Tuesday, March 13, 2012

So you want to be a millionaire

So you want to be a millionaire?

Not everyone is going to make a million dollars in network marketing... and that's ok.

mentoring, mlm, coaching, network marketing

Who doesn't...

I come across so many people that say "I'm going to make a million dollars in network marketing". I have conversations with people telling me how they're going to become millionaires.

That's great I'll help you reach that goal every way I can.

But you know what?

Not everyone is going to make a million dollars in network marketing... and that's ok.

Most people's lives would change with an extra $500 or $1000 a month.

If you're in network marketing the opportunity is here to become a millionaire.

let's talk about that for a second.

To become a millionaire in network marketing is going to take lot of WORK.

Yes, you can do it in the shortest amount of time compared to other business opportunities but you still have to WORK...

But you work smart not hard.

And the cost for start up is minimal.

But it still takes WORK!! no matter how you cut it.

To become a millionaire in network marketing you're going to h


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