Saturday, August 14, 2010

Keep a sharp mind with games

Keep a Sharp Mind with Games

How to keep your mind sharp by playing brain engaging puzzles.

mind games, mind exercise, memory exercise, mathematical puzzles

Have you ever forgotten where you put your car keys? Have you spent time searching for your sunglasses when they were perched on top of your head? Don't laugh. Even I have done that! Today's culture refers to these scenarios as "senior moments". While these senior moments can be quite entertaining they can also point to the possibility that your mind is not as focused as it could be.

Your mind can become "dull" if you have been out of school for awhile or engage in the same repetitive tasks each day. In other words, your brain is on cruise control when you should always strive to learn and stretch your mind. I have a grandmother that is 92 years old and is sharp as a tack. She keeps her mind sharp by continually learning new ideas, facts, and solving puzzles.

Many ask what activities they can do to keep their mind sharp. Online games and puzzles are perfect activities to sweep the cobwebs out of your brain. You need to


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