Sunday, August 15, 2010

Using rss to make money online

Using RSS To Make Money Online

You probably know that RSS stands for "Remote Site Syndication", but what does that really mean to you as a marketer and more importantly can you use RSS to make money online?

rss,remote site syndication,marketing,internet marketing

You probably know that RSS stands for "Remote Site Syndication", but what does that really mean to you as a marketer and more importantly can you use RSS to make money online?

As you keep reading you will learn to understand the benefits of using this recent technology in your internet marketing efforts to increase traffic and profits.

Plainly put, RSS feeds are printed in XML, a unique mark up dialect much like html. That means that they have mechanisms included that detect structures in a file. The structures identify the content and how that content will be displayed inside that file. RSS is what makes big newscast websites feasible: RSS documents are used to generate a data feed which will send headlines, links or virtually any other portion of information to a channel viewer application, regularly called a news reader.

These readers are subscribed to certain RSS feeds and constantly check them, alerting the user when any new information has been added to the RSS feed.
So, how can you u


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