Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kisah Penebang Kayu dan Kapaknya

Sebuah Cerita Motivasi tentang Penebang kayu yang menebang kayu dan
kapaknya. Baca ini agar anda termotivasi...
Dan jangan pernah lupa, buka lah pikiran anda. Karena pikiran anda adalah laksana parasut. Dia tidak akan berfungsi saat anda Tak membukanya.

Seorg penebang kayu, bekerja setiap hari menebang kayu dengan penuh semangat untuk dijual. Setiap pagi dia pergi ke
hutan dan pulang menjelang matahari terbenam. Sesampai di rumah dia istirahat
untuk menunggu hari esok.
Maka saat matahari terbit menyinari pandanganya, dia kembali pergi ke hutan untuk
menebang kayu kembali dengan penuh semangat.

Hal tersebut dia lakukan terus menerus tanpa henti dari hari ke hari. Namun lama-kelamaan ada hal yang lain yang ia sadari. Ia sadar bahwa hasil
tebangannya mulai menurun tiap harinya. Lambat tetapi pasti, kayu yang dia bawa pulang
berkurang terus dari hari ke hari.

Melihat hasil yang berkurang terus menerus, dia
memutuskan untuk menambah jam kerjanya. Dia pergi lebih pagi dan pulang lebih
sore. Awalnya, dengan penambahan jam kerja tersebut, hasil tebangannya sedikit
bertambah. Namun setelah beberapa lama berkurang kembali seperti semula,
seakan penambahan waktu tidak ada gunanya. Bahkan suatu waktu hasil
tebangan yang dilakukan secara lembur hasilnya lebih sedikit dibanding
penebangan yang dia lakukan pada saat awal karir dia sebagai penebang kayu.

Sampai suatu saat dia bertemu dengan seorang penebang kayu lainnya. Penebang kayu yang baru dikenalnya itu menggunakan jenis kapak yang sama
dan waktu yang digunakan untuk menebang juga sama. Tetapi hasil yang diperoleh penebang tersebut tidak pernah menurun. Ini membuat dia merasa
keheranan, mengapa hasil produksinya menurun sementara temannya tidak?
Akhirnya dia menanyakan rahasia kepada teman barunya itu, bagaimana agar
hasil tebangannya tidak menurun.

Temannya menjawab, bahwa rahasianya sangat
sederhana, dia rajin mengasah kapaknya agar selalu tajam. Namun penebang itu
menjawab bahwa dia tidak punya waktu untuk mengasah kapaknya, dia sibuk
untuk mengejar jumlah produksi agar bisa mendapatkan uang untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan hidupnya.

Maka penebang kayu baru yang bijak itu berkata,
"Kamu memang menghabiskan beberapa waktu
untuk mengasah kapakmu. Tetapi waktu yang kamu gunakan untuk mengasak
kapak akan terganti, sebab kamu akan menebang kayu lebih cepat."

Apa yang bisa kita ambil dari cerita di atas...
Adalah bahwa kitapun sebenarnya memiliki kapak kita sendiri yang harus di asah dan bukan terkekang mengejar finish kita.

Sebagai mahasiswa, Ketika menghadapi ujian pun terkadang kita lupa. Kita terlalu pusing mengejar Ujian kita, memaksakan diri untuk belajar keras demi kata lulus sehingga kita melupakan "Kapak" kita. Yaitu Doa.

Kita Lupa bahwa janji allah untuk memudahkan urusan urusan manusia bagi mereka yang senantiasa membaca ayat-ayatnya.
Kita lupa akan janji-Nya tentang balasanya berlipat-lipat bagi tiap sedekah kita.

Sedangkan Allah adalah zat yang tak pernah ingkar dari janji-Nya.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cara memasang Iklan/Gadjet Melayang

Anda mungkin telah sering melihat iklan-iklan melayang pada blog yang sering Anda kunjungi. sangat bermanfaat memang menurut saya trik seperti itu, karena bisa menghemat tempat di blog ata web kita, juga agar blog kita terlihat lebih rapi dan mampu memperindah blog kita. namun yang paling penting adalah, yang bisa di buat melayang bukan cuma harus iklan ko. apapun itu, gadjet apapun bisa kita buat melayang.

membuat iklan/gadjet melayang di blog. bagaiman sih caranya. anda cukup log in ke blog anda, masuk ke tata letak atau rancangan, kemudian tambah gadjet dan dari semua yang ada, pilih javascript/HTML. sudah, kemudian anda COPY-PASTE Script di bawah ini.

<style type="text/css">
* html #gb{position:center;}

border:2px solid #000000;

<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideGB(){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var w = gb.offsetWidth;
gb.opened ? moveGB(0, 30-w) : moveGB(20-w, 0);
gb.opened = !gb.opened;
function moveGB(x0, xf){
var gb = document.getElementById("gb");
var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 10 ? 5 : 1;
var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir; = x.toString() + "px";
if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveGB("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);}

<div id="gb">

<div class="gbtab" onclick="showHideGB()"> </div>

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<div style="text-center">
<a href="javascript:showHideGB()">
.:<img src="" title="klik gambarnya" alt="tutup" />:.

PASANG SKRIP GADJET/IKLANMU DI SINI !!                                                                                

<script type="text/javascript">
var gb = document.getElementById("gb"); = (30-gb.offsetWidth).toString() + "px";

anda cukup mengganti tulisan berwarna biru di atas dengan gadjet yang anda kehendaki.
Selamat mencoba

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Why vacation in spain

Why Vacation In Spain

Not sure where to go for vacation? Well, Spain could be the perfect destination if you are looking for fantastic attractions, interesting sights, vibrant entertainment and night life, history, Spanish culture and recreation such as golfing, swimming and hiking, to name a few. The only problem you may face is the selection of great destinations from which to choose. You may have a hard time deciding where to go. Spain has so much to offer in terms of culture, interesting hist...

detailed map of spain, spain, spanish culture

Not sure where to go for vacation? Well, Spain could be the perfect destination if you are looking for fantastic attractions, interesting sights, vibrant entertainment and night life, history, Spanish culture and recreation such as golfing, swimming and hiking, to name a few. The only problem you may face is the selection of great destinations from which to choose. You may have a hard time deciding where to go. Spain has so much to offer in terms of culture, interesting history, great adventure, fun and relaxation. A detailed map of Spain may help you make a decision as far as which part of Spain you want to visit. Regardless of your destination choice, you are sure to have a vacation of a lifetime with a full itinerary. Whether you are traveling alone, as a couple, with a group or as a family, you will find plenty for everyone to do and enjoy making Spain one of the most ideal vacation destinations. One way to help decide on a destination is to consider what sights you want to see, what recreational act

Another great aspect of vacationing in Spain is that you can find some affordable prices on flights and hotel accommodations. You can enjoy your vacation without the worry of overextending your finances and budget. The Internet is a great place to start your search, particularly on the many travel websites available which can offer great deals on hotels, flights and even health insurance. You can compare prices and packages at your convenience and in the comfort of your own home or office, as well as make the reservations. Ease of planning your vacation without hassle and inconvenience is, definitely, a great way to start your vacation even before arriving in Spain.


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Why vacation in mexico city

Why Vacation In Mexico City?

There aren't many cities in the entire world that are larger than Mexico City, Mexico. Nicknamed, the City of Palaces and with a population of about 20 million, Mexico City is a huge, cosmopolitan city that sprawls over almost 3,700 square miles. It is located in a valley on top of a high plateau at about 7,350 feet above sea level. The place where the city rests was once Lake Texcoco. It seems to be a city of extremes and a dynamic place to visit.

