Sunday, June 12, 2011

Marine careers

Marine Careers

As a marine biologist, you will be expected to conduct different experiments as well as research on different animals and organisms. There can be several fields that you can readily be involved in. You can study organisms that have been existing for millions of years. You can also choose to study mammals and their behavior and habitats. You can choose to directly be a marine biologist, a teacher of it or a professor in a related field.

Becoming an Oceanographer

There are three main disciplines of oceanography namely physical oceanography, marine geology and geophysics and marine chemistry and geochemistry. All these three are related. Oceanographers using these disciplines usually work together to uncover the different mysteries of ocean science. Preference is provided to projects that mix the disciplines of oceanography and use vital principles from each one to create and learn an even, process or system.

Humans need to constantly look for more ways to provide water, shelter and food, since the global population continues to grow. The oceans still have a lot to offer to support human life for several centuries. Oceanographers work to learn more about the different locations and reactions of the ocean to find more ways to meet the growing demands of the world.

Engineering Underwater

If you are more interested in the engineering field, you can choose to become an ocean engineer. It provides vital links to other oceanographic disciplines like chemical and physical oceanography, marine biology and marine geology and geophysics. You get to help create and invent different oceanographic tools and devices that will change the way oceans and coasts are studied. Some of the well-known instruments include sediment traps, seismometers, acoustic measuring devices, underwater vehicles and underwater video equipment.

You can gather in a few minutes data that used to take years to complete. You can conveniently work even from remote places, such as laboratories and ships. The innovations and inventions of ocean engineers have allowed oceanographers to go farther offshore and into new depths. Discoveries have been made because of oceanographic engineers like ocean volcanoes, new species of plants and animals, physical processes and hydrothermal vents.

A Writing Job

Some marine biologists are very concerned about the current condition of the ocean. You may want to work as a reporter or writer to help people become more aware about the environmental effects of various inland processes. You can start a job in environmental reporting, science writing, public relations and communications. You may also want to teach and educate people directly in colleges, museums, aquariums and universities.

More Marine Jobs

If you finish Marine Biology, you can open a lot of career opportunities. You can become one of the related professionals: science writer, marine educator, ecotourism guide, maritime or environmental lawyer, aquavet, park ranger, filmmaker or photographer, marine historian, economist, marina manager, aquaculturist, spokesperson for grants or fundraiser, environmental planner, computer specialist, hatchery specialist or ship captain or mate. You have to gauge your own hobbies, knowledge, skills and specialties to determine the best potential career.


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