Thursday, March 19, 2009

7 proven tips to stop snoring

7 Proven Tips To Stop Snoring

1. Honey, please roll over.

Sound familiar? If you snore, it probably does. The next time your husband or wife wakes you in the night and asks you to roll over, he/she may just be onto something.

Experts believe that individuals who sleep on their side, instead of their back, are less likely to snore. This is one of the best tips to stop snoring and, even better, its free and works immediately.

2. Elevation may help

If you sleep on one pillow, try using two in...

anti snoring, stop snoring, sleep apnea, snoring problem, snoring solution

1. Honey, please roll over.

Sound familiar? If you snore, it probably does. The next time your husband or wife wakes you in the night and asks you to roll over, he/she may just be onto something.

Experts believe that individuals who sleep on their side, instead of their back, are less likely to snore. This is one of the best tips to stop snoring and, even better, its free and works immediately.

2. Elevation may help

If you sleep on one pillow, try using two instead. By elevating your head, even a few inches, you may help to improve air passages and prevent snoring.

3. Diet & exercise.

Did you know that obesity is one of the leading causes of snoring? If you are overweight, it may be time to consider a well-balanced diet and exercise regimen. In addition to being one of the best tips to stop snoring, weight loss may help to avoid future medical problems.

4. Let the Sleep Genie grant your wish.

The Sleep Genie is an anti-snoring


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