Most vacationers to Mexico City will be fascinated with the history of the city itself and of the circumstances in which it came to be. The Aztecs founded Mexico City in the year 1325 on a small island in the middle of Lake Texcoco. In order for it to continue to grow, the small island had to be enlarged artificially. The city came under siege by the Spaniards 200 years later and was almost completely destroyed. The Spaniards then rebuilt the city according to their designs, which is mostly what you see today in the old section of the town.

There are many tours that can be taken in which the history, architecture, and culture of the city are highlighted. There are Aztec ruins to behold, Chapultapec Castle where the Halls of Montezuma of Marine Corps lore are located, and even an iconic landmark the Angel of Independence, which was modeled after the Champs-Elysees by Emperor Maxmilian of Mexico.

Another popular tourist activity to pursue in Mexico City is to visit several of the over 150 museums. They range in scope from anthropological to modern art and while they vary in price, they are all reasonably affordable. The Museo Nacional de Antropologia has an extensive collection of ancient artifacts and is one of the finest anthropological museums in the world. The Museo Nacional de Arte has exhibits that mostly feature Mexican artists. And the Museo Nacional de Historia recounts the history of Mexico and Mexico City inside the walls of the famed Chapultapec Castle.

There are also many different types of sporting events that can be attended in and around Mexico City. Football or soccer as it is called in the United States is the most popular sport with stadiums that can seat over 125,000 fans. Mexico City is home to 4 major pro teams and countless youth teams. The next most popular sport to attend in Mexico City is baseball. Their team is the Red Devils and you will find a very exuberant group of spectators at all of their games.

Perhaps by virtue of being the largest city in Mexico, Mexico City has the most active nightlife scene in all Mexican cities. There are almost endless choices of music and dance clubs available from Mariachi music and Flamenco to jazz and salsa clubs. Most venues don't begin the party until 10 PM or so and participants dance away until the wee hours of the morning.

Whether you are interested in the history and culture of Mexico or just want to kick up your heels all night long, Mexico City can provide the kind of dynamic vacation experience that no other city can. Twenty million people can't be wrong.


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Why vacation certificates are great direct mail promotions

Why Vacation Certificates Are Great Direct Mail Promotions

Are you a business owner who wants to see an increase in business profits? If so, you will need to focus on retaining your current customers, as well as acquiring new ones. To do this, you may want to think about using direct mail promotions to your advantage, especially those that are focused on incentives. No matter how large or small your business is, you should be able to benefit from the use of direct mail promotions.

If you are considered a new business owner, you ma...


Are you a business owner who wants to see an increase in business profits? If so, you will need to focus on retaining your current customers, as well as acquiring new ones. To do this, you may want to think about using direct mail promotions to your advantage, especially those that are focused on incentives. No matter how large or small your business is, you should be able to benefit from the use of direct mail promotions.

If you are considered a new business owner, you may still be unfamiliar with many of the marketing and advertising approaches that you should use, like direct mail promotions. While direct mail promotions often take on a number of different formats, they are promotions which are directly sent to the general public or your targeted market. The most common types of direct mail promotions are those that are sent through the traditional mail or those that are sent in emails.

As previously stated, direct mail promotions are ideal if they are incentive ones. Incentive direct mail promotions are promotions which promise your customer an incentive, like a free product or a discount, for doing business with you. In the United States, different businesses rely on different promotional gifts. For instance, it is common to find vacation certificates, as well as popular merchandise being award to those who follow through with a direct mail promotion. Although you do have a number of different options, in terms of promotional gifts, you may want to place a focus on vacation certificates.

Vacation certificates are ideal for direct mail promotions. For instance, if you were to offer your customers a free vacation certificate, like one for a free or discounted cruise, there is a good chance that your vacation certificates will catch the eyes of those who receive your direct mailing promotions. If those consumers had previously never heard of your business before, there is a good chance that they would take the time to examine it and what it has to offer. This is how effective vacation certificates really are. It is actually amazing the amount of interest that they can generate.

Speaking of the amount of interest that many vacation certificates, as customer incentives generate, you may be wondering why they are so popular. The promise of vacation certificates sounds appealing to many consumers. Due to the high costs of travel, many individuals now only dream of taking family vacations or romantic getaways. With a vacation certificate, consumers may not have to dream any longer. The prospect of getting a free vacation or even just a discounted one is enough for many to start doing business with you.

Should you decide that vacation certificates are what you would like to use as an incentive for your direct mail promotions, you will find that you have numerous vacation certificates to choose from. For instance, it is possible to find vacation certificates that are designed for cruises, airline reservations, hotels, vacation resorts, and gasoline. In addition to free vacations or free vacation arrangements, you may also find that vacation coupon books or discount books are just as appealing to many consumers.

Another one of the many reasons why you should incorporate incentive programs, namely ones that focus on vacation certificates, into your direct mail promotions is because it is easy to do so. In fact, you dont even have to do all of the work yourself. A large number of business owners, just like you, make the decision to use the services of a promotional ad agency. A promotional ad agency cannot only help you decide which direct mail promotions you can benefit from the most, but they can also help you choose the most buzz, generating promotional gifts, like vacation certificates.

Should you decide that you would like to handle your own direct mail promotions and incentive programs, you will still need to find an incentive program company to do business with. These types of companies are ones which can provide you with discounted promotional gifts, including media merchandise, power towels, and a wide range of vacation certificates. In your search, you will likely come across and like what the Infinity Incentive Group has to offer, as many business owners, just like you, have in the past.


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Why using noise reduction headphones with an mp3 player is better than earbuds

Why Using Noise Reduction Headphones With An Mp3 Player Is Better Than Earbuds

MP3 players and portable CD players usually come with the standard earbud headphones. Earbuds fit into the ear like a hearing aid and are lightweight and portable. Their advantages, however, stop there. When it comes to the quality of the music you are listening to, that quality can be greatly diminished due to the inability of earbud headphones to filter out the noises that you are not interested in listening to; such as the voices, car engines, train noises, and barking d...


MP3 players and portable CD players usually come with the standard earbud headphones. Earbuds fit into the ear like a hearing aid and are lightweight and portable. Their advantages, however, stop there. When it comes to the quality of the music you are listening to, that quality can be greatly diminished due to the inability of earbud headphones to filter out the noises that you are not interested in listening to; such as the voices, car engines, train noises, and barking dogs that may be all around you when you are out in public.

One of the great advantages of MP3 players, such as iPods, and portable CD players is that you can take them with you wherever you go. Sometimes the very reason for bringing them along on an outing is so that you can entertain yourself while you are engaged in other activities, such as jogging, riding on the subway, or waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Soothing music being piped into your ear


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Why using blog to earn money online

Why using blog to earn money online?

People need tool to do business in internet. The most commont tool to promote is website. But website requires skill for the owner. Using blog is the answer. Why using blog?

HTML,blog,earn money, earn money from internet,content,Search engine optimize

This question has been around for many times. Here we will tell you the reasons why using blog to earn money

1. You must not be an HTML expert

The biggest problem to earn money from internet is HTML knowledge to design website. Blog comes as a solver problem for this matter. Most of you have to do just type what you like and let the system work for you toe display it in a webpage format.

2. Keep the content fresh

Blog is similiar to online jurnal. Like you write your activiy in your diarybook, and you write it often even daily. The reader also requires frequently updated blog then seldom, because it is useful information for them.

3. Search engine optimize blog frequently

Search engine love fresh content.

4. Blog creates A Built-In Linking Structure

Blog always creates linking between old and new post. This condition is one of tool search engine optimization.

