Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why do play dirty

Why do play dirty?

This article explains the human nature when it comes to survival in the society and different matters that one has to deal with while working in a team or alone. What is the reason for humans to play unfair and use different ways to escape from problems?

essay topic, essay topics

There are a lot of things nowadays that we dont really want to talk about. These are everyday things that we do and dont even think about what we are doing exactly. We get so focused on our everyday routine that it never occurs to us how dirty we sometimes play. Society has always been competitive, but today life is perhaps more competitive than in any previous era. Since childhood children are taught how to show that they are the best, the strongest, the smartest the very best. This is where from competition starts. And we continue to compete against each other every hour to prove somebody something that we really dont have to prove. People are used to think that their lives, possessions, belongings are the best, the biggest the most attractive. That keeps us wanting for more and we never stop thinking that it will be enough for us to be satisfied. But no, we continue to jump higher than our heads and push ourselves to that point wh


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