Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Soap for acne

Finding A Soap for acne That Works For You

Treating acne may be difficult. Some pimples disappear overnight while others can remain for weeks. Some pimples appear as whiteheads while some are inflamed, red, and swollen, even painful. While there is no way to prevent acne, there are several ways to reduce acne breakouts. To correctly treat acne, we must first remember what it is and then find products and remedies which may help it. This includes topical ointments, toner, moisturizer, and soap for acne.

What Is Acne?

Acne is a condition that affects the follicles of hair on the face, chest, and back. Acne mostly occurs in males and females during puberty but acne in adulthood (adult onset acne) is generally common. Acne, contrary to popular opinion, is not only caused by bacteria, but is also caused by an excess of oil (or sebum), hormonal factors, and genetic predispositions.

Acne is characterized by pimples, either isolated or clustered. It can be treated by a change in lifestyle and eating habits and good cleansing and skin care. Good cleansing means finding a moisturizer, toner, and soap for acne that works best with your type of skin.

Living And Eating Well

Acne is often linked to an excess of acid in one's body. To combat this, one must eat more food that contains alkalines. This includes fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Fried and heavy food takes much longer to digest. Because of this, toxins may possibly build up and be expelled via the pores. Acne is also often caused by an imbalance in hormone levels. By avoiding stress, caffeine, nicotine and sleepless nights, acne may be significantly reduced. The integration of various relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing exercises, and meditation may serve to calm one's sprit which will lead to a more pleasant disposition in addition to better skin.

Good Cleansing Equals Good Skin

Soap for acne or a cleanser is used to remove dirt and other impurities from the skin. It also removes excess oil and sebum. Some good questions to ask when choosing soap for acne are does your skin look brighter and clearer after washing, and does your skin feel very dry and tight? If you answered YES and NO, then the soap for acne that you are using is good for you. Post-washing, skin must look fair and clean but must retain a certain level of moisture. It should not feel dry and uncomfortable.

One may also use a mild exfoliant to help rid the skin of dead skin cells that may cause pore blockage. Drugstore brand exfoliants sometimes contain a mixture of ground almond shells, lavender leaves, or sea salt. This cream or soap is rubbed gently on the face in a circular motion. Other than removing dirt, the rubbing motion encourages blood circulation and will prevent long-term wrinkle development and sagging facial muscles.

Another common misconception about acne is that it is due only to an excess of oil and sebum. In fact, when the skin is too dry, the body generates more oil to make up for it. Stripping your face of all its oil is not recommended and may worsen the condition of your skin. Following up with a good moisturizer may serve to lock in the essential nutrients and keeps the skin fresh and hydrated.

Dermatologists often recommend a neutral soap with a pH balance of 7. This means that your soap for acne must not contain oils, harsh fragrances, alcohol, or abrasives. Abrasive soaps can make acne worse while soaps that are too creamy and oily can lead to more blocked pores. An excess of acidity in your soap may cause unnecessary irritation, redness, dryness, and even more acne. Soap for acne should be gentle and mild enough to be used twice daily, once in the morning and then again in the evening. It is recommended to use warm water when washing the face. The water will open the pores and allow the soap, topical medication, and moisturizer to penetrate the depths of the skin.

While the process of finding a soap for acne may seem difficult, finally getting one may lead to the overall wellness of your skin. Just remember to choose a soap for acne that is recommended for your skin type, whether it be dry, oily, or normal.


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