5. You Can Keyword-Optimize Your Blog Extensively



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Why use water filters

Why Use Water Filters

Are you a hundred percent sure that the water you drink is potable and safe and does not contain harmful substances? No one who uses water from the generally available water system can answer this question affirmatively except of course if he has devised a method to purify his water supply.

The United States Drinking Water Act provides for the issuance of reports on the quality of water in a certain area every year. The report must be provided to all consumers. These repor...

water filter, purifier,

Are you a hundred percent sure that the water you drink is potable and safe and does not contain harmful substances? No one who uses water from the generally available water system can answer this question affirmatively except of course if he has devised a method to purify his water supply.

The United States Drinking Water Act provides for the issuance of reports on the quality of water in a certain area every year. The report must be provided to all consumers. These reports can be helpful in determining the current status of an areas water system. However, most cities actually comply with the federal rules on water safety so nothing much can be gleamed form that report. While there is a low level of carcinogen in drinking water, experts believe that there may be a link to the low carcinogen level in water to the increasing number of people getting cancer.

Fear of the quality and contents of water being distributed by their own water systems has led to the growth of businesses related to water treatment


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Why use tanning equipment

Why use tanning equipment?

Article that tells you why you should use tanning equipment and what implications it could have on your skin.

skin tanning equipment skin cancer safety health tanning safety

Most everyone wants to have a great tan, making them look like the live basking in the sun. The trouble with that is the damage that the sun can do to your body. There are many different products and ways out on the market today that will let you get a tan without having to spend hours baking in the sun.

There is the ever popular tanning beds that are used greatly. While they can still do damage to ones skin, your exposure time is much less and there are a great deal of products on the market to help protect you from the harmful rays. If you are tanning in a tanning bed then you will most likely use the goggles that tanning salons provide to help protect your eyes. There are also tanning accelerators as well as sunscreens to help you tan faster or to protect areas that you do not want to get tan.

Tanning salons also offer tans that can be sprayed onto the body while you stand in a cylinder like container. They guarantee to give you complete coverage without having tan lines or any areas that are over sprayed or uneven. This type of tanning will have to be kept up as it will only last so long. You can also use self tanning products that you can buy directly from drug stores. Be sure to follow the directions carefully as it has been known that people that misuse these products tend to get an orange tint to their skin.

If you are going to use the tanning beds than you want to be sure to stick with a set time limit as over exposure can be harmful as well as painful causing a burn. When tanning in a tanning bed the goggles are very important so be sure that the goggles fit nice and snug to your eyes and that you have your own or the salon sterilizes the ones that they keep for their patrons to use to avoid eye infections.

If you will be tanning outdoors be sure to use sun screen to help avoid damage to your skin. You will need to reapply the lotions often especially if you are swimming or sweating while being out in the sun. Be sure to check with your doctor as there are some medications that make people more sensitive to the sun and that can make them burn more easily from the suns rays and even the rays in a tanning bed.

Tanning doesnt have to be taboo if you use caution and stay up to date on the tanning products that are on the market. Do not over expose your skin to the suns harmful rays to avoid damage to your skin. Keep in mind that you will need to reapply sun screen frequently to keep your protection levels up where they need to be.


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Why use solar power. some great reasons

Why Use Solar Power. Some Great Reasons

Everything that people need to live was put on this planet for our use. Some of the things that were put here have been used productively while others are used with the appearance of productivity.

solar panels

Water runs dark, trees are dying and the air we breathe gets thicker and thinker by the moment. There are several solutions to these problems, but oddly, the source that got the whole thing going may actually be the answer to solving the poor choices made for the planet. Solar power got the entire process going and may be the solution to getting it back on track.

In its intentional use, solar power gave us heat and light. As evolution worked its magic solar power was not an alternative source of power, it was �the- source of power as it warmed the earth and moved the air. Now, our �modern� technology has evolved to a point where we can once again use solar power to warm and move our air. But why should we use solar power when the same planet that gave us the sun gave us the coal to accomplish the same task? There are many reasons, and most of them are of the kind that people can identify with; they are self serving and entirely hedonistic.

Solar leads to cost savings

All one has to do these days is open up an electric and heat bill to see how much it costs to heat and light your home. Solar power is a great way to just about eliminate the costs associated with lighting and heating your home. For those that are using solar powered heating and lighting equipment today there is little if any cost associated with heating and lighting their homes. Yes, there is an up-front cost to installing these units but pay back times through cost savings and tax credits are getting shorter and shorter due to better technology and awareness. These current users report that they actually make money from using solar power systems just by paying a little closer attention to how they use the power that they have. For the most part, they indicate that a 30 second glance at back-up batteries for piece of mind is all the extra time required to start saving money.

Money maker

Some may say that piece of mind doesn't go very far when it comes to a series of cloudy days. Batteries, they say, can run out or get low. From all reports, however, cloudy day issues, in a majority of the world�s climates, are not an issue. In fact, a majority of users find that they have an excess of electricity that ends up just going to waste. Or so most people- once - thought. Although the entire US is not quite there yet most sates require that utilities buy back excess power generated from those desiring to remain on the power grid. Although it may sound a bit odd, solar power users find that their electric meters actually run backward quite a bit of the time when solar power systems are in use. God forbid there were a few weeks of nothing but clouds and cold, but if there are the owner is free to use the power that they sold back to the utility. Past the home front, add a water wheel and a wind mill and you have a nice little income generator with the electric utility paying you.

Off the grid

There is a certain segment of the population that just does not want to be connected to the �grid�, as the power and information society calls it. For these people solar power is a great option. Solar units are fairly low cost and getting lower cost every day. They can also withstand a 1� hailstone traveling at 50mph. For survivalists or even for a farmer that needs to irrigate his crops in the middle of nowhere, solar is the way to go.

Develop a new technology

Man at his basic is a curious being. What if? Is always being thought about whether it�s just a casual thought during the day or figuring out how to get to Mars. Advancing technology is just who man is. Using solar may satisfy our current environmental issues but it also satisfies our intellectual needs. If solar power isn�t used it won�t advance and our need to know won�t be satisfied. Intellectually, solar is a great idea.

Leave the world a better place

Throughout time man has found a way to screw up the planet in one way or another. Most of the time, man has screwed up because of ignorance or with good intentions. Using solar, at the moment, appears to be one of those good intentions. It may end up being a bad thing 200 years down the road, but for now, it may be one of the only ways to leave the world a little better then when we got here.


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Why use search engine optimization

Why Use Search Engine Optimization?

If you are newer to the concept of SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. However if you have been running a website for a while you have probably noticed the necessity for this practice which is essentially the fine art of making your website easier to find for people searching it using niche language.

home business,work at home,home based business,online business,affiliate,affiliate program,affiliate marketing,internet marketing,work from home,internet business

If you are newer to the concept of SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. However if you have been running a website for a while you have probably noticed the necessity for this practice which is essentially the fine art of making your website easier to find for people searching it using niche language.

Niche language simply means using terms and phrases in your website or blog copy that are most commonly used by people when they type what they are looking for into a search engine. These phrases are also noted and collected by the search engine bots and spiders that belong to the search engines. The more friendly the copy in your web site is to the search engine spiders, the more likely people are to find you (which of course increases your sales.) In addition, the more hits you get from people searching for your products or services the higher your web site will be indexed on the search engine pages.

Remember how web pages work! It is basically one big popularity contest. Essentially the more hits you have, the higher your ranking is in the search engines. This leads to more business and more hits and a website that is the equivalent of a wealthy rising cyber star!

