Thursday, March 19, 2009

7 tips to naming your puppy

7 Tips to Naming Your Puppy

You'll use your puppy's name over 35,000 times in it's life. Here are seven tips to choosing a great name.

puppy, puppies, dog, puppy names

Youve picked out the perfect puppy. You spent hours on the internet, researching the right breed for you and your family. Then you went from breeder to breeder or humane society to humane society, meeting and greeting pups until you find just the right match.

Now what? He needs a name!

Over the course of its life, you will use your dogs name more than 35,000 times. So be sure youre picking a name you can live with and love.

With these seven simple steps, the key to finding the perfect puppy name is at your fingertips!
<li>Dogs understand short commands. Easy names with two or fewer syllables work well.
<li>Your puppys name shouldnt sound like any commands. Stacy and stay are too close for comfort. Such a name will only confuse the issue.
<li>Remember, youll be using your pups name in public. Stinky may be cute among your fellow fraternity members, but it wont go over well at the veterinarian.


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