Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why do birds scream

Why do birds scream


Lets look at this logically folks, not that parrots are logical but they are creatures of habit. One of the things we learned from Michelle Karras is silence means danger! If you have a flock of wild parrots in trees (in their natural environment) or even a flock of local wild birds in your back yard. On any given sunny day a flock of birds will make a lot of noise its all about FLOCK. Chirp, chirp, scream, scream. What are they communicating about? Same things we do. Find any food lately? Yeah they had a great sale on worms about a mile from here.

Parrot toys, Parrot supplies, Bird behavior

Boy if we had THE answer wed be writing this from our yacht. But of course I have to weigh in here. What got me thinking about the subject of why birds scream, is some recent web surfing.

I spend my days doing what many of you wish you could be doing, surfing the web for bird toys and parrot cages. The magic of the internet enables us to shop the world. In order for us to provide the best possible shopping experience. We look at lots of sites and products. Pricing is important but not our priority. We feel good information about parrots and general avian issues is the most important product we can offer. And we offer that for free. We like to know whos selling what. We also like to see how well theyre selling it i.e. is the site easy to navigate. Do they offer multiple payment choices and so forth?

But I digress So here I am on the of a national chains of pet supply products. They have an FAQ for bird ownership. Something we always applaud. Well Im reading the list and one of the topics is Why


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