To use a metaphor lets say that the launching of your web site is like a launch party. Launching a website without any type of SEO is like throwing a party and forgetting to invite people.

Or you can also compare it to a party where the invitations are sent out in a language that is not recognized by the guests.
Launching your website should be an exciting event. The reasons events (and the launches of new web sites) often fail is because:

1. You fail to list your website's URL properly in search engines or when you completely ignore the section in URL submission sites that ask you to fill out keywords.

2.Your customers can't find the party. This can happen when you decide to go the cheap route and opt for a free hosted domain instead of your own domain name. This is a case where customers cant find your address. A good example is the person who opts for a split domain, which very often leads a visitor to your hosts site and not to yours. The free and sites are notorious examples of free websites that offer split domain names for nothing.

3. They have found your website address but are greeted with 404 message that that informs you that a site has mysteriously disappeared or been removed. This can also happen because you opted for a free domain name or a host with limited bandwidth.

In a nutshell, Search Engine Optimization is the process of making your web site as identifiable as possible to both people and search engines. If this sounds like it might be difficult and schizophrenic thing to accomplish it is.
This is because having a people-friendly web site is not the same as having a search engine friendly web site. A search engine friendly web site is one that appeals to tiny robots called spiders that search the World Wide Web for your site every time some one types in a search for information. The idea is to have copy on your website that is a combination of both.

The intention of SEO copywriting is to elevate your site's ranking in the search engines by including what are called targeted keywords and keyword descriptions right in the body of the text. These keywords are obtained by finding out how people phrase their requests when they input a request into the search engines.

Most people obtain their keywords by doing a bit of market research. The keyword content is located by using a keyword search tool such as the Overture keyword search tool. Once the top ten to twenty most-searched-for keywords are found, articles are then created around each of these key phrases and posted to the web site. Each of these new search engine optimized articles creates new pages or the search engines to spider when people type in those key phrases during a search. So in essence the search engine optimized article is mainly a way to increase sales or membership conversions by increasing your visibility in the search engines.
Being savvy about seo is not rocket science. However it does means knowing a bit about html and keyword optimization. It entails knowing how to phrase things so that computers understand the language of what it is you are trying to convey or sell when you submit your site to the search engines.
Practicing effective SEO techniques can involve using simple market research skills but it is not as technical as it sounds. Some of the best marketers in fact would say that to some extent it also involves using your intuition to second-guess what your customers might be looking for every time they use a search engine such as Google or Yahoo to search for a product.
In this e-book we are going to take you through the basics of how to create a search engine friendly site including how to create a search engine friendly web-page, (or blog page) how to submit your URL to the search engines and how to optimize your site using search engine friendly content.
The reason it is so important for you to know how to talk to robots is because it is an aspect of web site and e commerce marketing that is vital to the branding and marketing of your product or service. By doing just a few simple things, you can give your web site an edge over the competitions by making your business recognizable to both spiders and potential visitors alike.


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Why use resell rights to build online credibility

Why Use Resell Rights to Build Online Credibility?

According to the internet marketing Dictionary, resale or resell rights are: A right to resell a product. On the Internet this is often seen with E-books. You buy an E-book, and you get rights to sell the E-book and keep all of the money yourself.

Of course, the buyer doesnt have to SELL the E-book, he or she can also give the E-book away if they would like to. His or her customer either buys or is given valuable information by him. In either case the buyers credibility is increased in the eyes of his customer as is the credibility of the original seller of the E-book because the producers name and information will still appear in the resource box.

The view from the seller of an E-book with resale rights attached is for an even greater credibility boost. Although he will not be making any money from subsequent sales of the E-book he is gaining access to markets that he would never have access to any other way.

The seller of an E-book with resell rights is gaining visibility in his chosen niche or sub niche market and, as we all know, visibility equals credibility in the internet marketing arena.

Sometimes the very savvy new Internet marketer will offer an E-book with resale rights to certain individuals that he believes can help him along the way for free. That is... he wont make anything at all from the E-book... at least not in bankable income. What he will make cant be measured in dollars and cents because you cant put a price tag on credibility. It is an invaluable commodity in the world of Internet marketing.

Sometimes you can gain more by giving away something of real value in order to get something that is even more valuable... in this case... credibility.


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Why use lead management software

Why Use Lead Management Software?

Having a popular website, or popular company of any type, is entirely dependant on sales. Effective sales at that. Maintaining a healthy profit is key to the long-term survival of your web site or business and this means knowing the difference between your effective sales leads and your ineffective sales leads.

lead management, lead management software, lead software

Having a popular website, or popular company of any type, is entirely dependant on sales. Effective sales at that. Maintaining a healthy profit is key to the long-term survival of your web site or business and this means knowing the difference between your effective sales leads and your ineffective sales leads.

Small Business Owner

Lead management software is perfect for the small business owner or webmaster of a website. You may have numerous different affiliate links and many different salespeople. Sometimes it can be very difficult to manage your prospective clients. By using lead management software you can keep track of your sales force or each of your affiliates.


Perhaps you are a salesperson or sales executive responsible for selling goods or products for one or many companies. Lead management software can provide a similar service for you too. By essentially managing the tracking of your sales, lead management softwa


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Membuat Efek Daun Berguguran

Anda Yang Suka Browsing mungkin pernah lihat Blog-Blog tentang daun berguguran di layar. mungkin bagi yang mau mencoba. bisa anda ikuti cara yang saya ajarkan ini.

membuat efek daun berguguran

  1. Log In di blog anda sendiri
  2. Masuk Dasbor
  3. Kemudian Masuk Ke rancangan atau tata letak
  4. Tambah Gadget atau add gadget
  5. tambahkan widget HTML/javasript
  6. kemudian copy-paste Java script  ini

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"/>
  7.  dan simpan
anda bisa mencobanya sendiri, tapi kalau tidak suka. anda tinggal hapus lagi saja javascriptnya

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Membuat Daftar Isi Blog Otomatis
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mungkin ini akan bermanfaat bagi temen-temen yang sedang belajar untuk memulai membuat blog. salah satu yang penting di antaranya adalah bagaiman membuat Daftar Isi Otomatis Di BLog.

Hari Ini saya akan menuliska mengenai cara membuat Daftar Isi otomatis Di blog. Daftar Isi ini bekerja berdasarkan Label yang kita buat di saat kita membuat Post atau Entri Baru. Semua Post yang memiliki Label Sama akan dikumpulkan sehingga Blog anda akan lebih teratur.
Kurang lebih nanti tampilanya akan seperti ini :
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DAFTAR ISI (Tanpa Scroll)
Baik, langsung saja ya kawan. Kurang lebih seperti inilah cara membuatnya. cukup dengan membuat entri baru lalu copi paste script berikut ini.

Dengan Scroll
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<div style="background-color: none; border: 1px solid #000000; height: 500px; margin: auto; overflow: auto; padding: 3px; text-align: left; width: 100%;">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script></div>
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Tanpa Scroll

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<script src=""></script><script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Buat Daftar Isi Otomatis</span></a></div>

Berikutnya, kamu cukup perlu mengganti tulisan berwarna merah dengan URL blog yang kamu miliki

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Cara memasang Musik  di Blog
Cara membuat Daftar Isi Blog secara otomatis dengan sistem Tanggal
Membuat Efek Daun Berguguran
Cara Membuat Pesan Teks Di Blog Senatiasa Berubah Tiap Hari
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why use dual action cleanse

Why use dual action cleanse?

This article contain info on the healthcare product Dual action cleanse, and what it can do for our skin.

