about what you can do to make it happen. Visualize youre self having financial freedom, picture it in youre mind. All the power and ability you need is there within you. Believe that you have the capacity and power to attain money making success, and you are half way there.

Many people would repeatedly complain that they are sick and tiered of their lives, but continue to do the same thing the same stuff day in and day out. They despite of their complaints continue to throw up those barriers that deprive them of the ability to change, and better them selves. That is the true meaning of insanity.

By doing this , you are training youre subconscious mind to make you believe there is no other way to live.

Money may not be everything, but living youre life the way you want it to be is. From my personal experience until I was able to change my thinking subconsciously I was very unhappy with my situation, whether it was financial or with my relationships. The same way you place mental limitations on youre self,( subconsciously), you can also remove them. You and I and all of us have the ability and the power within ourselves to do it. There are no limitations it is only those barriers in outer minds that induce those limitations.

But just as importantly, action must be taken. The positive thoughts that you give youre selves subconsciously require action to tare down the barriers you have spent all youre lives constructing in youre mind. Get motivated, go out and make the changes happen. The most powerful ally people have is self motivation.

Does making mistakes frighten you? Dont let it! The more mistakes you make, the closer you get to success.

We live in the information age ,today everything you need to reach youre goal is only a click away. Motivational e-books, how to home based businesses opportunities, with easy to follow instruction. Best of all you can get all of that with little or no money out of pocket. By redirecting the thought process all people can be like Neo and conquer their fears.


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