Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who is the internet marketing attorney

Who Is the internet marketing Attorney

The Internet Marketing Attorney is the pen name of Micah Buchdahl, the attorney who runs . The site is a resource for lawyers to market their services and firms. The site hosts the internet marketing Attorney Awards, and the Nifty 50 Web Site Review. Buchdahl also has a blog, . On the blog, he often answers reader questions.

Buchdahl is involved in HTMLawyers Inc, but the internet marketing Attorney site appears to be intended to be helpful, forthright and informational rather than an attempt to ham-handedly steer potential customers toward his consulting services. In fact, the site doesnt allow advertising sponsorship or vendor affiliations at all. In effect, Buchdahl has created a helpful, well thought out, informative site, not a sales pitch. This, in itself, is


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