Dual action cleanse

By Flemming Andersen

Everyone will get a build up of toxins in their bodies and these things must be released so that we are feeling better and healthier. Dual action cleanse is a natural and effective source to clean the colon. It will improve the health of the vital organs and will remove the waste that can build up in our bodies over time. There will be no more bloating and feeling of disgust for our body. The dual action cleanse will get rid of the impurities and give us in return more energy for a better way of life.

When we use dual action cleanse, we will have a better appearance and have a better way of looking and feeling. We will want to go out more and have so much more energy when we use the dual action cleanse. This is a great way to get back our health as well as create a new sense of living with our appearance. We will want to look and dress better as well as try new things.

There is nothing else that will cleanse the body like the dual action cleanse. This will start cleaning the


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Why use directory submissions

Why Use Directory Submissions

Directory submissions are an important way to make website links popular and to get top ranking in search engine result pages. You can find many directories on the internet, everything from general to specific that have their own link submission process. Before doing your directory submissions it is important that you have appropriate key phrases and rich text that can accurately describe your website. Then you can select the right category for your website and submit it. Whi...



Directory submissions are an important way to make website links popular and to get top ranking in search engine result pages. You can find many directories on the internet, everything from general to specific that have their own link submission process. Before doing your directory submissions it is important that you have appropriate key phrases and rich text that can accurately describe your website. Then you can select the right category for your website and submit it. While directory submissions will require some extra work to optimize your page they are well worth your patience. For the little extra effort you put into directory submissions you will improve your search engine ranking.

Directory submissions is a concept that has grown in popularity and in recent years has becoming really important. If you have a website you are constantly looking to increase the amount of traffic that it receives and the website submission rank with search engines. To calculate where a website appears based on certain keywords a search engine will use a formula. One of the factors that determines the websites ranking is the number of back links on the website.

Basically a back link is links given to the website owner by directory submissions. These are any link that comes from another website to the owners website. You can find hundreds of back links even on a small website. There are many ways to attain back links, but the easiest way you can get them is through directory submissions. These back links will then help drive traffic to your website and improve your status in the search engines.

Best of all directory submissions are easy to use and free. Although there are paid options available for submitting, the free services work just as well. The only main difference is that the paid options will allow for the benefits of better placement which means more click-through visitors from the directory to your website. Both the free and paid directory submissions have the advantage of offering the owners the ability to increase their number of back links.

Tips For Submitting To Website Directories

When you are adding your website to directory submissions there are a few tips that can help you improve your chances of getting your website seen by more people. Namely you need to submit your link to the right category that is specifically related to your website and its purpose. The category should be related to your business and industry, but since there are many options available you need to pick the one that is as close to your business purpose as possible.

Just keep in mind that if you are not paying for you directory submissions then your link will have less priority over the paid listings. The directory owner will give first preference to those that are paid members when it comes to the per data available for a certain search. However, there is the chance that you can get a good listing in the search results with a free service especially if there are no paid members for a particular search. Then there is the patience aspect since some directory submissions can take up to several months to get into the search engine. The total time it takes will depend on the search engine or the directory that you are submitting to. Some search engines may index a sight right away while others can take a week or longer.

It is important that you keep a log of all your submission details for a specific website. Write down the name of the directory you submit to and the date of web submission. This way you wont waste your time submitting to the same directory more than once. Then when you find your link listed in the directory you can check it off your log and move on to the next directory submission.


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Why use contact forms

Why Use Contact Forms?

For an easy communication form, individuals and businesses, use contact forms for their guests. This gives all visitors a way to communicate with your business or with you, regarding all kind of things from questions about products to ordering your products and services. Many contact forms can also be used to gather information for survey questions, polling visitors on various topics, or allowing visitors to join your newsletter.

When companies post their email addresses o...

contact form, html form, feedback form, contact forms, html forms

For an easy communication form, individuals and businesses, use contact forms for their guests. This gives all visitors a way to communicate with your business or with you, regarding all kind of things from questions about products to ordering your products and services. Many contact forms can also be used to gather information for survey questions, polling visitors on various topics, or allowing visitors to join your newsletter.

When companies post their email addresses on their websites, it opens the door for spammers to send you all kind of emails that you, more than likely, do not wish to receive, this can include advertisements, pornography, and other similar material. Running a business weeding, through all the spam emails, to find the ones you really need or wish to read can be a time consuming chore. On the other hand, if you use a contact form, your email is hidden from the human eye. Of course, this does not mean that you will never receive spam, but with the newest technologies available with our contact forms you will not receive as much as some.

There are such things, out there, called email harvesters and bots that can retrieve your email by visiting your website and seeing the posted address. Other bots can retrieve email addresses even behind the scenes. There are even some bots that can write in the fields you have on your form to send you spam submissions. With our contact forms you will have an advantage as we have a hidden anti-spam form field that the human eye cannot see. The robot, of course, will see this field and fill it in. When this occurs, the submitted content will automatically be discarded as spam.

Using contact forms is a better way to protect, not only your email address, but also personal information that might be included on the contact form by your visitors. You will be protecting not only yourself and your business, but all that wish to correspond with you through the contact form. Bots will not be able to retrieve any of the information supplied by yourself or by your visitors.

With contact forms on your website you will be able to give your visitors the ability to communicate safely and effectively through a website form, thus giving them a more secure and reliable communication system. With this in place, you will see an increase in community interaction and comments for your surveys and polls.

Using our contact forms is so easy; you do not need to know html or any technical knowledge, you can work on any web server. Our wizard will guide you through the process step by step, so you can create the exact contact form while including all the questions you may need without any hassles of learning a computer language. All you have to do is fill in the information, copy the code that is generated, and then paste the code onto the appropriate page of your website.


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Why use article marketing to promote your business

Why Use article marketing To Promote Your Business

Everyone knows what an article is, but how does an article help you promote your business? Here are seven reasons to write articles and use them to promote your business and get more clients online:

affiliate marketing

Everyone knows what an article is, but how does an article help you promote your business? Here are seven reasons to write articles and use them to promote your business and get more clients online:

1. Promote Your Expertise Online. Writing articles really helps to further establish your expertise online. One thing that all experts have in common is that they have written something articles, books, reports, etc. Writing articles is your first step to becoming a well-known expert in your field.

2. Get More Newsletter Subscribers. To increase the number of your newsletter subscribers, use the Resource Box of your articles to drive more traffic to your newsletter subscription page.

3. Reach More Potential Customers. When you submit your articles to article directories, they may be re-printed by other business owners in their blogs, newsletters and web sites. Many people will see your articles, thus, exposing you and your business to more potential customers.

4. Get More One-Way Links to Your Web Site. S


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Why use air purifiers in your home

Why Use Air Purifiers In Your Home?

Living in the suburbs can be comfortable and classy for most people but it can never compare to country living where there is plenty of fresh air. Most people who are city bred are more exposed to airborne diseases compared to those who live in the country.

There are people who would rather breathe the clean country air, although their lifestyles and careers prevent them from doing so. There are however plenty of ways and means to remedy this and to create a semblance of c...

air purifiers

Living in the suburbs can be comfortable and classy for most people but it can never compare to country living where there is plenty of fresh air. Most people who are city bred are more exposed to airborne diseases compared to those who live in the country.

There are people who would rather breathe the clean country air, although their lifestyles and careers prevent them from doing so. There are however plenty of ways and means to remedy this and to create a semblance of country living,

One such common remedy to imitate clean air is to use home purifiers and air cleaners in the comfort of ones home. Home air purifiers generally improve the quality of air you breathe as it removes substances like cigarette smoke, allergens, bacteria, chemical vapors and other irritants that can cause asthma and other chronic diseases.

