Sunday, June 12, 2011

Market research for online businesses

Market Research For Online Businesses

Most people believe that every opportunity is nothing more than a "get rich quick" scam or something similar. The fact is, "most people" are 100% right! I have researched (with the help of my associates) hundreds of programs and opportunities out there and found the ones that work, and the ones that are simply junk.

Scam, Online Business, Affiliate, Affiliate Marketing, Money Making, Online MOney, Domains, Hosting, Adsense, home business

By Kenneth Cannon

Most people believe that every opportunity is nothing more than a "get rich quick" scam or something similar. The fact is, "most people" are 100% right! I have researched (with the help of my associates) hundreds of programs and opportunities out there and found the ones that work, and the ones that are simply junk.

Heres how we did it:

First I did a searched on the internet to find every program I could. Believe it or not this was a daunting task because of all the different search engines out there. There are thousands of programs out there that don't advertise on google or any of the "big" engines. They use smaller Pay Per Click advertisers to get noticed because they don't want to "waste time" doing the work needed to get listed on google.

Second I wrote an email to all of these "companies" telling them that I was interested in purchasing their businesses.


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