Sunday, August 15, 2010

Using rss data to make more money

Using RSS Data To Make More Money

You nay have heard the term RSS, however didn't know exactly what it was or how to use it. Now you will learn how to use this technology to keep your websites "fresh."

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site

Summary. It also has been referred to as a "pull" technology rather than a "push" technology. And, in fact, this feature is what makes RSS so popular in terms of today's Internet usage.

It's probably hard to argue that anyone who uses the Internet t...

RSS feeds,using RSS for content,adsense revenue,monetize website

You nay have heard the term RSS, however didn't know exactly what it was or how to use it. Now you will learn how to use this technology to keep your websites "fresh."

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site

Summary. It also has been referred to as a "pull" technology rather than a "push" technology. And, in fact, this feature is what makes RSS so popular in terms of today's Internet usage.

It's probably hard to argue that anyone who uses the Internet today hasn't heard of spam. If they have an email inbox it is probably full of it.

Spam, for the uninitiated, is the receipt of unwanted emails from people whom you did not request to receive information. Spam represents the "push" technology. That is, people "push" their email message at your inbox, whether you have asked to receive the email or not.

And that aspect of "push" technology is what many have come to believe is the death of email. It's arguable that email will still be


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