Saturday, June 11, 2011

Managing pressure with positively thriving on it

Managing Pressure with Positively Thriving on it

In our day-to-day lives, we are constantly trying to fit in everything we should be doing in the limited time we have. We have to balance our work as well as our social lives and as more and more employers demand more from us our social life still needs us hence we are constantly trying to manage the two we inevitably are in conflict and feel torn most times.

I remember trying to race across town to meet a friend for dinner because you had to finish up on that important project report that had to be in by end of day that day. We get to the bar and we small talk but we are feeling at some level we need to get home and rest. but we soldier on and when we get home that night we have a keep and just as you are enjoying your sleep the alarm goes and you have to start the routine all over again one is bound to get more and more stressed as well as under pressure.

When we feel under pressure we stop functioning properly hence it is important that we stop take a deep breath and channel all the negative energy into positive energy which in turn rejuvenates. Channeling positive energy to handle pressure can be achieved by a number of ways.

On can use positive thinking .If one is under pressure then if they think positive and fight all the thoughts that will stop you from actually getting down to business and handling the problems. To create positive thinking one could tell themselves they cope well under pressure , if one keeps telling themselves this then one will begin to believe and when you believe you can achieve . I remember working at this sales company which had amazing sales targets and initially I always felt under pressure to sell more and I was constantly stressed out and this showed on my general well being as it was going down so I then started on a journey of self discovery . I n discovering yourself one can then start to function at their full potential and in functioning to my full potential I managed to employ positive thinking. After a while of positive thinking, I began to see light at the end of the tunnel. My sales figures rocketed, why. Because I was, a much happier person and much more motivated which in turn meant I

When you realize how much potential one has when harnessing negative thoughts to positive energy then one will thrive on pressure and use pressure to drive them to achieving great things. Negative thoughts cause you to be stressed hence most people link pressure with stress but with positive thinking one could be free from stress and actually use pressure to benefit yourself and achieve things you never think you had the potential in you to achieve.

To relieve pressure and be able to thrive on it one must find their voice deep with in them and in finding your voice, you are able to handle things around you as well as ask for assistance when it is necessary. At work, you could easily be pressured into trying to achieve unrealistic goals hence in finding your voice you could point that out in the most positive of ways and this will prevent you from being pressured all the time.

In coping with pressure on could employ other activities like dancing which provides an outlet to vent the pressure that builds up inside you. In our high-pressure situations we tend to sip up all the pressure and bottle it inside and this in turn causes ill health be it stress or other wise hence finding an outlet will help you thrive under pressure.



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