Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Social bookmarking strategies for success spinner format

{Social bookmarking is one of the best ways to get your websites ranking well and for getting direct traffic|Social bookmarking is {a great| an excellent|a fantastic|a superb|a wonderful} {way|method} for {ranking well and direct traffic} both direct traffic and good rankings}. {The search engines know that the social bookmarking sites {are a direct indicator of|directly indicate} what people {are actually interested in|are reading|are looking at|have an interest in}|Social bookmarking sites directly {show|indicate} what people are {interested in|looking at|reading}}. {Sure, they know marketers use it, but they realise that the majority of content that is social bookmarked multiple times is real content that people are finding useful and interesting|They are aware marketers use it but know most sites that are bookmarked multiple times are genuinely {of interest|useful}|They know marketers use it and know that {most|the majority of} sites that have multiple social bookmarks are of interest to real people}

{You can {take advantage of this|use this to your benefit} and use social bookmarking to get your sites ranking well for their keywords|You can {take advantage of|use|benefit from this} this trend and use social bookmarking to {rank your sites well for their keywords|make your sites rank well for their keywords|make your sites rank well|get your sites ranking well}|{Taking advantage of|Using} this will help to get your sites ranking well for their keywords}.

{Firstly, you need to open an account on some social bookmarking sites|Firstly, you need accounts on social bookmarking sites|Firstly, you need to have accounts on the various social bookmarking sites|You will need to get yourself accounts on the social bookmarking sites you {want|are going} to use}. {Rather than social bookmark each site manually, look at software such as OnlyWire which semi-automates the process|Adding manual social bookmarks will take a lot of time, so look at software such as OnlyWire which automates the submission process|As this takes time, look at automation software such as Onlywire to speed things up|Because this takes time you can use automation software such as Onlywire to speed things up}. This will make {your life|things} a lot easier.

{{Once|When} you have your account set up, find some {Internet marketing colleagues|other marketers|other Internet marketers}, friends or family who {{would be willing|are able} to|can|will} set up {an account themselves {with|on}|their own account {with|on}|an account of their own {with|on}} Onlywire|{When|Once} you have your account, find some marketers, friends or family who will also set up an account on Onlywire|Then you {need to|must} find other people such as friends, family or marketers who will also set up an Onlywire account}.

Then you {simply|just|merely|basically} {trade|exchange|swap} bookmarks. {They bookmark your sites, you bookmark theirs|You bookmark their site and they bookmark yours in return|You bookmark their site and they bookmark yours|They bookmark your site and you bookmark theirs in return}.

{Most marketers only have their sites bookmarked once, and very occasionally more than once|Most marketer's sites are only bookmarked once, with the occasional one {having|getting|gaining} more than one bookmark|Most sites {belonging to|owned by} an Internet marketer are only bookmarked the once}. {The search engines are probably very aware of this and so pay more attention to sites that have multiple bookmarks on a single site|This is something the search engines are probably area of, which is why sites with multiple bookmarks get more {credence|authority}|The search engines will know this and so pay attention to sites with multiple bookmarks}.

{This {simple|straightforward|easy} {technique|method|approach} can easily get you {multiple|many|several} bookmarks and will give your sites a {much needed boost|boost|leg up|hand up} in the search engines|This technique makes it {simple|easy} to get multiple bookmarks to give your sites a boost in the search engines}.

{Alternatively, you can outsource the bookmarking and hire people to do it for you|You can outsource the entire social bookmarking process|It is very easy to outsource social bookmarking your sites|You can easily outsource social bookmarking your sites}. {{This will very quickly add up|It can cost a lot|It can get expensive|It can become {costly|expensive}} if you are creating a lot of sites|If you are creating a lot of sites this can {add up|get expensive|become costly|start to get expensive}}. {You can find {people|someone} on forums such as Digitalpoint who will do it very {cheaply|inexpensively|reasonably|economically} for you, but it is still going to add up|You will be able to find {people|someone} to do reasonably {cheaply|inexpensively|reasonably|economically} on any of the marketing forums|It will be easy for you to find {people|someone} to do this at a {reasonable|sensible|fair|moderate|cheap} price on any Internet marketing forum}.

You can {apply|use} the same {technique|method|system|method} to {sites|web sites} such as Stumbleupon and Digg, both of which {can potentially get you|are potential sources of} {massive|large} amounts of traffic. {These sites expect more newsworthy and interesting articles|The sites expect their content to be more newsworthy and interesting|The content is expected to be be more newsworthy and interesting by these sites}. {With a well written article you can expect thousands of visitors in a day, quite literally|{Interesting|Well written} articles can get thousands of visitors in {a few hours|a day}|It is possible get the thousands of visitors in {a few hours|a day}} with {a well written|an interesting} article}.

{Setting up multiple social bookmarking accounts yourself and bookmarking your sites is {possible|a possibility}|{It is possible for you to|You can|It is possible to|If you wanted to, you could|} set up multiple social bookmarking accounts and bookmark {your|all of your|all of your own|your own} sites}. {However, these sites are smart and will realise what you are doing unless you hide behind proxies|Most of these sites will realise what you are doing and {ban you|shut you down} unless you use proxies|Unless you use proxies, the sites will notice what you are doing and {{ban|close} your accounts|shut you down|shut your accounts down}}. {This can be done, but often the hassle isn't worth it, particularly when it is easy to network with other marketers|Whereas {this is possible|you can do this}, it {isn't|is not} worth the trouble|{It isn't|It's not} worth the trouble to do this {as|because} it is so easy to network with other marketers}.

{Networking with other marketers and trading bookmarks also has a side effect of building your network of contacts|By trading bookmarks with other marketers you {increase|build} your network of contacts|Trading bookmarks with other marketers helps to {increase|build|enhance} your network of contacts}. {These could potentially {turn out to be|end up being|turn in to|become} joint venture partners, product partners or more in the future|Potentially, these could {turn out to be|end up being|turn in to|become} {profitable|lucrative} joint venture partners in the future|In the future, these could {turn out to be|end up being|turn in to|become} {profitable|lucrative} joint venture partners}.

Social bookmarking is {an excellent|a great|a fantastic|a wonderful|a superb} {way|method|means} for you to {get|gain|acquire|obtain} traffic {both from the search engines and from the social bookmarking sites|from both the search engines and social bookmarking sites|from the search engines and social bookmarking sites}. {Do it well and you can benefit from {great|better|enhanced|improved} search engine rankings and massive traffic|You can {get|gain} a large amount of traffic from {enhanced|improved} search engine rankings|This will {enhance|improve|increase} your search engine rankings and from this, your traffic}.


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