Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why deep breathing is essential for us

Why Deep breathing is essential for us

Learn how a habit of deep breathing can work wonders for you ! An informative article describing immense benfits of deep breathing and why all of us should adopt a habit of deep breathing.



Deep breathing means - Adopting a habit of breathing deeply.

From your nostril not from your mouth. That's it !

Normally most people ( i.e. almost 95 % of all of us) who are leading a sedentary life style and working on jobs that requires 'using their heads' all day long, the outcome of a busy, complex and demanding life is somewhat like this:

No energy in the end of the day, mental sluggishness, dilapidated bodies, greater susceptibility to germ and infections, wear-and-tear of the entire body, more work for the heart, irregular blood pressure, tensions in body and nerves etc.

Remember this important fact:

To function properly, our brain needs three times more oxygen than the rest of our organs; and unless this is provided it will try to appropriate its supply by drawing on the over-all allotment!

This explains why so many city people, working at sedentary jobs, doing mental work all day long, tend to become dilapidated and have greater susceptibility to germ and infections than


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