Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why do i need video and or audio on my website

Why Do I Need Video and/or Audio On My Website?

This article explains why so many online businesses are starting
to use multimedia to increase their sales. Talks about specific
and very powerful benefits of using multimedia.

business, online business, internet marketing,web marketing, small business, online marketing, web advertising,online advertising, internet advertising, marketing strategy,business strategy

Bottom Line: If your website and emails are silent, you're leaving money on the table! Its that simple.

More and more online marketers and business owners are seeing the light and recognizing the tremendous benefits of incorporating multimedia into their online marketing strategy. It's a proven fact that multimedia more easily and effectively captivates your audience and grab's the attention of your prospects, visitors, subscribers and customers. Time and time again research has shown that using multimedia in the form of video and/or audio advertisements increases conversation rates, buy rates as well as subscription rates for a product or service.

If studies consistently show the advantage of incorporating multimedia into your online marketing campaign, then those who have not yet added multimedia to their advertising need to seriously rethink and reinvent their marketing strategy.

"As traditional banner ads continue to decline in their effectiveness...leading companies..[will turn] to streaming m


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