Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sober living facts

Sober Living Facts

Sober living is oftentimes mistaken as some kind of
rehabilitation center or a recovery support home.
Sober living environments has expanded because of
peoples need to have a place that is supportive and
safe for people who would want a getaway after a
recovery. In other words, sober living are houses
meant for those who just came out of the
rehabilitation center and is not yet ready to face the
outside world.

Sober living is a place for support and not for rehab
or recovery. Although, it is not only intended for
those who just came out of recovery or rehab but also
for those who needs some quiet time to ease their
minds of worries.

Sober living homes do not provide the services which
are offered by rehabilitation centers or shelters.
They are more affordable compared to those centers.
These places are also drug and alcohol free which
gives the person who wanted to stay a more positive
and quiet mind to think of things going through his or
her life. Sober houses tend to promote an


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