Sunday, August 15, 2010

Using overture for keyword research

Using Overture For Keyword Research

Be careful when you do keyword research, or you might optimize based on bad information. Watch for these four problems.

keyword research,overture,keywords,optimization

Many of us who build websites get in the habit of using the Overture "Keyword Suggestion Tool" to do keyword research. It's convenient, and one of the few remaining such tools that is free. Be careful, though, because there are four problems you may run into with it.

1. Singular and plural forms are lumped together. I once optimized a site for "mountain hiking" based on the search traffic indicated by Overture. I later discovered that over half of that traffic was actually for "mountains hiking." Unfortunately, the search engines don't lump singulars and plurals, so those searchers didn't find their way to my site.

2. Alphabetizing. I hesitate to mention this, because it only seems to happen occasionally, but that makes it worse. Sometimes Overture alphabetizes search phrases. If you see "bag lightweight sleeping," you might guess that the searches are actually for "lightweight sleeping bag," but what about "hiking mountains?" That could reaso


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