People who can afford the cost of installing a central home purifier should do so because it can offer healthy living op


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Why use affiliate programs

Why Use Affiliate Programs?

How can we look for the right business in this industry where there exists a world of different opportunities? It is possible, but you need a lot of reading and research to develop a sound and reliable online business strategy. Some give up before they actually started. Why? Because the amount of effort required is sometimes too heavy to carry. So, what is one easy way to make money online without having to think how to make it work? Its the great idea of using an affi...

Affilate Program, Affilate Income, Internet Marketing, Zerolist Marketing, Secret Newbie Weapon

How can we look for the right business in this industry where there exists a world of different opportunities? It is possible, but you need a lot of reading and research to develop a sound and reliable online business strategy. Some give up before they actually started. Why? Because the amount of effort required is sometimes too heavy to carry. So, what is one easy way to make money online without having to think how to make it work? Its the great idea of using an affiliate program.

Consider if you have been in business online for a while, or if youre just getting started, one critical component to build sales is to generate traffic for your site. affiliate programs group together merchants and non-merchants alike, with the common goal to generate traffic. How does it work? Well, as a merchant, you join an affiliate program, and when others join and advertise your site in some way on their site, you get leads from them and you pay them for it. The beauty about affiliate program is that they are pay-for-performance, that means, you dont pay unless a lead is materialized and a sale is generated from that affiliate.

Even if you are in a non-merchant business, you can also share the advantages to joining an affiliate program. To begin, provide your visitors with links to the merchant. When more people visit your site, and click on the links to the merchant, you get paid for the number of leads or sales generated by your efforts. To increase this traffic, you can get others to advertise your site. Of course, you will have to pay for the leads generated, but think of the benefits of the added traffic to your site, they usually outweigh the costs.

Last but not least, to all online businesses, affiliate programs are relatively easy to manage, and they are economical solutions to making money. They are less costly, and you need lesser work to join an affiliate program, compared to managing your own list of affiliates. Besides, affiliate programs usually have huge member size, so you stand to tap a far wider range of the market. It is not easy to achieve all this on your own.

So, why wait? Use an affiliate program now.


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Why use a realtor

Why Use a Realtor?

One of the major trends in real estate currently is people attempting to sell their homes via the process known as FSBO. Usually this is because of the idea that they will save thousands of dollars in commissions. Unfortunately this is really not the case. What is left out of these advertisements for FSBO is the fact that those thousands of saved commission dollars are usually used up and exceeded by completing the tasks that are seen to by a realtor.

FSBO vs Realtor, Why use a realtor, for sale By Owner Information, Realtor Info, Scottsdale Arizona Real Estate, Choice Group Realty

One of the major trends in real estate currently is people attempting to sell their homes via the process known as FSBO. Usually this is because of the idea that they will save thousands of dollars in commissions. Unfortunately this is really not the case. What is left out of these advertisements for FSBO is the fact that those thousands of saved commission dollars are usually used up and exceeded by completing the tasks that are seen to by a realtor. A realtor is a professional home seller. ask yourself this: if you needed to have a cavity filled would you go see an electrician? No? Then why would you allow a non-professional to sell your most valuable asset?

Realtors provide services that are not only designed to ease your home sale but services that are designed to specifically protect your investment. One of the most valuable things that a real estate agent can provide is marketing. Unlike selling by yourself, a realtor has access to a huge variety of advertising mediums. Typically the front lines of which is an already established web presence. In addition to listing your home on the local MLS, an agent will have a personal site that is designed to showcase their listings. This is where most homes for sale are first viewed by prospective buyers. Additional marketing is usually done through newspapers and other print media as well as a variety of flyers and info sheets that are available 24/7.

Another aspect of home marketing where a realtors comes in handy is in the relationships they retain with other real estate professionals. A realtor will put much effort into marketing a home to other local realtors in order to best reach the buying market. Home selling is really all about positive exposure for the home in question and only a realtor can provide that degree of exposure. There is a reason that a large percentage of FSBO's eventually end up listing with a realtor in order to get the coverage and price they deserve.


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Why use a hotel wedding co

Why Use a Hotel Wedding Co-ordinator for Your Jamaican Wedding?

Getting married in Jamaica isnt that complicated, so why should you consider paying for the hotel wedding co-coordinator to do what you can just as easily yourself? Well there are a few reasons for this, and the first one is to do with stress. Getting married at home is stressful enough, even once the arrangements are made, and you know the system. Getting married in a country where you dont know the rules, and only have a few guidebooks to help, can put undue pressure on what could otherwise be a relaxing wonderful day.

Your hotel wedding co-coordinator should be familiar with all of the protocol surrounding getting married in Jamaica. You should have contact with them prior to your arrival in Jamaica, and all of the necessary paperwork should have been discussed and assembled. If you dont have prior contact, there could be problems later that could have been avoided if you had spoken to them on the telephone or via email before you left the US.

Talk through what arrangements youd like to have. When youd like to have the wedding, what venue options there are, whether youd like to have a bridal bouquet of local flowers, do you need to hire a dress, how many guests will you have and will you require a meal to be provided for them? A wedding co-coordinator should be able to handle all of this so that all you need to do is turn up on the day, and upon production of the relevant paperwork be able to show you where to obtain your license to get married. If anything goes wrong with the arrangements, even on the wedding day itself, your wedding co-coordinator should be the person that deals with the stress of sorting it out so that your day is stress-free.

Even if all you want to do is get married barefoot on the beach, its still worth hiring the wedding co-coordinator simply because they know their local system, and they know how to get around it if they need to! When youre hiring the wedding co-coordinator however, make sure first that they are experienced in their job, and that they have handled many other weddings in that location everyone has to learn somewhere, but you dont want them learning with your wedding plans!


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Why use a heart rate monitor watch

Why use a heart rate monitor watch?

Polar heart monitor watches are one of the best tools to can have to make loosing weight and getting fit easier.

Polar heart monitor, polar f11, polar f6

Think of the heart rate monitor watch as a tool that gives you a sneak peak at what your heart is doing. It's great for athletes that want to push their workouts to the breaking point but not exceed it. It's also a great tool for those who are not athletes and are not as in tune with their bodies.

Your heart is the most important muscle in your body. It is in circulates blood from your lungs to the lower parts of your body. By monitoring your heart rate you can reduce the chance of injury from over training and know you are getting a great workout by staying in the target "zone".

Heart rate monitors can drastically increase your workouts. These devices can give you accurate gauge of how hard you are working during your workout. Your heart rate should increase as you exercise harder. With this detailed information you can tell if you are over training or slacking off.

By tracking your progress you will become more aware of external factors such as signaling a cold. If you are unable to get your heart rate to maximums that your used to or your resting heart rate is too high then it is a good possibility that you are getting sick.

For most people exercise is a difficult thing to make part of their daily lives. It just makes sense to add a simple tool in the form of a heart rate monitor watch that can help keep you on track and make improvements you might have thought impossible. Prices have dropped dramatically on these devices in the last few years so you should be able to pick one up for under $100.00 dollars.


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Why use a dedicated server

Why Use A Dedicated Server?

Why use a dedicated server? There are many reasons why you should choose to use a dedicated server. The most important reason is that you have full control of the server and no longer have to share space and bandwidth with other websites.

There are so many options to start an internet based business. According to a study done by UCLA, nearly 90 percent of Americans have access to the internet. In addition to business websites, people are using free internet servers to make their own internet pages.

There is a vast difference between an internet website and a web page. Most sites offer customers a free internet page. You can post photos of yourself and your family members and keep in touch with your friends across the internet. These pages are hosted by a server that may or may not put mandatory ads on your web page.

