Thursday, March 19, 2009

7 steps to take the stress out of homework

7 Steps to take the Stress out of Homework

Homework is a chore for most children and can cause stress for both child and parents. It can be very difficult for many children and adults to cope with the large amounts of homework today's teenagers receive. Here are 7 tips to help you take the stress out of homework.

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Homework is at best a chore for most children and, unless they are very committed, They find homework difficult, often because they are not motivated. Consider the following questions.

When your child does homework to what degree is he or she comfortable, focused and relaxed or is doing homework a battle and a struggle every night?

If so:

Do you have to give homework help regularly?

Have you spoken to his or her teachers?

Have you tried gentle pep talks?

Do you resort to harsh reprimands?

Rarely will any or these work in isolation and pep talks and reprimands are the last things you should use as they will simply build up resistence to school and homework.
The struggle with homework can, however, be eased by "re-programming" your childs attitude and approach to homework.

Here is a seven step approach to curing the homework struggle:

Step 1. Stop discussing doing homework with your child.

Instead discuss how he or she is approaching homework. As part of this solution guide your child to


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