Friday, June 17, 2011

Why use resell rights to build online credibility

Why Use Resell Rights to Build Online Credibility?

According to the internet marketing Dictionary, resale or resell rights are: A right to resell a product. On the Internet this is often seen with E-books. You buy an E-book, and you get rights to sell the E-book and keep all of the money yourself.

Of course, the buyer doesnt have to SELL the E-book, he or she can also give the E-book away if they would like to. His or her customer either buys or is given valuable information by him. In either case the buyers credibility is increased in the eyes of his customer as is the credibility of the original seller of the E-book because the producers name and information will still appear in the resource box.

The view from the seller of an E-book with resale rights attached is for an even greater credibility boost. Although he will not be making any money from subsequent sales of the E-book he is gaining access to markets that he would never have access to any other way.

The seller of an E-book with resell rights is gaining visibility in his chosen niche or sub niche market and, as we all know, visibility equals credibility in the internet marketing arena.

Sometimes the very savvy new Internet marketer will offer an E-book with resale rights to certain individuals that he believes can help him along the way for free. That is... he wont make anything at all from the E-book... at least not in bankable income. What he will make cant be measured in dollars and cents because you cant put a price tag on credibility. It is an invaluable commodity in the world of Internet marketing.

Sometimes you can gain more by giving away something of real value in order to get something that is even more valuable... in this case... credibility.


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