You can also find a web host server that will give you space for a free website. This can also be a good idea for a small website that is mostly used for social purposes. Some people use such websites as an online resume of sorts.

Online businesses, however usually want to have a lot of perks such as databases that allow forums and shopping carts so that customers can keep coming back. Databases take a lot of space. A free server will not be able to handle such a request; there would not be enough space. These businesses often, when they start out, seek a paid internet server to host their site. They pay a monthly or yearly fee and get assistance with the server operator when needed.

This can work well for small businesses. However, if a business really starts to grow, it makes more sense for it to host their own website. In essence, a dedicated website is a way to host your own website and your website only. The server is dedicated only to you and your online business.

How does this help you? For one thing, since you no longer have to share space with other users on the shared server, you have more space for your own website. You can add more pages and options for your customers.

You will also be able to use as much bandwidth as needed without sharing with other websites. The bandwidth of a server is what allows the traffic to the website. If too many people are trying to access several websites at once and the server cannot handle it, they may be turned away. No one with a serious internet business wants to turn away customers.

Although dedicated servers cost substantially more money than shared servers, they are a wise choice for growing internet business. In most cases you can save money by not only improving the options on your website, but allowing easier access for your customers so that they will not be turned away, therefore, making you more profits in your internet website business. A dedicated server is the only way a large internet business can grow.


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Why unique article versions are paramount to your success

Why Unique Article Versions Are Paramount To Your Success!

If you have been involved in article marketing for some time or are maybe a newbie to this strategy, you probably have heard about the remarkable tool 'article submission software'.

Website owners from around the world use article submission software to submit articles to numerous article directories, websites, ezines, and newsletters. The problem is they submit the exact same article to hundreds or even thousands of the aforementioned sources. This is 'submission suicide'...

article submission software, article submission, article marketing

If you have been involved in article marketing for some time or are maybe a newbie to this strategy, you probably have heard about the remarkable tool 'article submission software'.

Website owners from around the world use article submission software to submit articles to numerous article directories, websites, ezines, and newsletters. The problem is they submit the exact same article to hundreds or even thousands of the aforementioned sources. This is 'submission suicide' and absolutely must be avoided in order for you to obtain monumental success through article submissions.

There is a dreaded little term out there in the Internet community known as the "duplicate content" penalty or also known as the "duplicate content" filter. It is very real and duplicate content article versions will damage your site rankings, back links, and traffic. With today's technologies, major search engine programmers and a few of the large article directory sites are backed by sophisticated software that can easily identify duplicate content. By using numerous metrics, they can evaluate Websites and pages of content to filter out an article that has been submitted to multiple sites. When Google sees an article with too much duplication, it centers it's attention to the articles that have been archived the longest and rids the excessive duplicate articles into a supplemental directory.

So, now after enlightening you a bit on duplicate article submissions, let me ask you a few questions...

1. Would a person researching a subject want to find the exact same article listed hundreds of times through their search results?

2. Would many of the article directories, Website article publishers, ezine publishers, and newsletter publishers want to have the exact same article posted on their sites?

This would obviously not be favorable. It's not reasonable to have the exact same article on hundreds or thousands of sites. Duplicate articles will be weeded out within a matter of a month or two. Hence, why waste your time if your ultimate goal is to drive more traffic to your site, generate more back links, and drive higher search engine rankings. Website promotion must have maximum impact in order to sustain your Internet existence. article submission or article marketing is a powerful strategy towards your Website promotion and paramount to your Internet success.

There is only one way to overcome this "duplicate content" penalty and that is through unique article version submissions. Your probably thinking, "How am I going to sit and write hundreds of different article versions to submit?" It would take me a lifetime! Answer: article submission Software that submits a unique article version to directories, publishers, ezines and newsletters. Unfortunately, there are not many out there. Most of the article submission software available today submits the exact same article, but there is unique article submission software I can highly recommend called "Article Pro Software". Just for your reference, there is also another type of software available known as "article spinners". Unfortunately, these spinners generate an artic

In summary, remember it's not how many of the exact same articles you submit which makes the difference in your success, but it's the number of unique article versions submitted which will reign victory through your article submission campaigns.


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Why try factoring

Why Try Factoring?

When you engage in factoring or selling your accounts receivable, you're accepting less money for an asset than you might expect to get for it. But there are great reasons for factoring and here are 10 of them:

1. The ready cash you'll get by factoring will help your company to grow. If you have $2000 ready cash in the bank, but you've invoiced for $100,000 down the line this will lead to $75,000. Think about it: the ability to hire more necessary staff, buy needed equipme...

Factoring Services,Invoice Factoring,Invoice Discounting,Factoring,Accounts Receivable Factoring

When you engage in factoring or selling your accounts receivable, you're accepting less money for an asset than you might expect to get for it. But there are great reasons for factoring and here are 10 of them:

1. The ready cash you'll get by factoring will help your company to grow. If you have $2000 ready cash in the bank, but you've invoiced for $100,000 down the line this will lead to $75,000. Think about it: the ability to hire more necessary staff, buy needed equipment, and have stock on hand could make a real difference to your business.

2. Ready cash can help you pay your suppliers sooner, helping you negotiate discounts and have a larger credit line than you had before.

3. Factoring your current invoices gives you the capital to take on large, deadline-oriented contracts and orders that you'd otherwise have to pass up because of slow cash flow.

4. Those large accounts are worth money. Having cash on hand now allows you to offer longer payment terms to the new large accounts.

5. Out of marketi


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Why training your dog could be the best thing you can do for your pet

Why Training Your Dog Could be the Best Thing You Can Do for Your Pet

Having a dog that has been properly trained will not only benefit you, but it could also be very beneficial to the life long happiness of your dog.

dog, dogs, puppy, puppies, animal, animals, cat, cats, pet, pets, pet food, dog food

Most dogs enjoy listening and are proud of the knowledge and skills they acquire. Untrained dogs are seldom as happy as trained ones, and lead much less interesting lives. Many dogs also get a sense of security from obedience and discipline, especially the more intelligent ones.

Every observant dog owner can see for himself that his dog gets greater satisfaction from the praise rewarding a well- executed command or good behavior than he does from the momentary excitement of disobeying, which is usually followed by the evident guilt feelings, (ears back and avoiding eye contact), even when he has not been punished.

Owners vary in their training talents just as dogs vary in their train ability. Some people are born animal trainers and accomplish remarkable results with little effort. But even the best trainers are seldom equally successful with every breed of dog. The training procedures that are highly successful with one type of dog may be totally ineffective with another.

A basic mental affinity, eve


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Why traffic exchanges suck

Why Traffic Exchanges Suck

The theory of a traffic exchange is great- you need traffic, they provide traffic. Signing up for a traffic exchange means you will be getting more traffic all right, but there is no guarantee that any of it will translate into sales. Traffic exchanges make no sales guarantees, and they dont much mention your actually making money after getting this new traffic. So why do people join them?

When signing up with a traffic exchange, you are agreeing to visit other sites in t...

traffic, exchanges, suck, network, browsing, guaranteed, vistors

The theory of a traffic exchange is great- you need traffic, they provide traffic. Signing up for a traffic exchange means you will be getting more traffic all right, but there is no guarantee that any of it will translate into sales. Traffic exchanges make no sales guarantees, and they dont much mention your actually making money after getting this new traffic. So why do people join them?

When signing up with a traffic exchange, you are agreeing to visit other sites in that exchange network. For doing this, you will then get traffic from other members directed to your own site. So, site owners are looking at your site, browsing around, they may see something they like and buy it. Or, they may think your site is a great idea and mention it on their own site. Of course, in reality, it never seems to quite work that way.

