Sunday, August 15, 2010

Using newsletters to jack up revenues

Using Newsletters to Jack Up Revenues

A main use of a newsletter is to distribute information to your readers about your site including product announcements, site updates, news and more. For business or affiliate web sites the newsletter becomes a tool to remind your visitors about your site in order to bring them back or make a sale. Returning visitors are more focused on what your site has to offer. Also, the more your visitors come back, the more chance they will have to make a purchase. With this in mind consider designing your site with an easy provision for the visitors to sign up for or leave a newsletter mailing list. You must also have provisions to easily send to your entire mailing list.


A main use of a newsletter is to distribute information to your readers about your site including product announcements, site updates, news and more. For business or affiliate web sites the newsletter becomes a tool to remind your visitors about your site in order to bring them back or make a sale. Returning visitors are more focused on what your site has to offer. Also, the more your visitors come back, the more chance they will have to make a purchase. With this in mind consider designing your site with an easy provision for the visitors to sign up for or leave a newsletter mailing list. You must also have provisions to easily send to your entire mailing list.

Email Broadcast Services and Software - What to Look For

You can let a third party mailing service handle the processing of your mail or you can purchase software to do it. A good web service company will manage the mailing list for subscription, unsubcription, bounced email and f


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