Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why didn t you publish my article other major article sites did

Why Didn't You Publish My Article? Other Major article sites Did!

QUESTION: Do you feel like giving me a reason for rejecting my article, considering all the other major article sites have published my article?

online article directories directory marketing approved approval managers reprint articles

QUESTION: Do you feel like giving me a reason for rejecting my article, considering all the other major article sites have published my article?


There are a dozen of reasons why I could have chosen not to publish your article. Without knowing which of your articles I rejected, it is a hard call to make from memory.

I own and manage more than 150 article distribution groups. I own and manager seven websites that are either article directories or websites that print reprint articles. I own and manage one article distribution service. Soon to be two services.

I see tons of articles.

Any and all article directory managers are free to make their own choic


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