Large sites don't have much reason to join traffic exchanges and look at other people's sites like this. Small businesses with fairly new sites do. So guess who joins traffic exchanges? Any advertising you might get on a site from being seen on a traffic exchange is going to be on a small, low budget site, which likely won't bring much traffic your way even if it does happen.

In addition, many traffic exchange systems are set up on a cheesy automatic timer so that you don't have to spend too long looking at any one site in order to get in your quota. The time each site is given is usually less than a minute, giving you such in-depth exposure to those small, beginning websites. Just imagine the business that will come your way from all of that.

Think about your own reasons for wanting to join up with a traffic exchange. Is it to seek out new life and new civilizations? To boldly find new websites and buy lots of stuff from them? Heck no. People want to join because it is cheap, or free, and you don't have to spend much time looking at those other sites in order to bring traffic to your own. So how many of the other guys do you suppose join the exchange to buy things from other people?

Most traffic exchanges work on a credit system- you have to earn credits to get viewers to your site. You earn credits by looking at sites, then those credits are used to send viewers to yours. And the quota is usually not one to one. Sometimes you have to look at two or three sites in order to get one person directed to your site. So, members are going to try to look at as many sites as possible to get their own traffic numbers up. Seeing as many sites as possible, combined with the short times they have to view each site, it is pretty unlikely that any one site will stand out enough to ever return to. So, if you want untargeted traffic for no real reasons, traffic exchanges are terrific. Otherwise, traffic exchanges suck.


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Why trading the forex is a new trend

Why Trading The Forex Is A New Trend

The foreign exchange market, otherwise known as the forex, was first established in 1971. Despite being in existence for over 35 years, the forex just recently started to become a new and popular trend; a popular trend that many are hoping to become a part of.

Around the late 1990s, the forex market reached a critical point in its history. It was then that forex brokerage firms first opened to the general public. This opening gave everyone the opportunity to trade the for...

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The foreign exchange market, otherwise known as the forex, was first established in 1971. Despite being in existence for over 35 years, the forex just recently started to become a new and popular trend; a popular trend that many are hoping to become a part of.

Around the late 1990s, the forex market reached a critical point in its history. It was then that forex brokerage firms first opened to the general public. This opening gave everyone the opportunity to trade the forex. Before that point, the foreign exchange market was only for large financial institutions, corporations (particularly those that did business overseas) and central banks. Since the opening of forex brokerage firms to the public, a large number of individuals, from all walks of life, have started trading the forex. This alone has made trading the forex one of todays hottest trends.

In conjunction with brokerage firms opening to the general public, the low-cost of trading on the foreign exchange market is just another one of many reason why trading the forex market is a new trend, especially among those who never imagined themselves trading. Although brokerage firms and brokers vary, you will find that a large number of forex brokers, in the United States, do not charge transaction fees. These transaction fees are also commonly referred to as commissions. The forex also has minimal trading requirements. This not only means that you can trade as often as you would like to, but it also means that you can trade with much less money than you would in other markets. This is great for those who are interested in experimenting with the forex market without risking large amounts of capital.

Another reason why forex trading is considered a new trend is because of around-the-clock trading. The foreign exchange market has markets all around the world. For instance, markets can be found in London, the United States, and Hong Kong. Due to different time zones, the forex is open for trading twenty-four hours a day, five days a week. In the Untied States and all around the world, many individuals work a traditional nine to five job. A nine to five job makes it difficult, if not impossible, to trade the stock market. With around the clock trading, time isnt an issue with the forex. The ability to trade on your own schedule, whether it be early in the morning or late at night, is one of the many reasons why trading the forex market is being considered one of the hottest, new trends today.

Of course, the ability to make money or yield a profit is the greatest reason as to why trading the forex is a new trend. The foreign exchange market or the forex involves the exchange of foreign currencies. With leveraging floating exchange rates, the potential to yield a profit is high. As previously mentioned, the forex market has very small trading minimums. That is why many individuals decide to test the forex market waters. To their surprise, many are able to make a small profit. That small profit often leads to more trades and the opportunity to yield even large profits. While there are risks associated with trading the forex, as with the stock market, many of the risks can be mitigated as long as you and other traders know what you are doing.

Speaking of knowing what you are doing, forex training courses are another one of the many reasons why forex trading is a new trend. Forex training courses, although they come in a number of different formats, are designed to educate hopeful traders, like you. Many training courses, such as the training courses offered by, rely on different approaches or phases, such as online forex training, onsite forex training, and live market training. Extensive training courses, similar to the ones offered by, are ideal as they allow you to examine and explore trading the forex at your own pace. With most forex training courses at least twenty-hours long, there is more than enough time to adequately familiarize yourself with forex trading. This familiarization is what gives many hopefu

Since it is apparent to see that trading the forex is a new trend, are you capitalizing on that trend? If not, you are urged to examine trading the forex. After a close examination, you will not only see the many reasons as to why you should, but the many rewards of doing so.


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Why today is the right time to learn to speak spanish

Why Today Is The Right Time to learn To Speak Spanish

Learning a new language, or any new thing in general, is much easier today than it was in the past decades. Back then, if you want to learn how to speak Spanish, you need to enroll in a physical school. Presently, learning can be done anywhere the learner feels comfortable with. Because of the technological advancement, learning methods and set-ups have been significantly improved to meet the varying needs and demands of individual learners. And this same technological advancement resulted in the following situations, which altogether make learning Spanish today very timely:

1. Learning Spanish is more affordable.
You dont have to spend too much money when learning Spanish because you dont need to pay for special classes or hire a special tutor like before. Now, you have the option to buy a CD or software program, which wasnt available then, and learn the language without shelling out lots of money. This CD has everything you need to learn Spanish, but if you do find the need to gather supplemental learning aids, you can search the Internet for free lessons and guides.

2. Learning tools are available in various formats.
Books were the only reliable learning tools before. But thanks to technological innovations, learning tools are now in digital formats to make learning interesting. Audio and video lessons, for instance, are preferred by many Spanish learners. Compared to a book, these learning tools are more interactive, which makes them especially helpful in mastering pronunciation, where you need to learn the exact sound and inflection of a given word. With a book, you have to rely to the pronunciation guides, and unless you are supervised by a tutor, you might have troubles with reading them right. In audio and video lessons, however, you get to hear from a native Spanish speaker and learn the right pronunciation straightaway.

3. Learning can be online.
The Internet being a widely useful tool for learning Spanish is one of the many advantages of the present day. Presently, classes can be done through online tutorials and virtual classrooms. And this means three things: you dont need to commute or drive to a physical school, you get to study at the comforts of your own home, and you have extra time to allot to learning the language. The other good thing about online classes is that they require shorter time to finish, a plus factor for busy Spanish learners.

4. Learning can be done at your own pace.
The new approaches to learning Spanish allow you to study at your preferred time and therefore at your own pace. If you want to study past midnight, you can do so. If you like to do it very early in the morning while jogging, you can listen to your mp3 lessons. If you want to stop reading and resume at a later time, no problem. Learning is under your control. And in this case, there are no pressures to bug you, making the learning process more effective.

5. Learning is tailored for all ages.
The saying Age doesnt matter also applies in learning Spanish. Whatever your age, whatever your reason for learning, there are lessons and learning methods appropriate for you. There are those that help you with the basics and others that would introduce you to the advance Spanish language skill. The thing is, whatever stage you are in your language learning experience, there is always something that will enable you to learn to speak Spanish fluently.


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