Friday, March 20, 2009

7 useful tips to improve your image

7 Useful tips to improve your image

Most of us like to look good and why not this is how we can attract the opposite sex. Very few are born with a natural look but that does not mean that others cant look good. There are certain things that need to be taken into consideration to improve your image.

tips to improve your image,imrove your image,skin care

Most of us like to look good and why not this is how we can attract the opposite sex. Very few are born with a natural look but that does not mean that others cant look good. There are certain things that need to be taken into consideration to improve your image.

7 Useful tips that can help you improve your image

1. You need to take good skin care: Good skin care is easy. Soap or lotion and moisturizing are the two main ways of improving the look of your skin. Our skin runs pat dry due to lack of water especially during the winter season. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday to moisturize your skin. Its very important to protect your skin from the harmful ultra violet ray of the sun. Pick a moisturizer with sun protection because sun damage is the main factor that ages skin.
2. Acne: One of the best ways to treat spots and acne treatments would be to use appropriate creams, soaps, cleansers and medications


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