Wednesday, March 18, 2009

7 no cost tips to market your business

7 No Cost Tips to Market Your Business


Marketing a business can be fun, exciting and creative. It can also be very frustrating and expensive if one doesnt know what outcome they are looking for or how to evaluate cost effective methods of marketing. Learn 7 cost effective strategies to market your product, service or business.

Marketing, Business

Marketing a business can be fun, exciting and creative. It can also be very frustrating and expensive if one doesnt know what outcome they are looking for or how to evaluate cost effective methods of marketing.

Over the years people have come to know me for my unique ability to develop low cost and no cost strategies to market and promote a business, product or service. Strategies that have realized incredible returns.

Some of my successes have included:

- Before my last book was published I pre-sold over $8,000 in books
- Over 250 people registered for a recent seminar in less than 2 weeks and the cost to promote was under $25
- One company used my strategies for a career expo and made over $180,000 in consulting fees
- One speaker sold over $23,000 in product sales back of the room at a two hour seminar with strategies outlined in my program

I dont share this to impress anyone, rather to impress upon you when using the right strategies for your market, you can realize some incredible results.



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