Saturday, June 11, 2011

Managing stress

Managing Stress

A growing number of women are experiencing the challenges of being a caregiver. Fortunately a few tips can work a little relief into busy schedules.

Managing Stress

A growing number of women are experiencing the challenges of being a caregiver. Whether they're looking after children, elderly parents or a sick relative, the stress can take a physical toll on even the most hardy individuals.

The editors of Caring Today magazine offer these tips to work a little relief into busy schedules:

• Make time for a hobby. There's no need to feel guilty for taking time to have fun. Consider a hobby a tonic for your health. Paint a picture, knit a sweater, strum a guitar or hit a few golf balls.

• Take a 10-minute vacation. Can't go on that holiday you really need? Take a 10-minute fantasy vacation instead. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a place that makes you happy. Focus on the details-the sights, sounds, smells and feelings-to bring the scene alive.

• Try the tennis ball trick. For a quick mood boost, roll a tennis ball over tight muscles. But make sure you use a firm pressure-a light stroke stimulates instead of calms.

• Write out your wor


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