Friday, March 20, 2009

7 ways to network your way out of a job and into a work at home career

7 Ways to Network Your Way Out Of a Job and Into a work at home Career


Do you think networking can only be used to find a new job? Not true. Networking is often an overlooked opportunity to find a way out of the rat race. If you want to look for a work at home career, connections can be a key to rapid success. Get the inside tips and discover 7 ways to network your way out of a job.

Work from home, work at home, home based income businesses, home based career

Everyday you can read articles about how people network and find another job. You can find countless numbers of books and articles on how to create relationships to find jobs that might not otherwise be known. But what about people who dont want to work?

I am not talking about a lazy person without any ambition. The person I am referring to is the unemployable, the serial entrepreneur or corporate refugee. If you are currently working in a job and what you want is not another job but to become a work at home entrepreneur networking can still be for you.

Here are 7 networking strategies you can use to catapult your work from home career.

1. Create your own Board of Directors. IBM and Microsoft are not the only ones who should have a boardroom team. As a home based business owner you want to have a group of people who you can meet with, mastermind


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7 ways to network your way out of a job and into a work at home career copy

7 Ways to Network Your Way Out Of a Job and Into a work at home Career

Everyday you can read articles about how people network and find another job. You can find countless numbers of books and articles on how to create relationships to find jobs that might not otherwise be known. But what about people who dont want to work?

I am not talking about a lazy person without any ambition. The person I am referring to is the unemployable, the serial entrepreneur or corporate refugee. If you are currently working in a job and what you want is not another job but to become a work at home entrepreneur networking can still be for you.

Here are 7 networking strategies you can use to catapult your work from home career.

1. Create your own Board of Directors. IBM and Microsoft are not the only ones who should have a boardroom team. As a home based business owner you want to have a group of people who you can meet with, mastermind and get advice from.

Often times they may see skills and talents in you that you might not recognize. Once you have identified what your business goal is you have the opportunity to leverage the power of six degrees of separation. Six degrees of separation is the principle that anyone on earth can be connected to another person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five relationships apart.

2. Join Networking Organizations for Entrepreneurs. Successful business owners like to connect with each and expand their relationships. Look for organizations that have business owners in the same area of interest as you. Dont just see them as competitors. Look for opportunities that you might be able to assist them in some way. Here are a couple of groups to consider:

The Chamber of Commerce

BNI (Business Networking International


Rotary International

Each of these organizations have different personalities and cultures. Attend a few meetings before you call one of them home. Know what you ultimately want. Basil S. Walsh states, If you don't know where you are going, how can you expect to get there?

First establish in very specific detail what you are going to achieve. Did you notice that I said going to achieve? Life will give you exactly what you expect from it. Start with the end in mind.

Now is the time to dream big and visualize what your life will look like when you are a successful business owner. Dont worry about the how. Simply set goals by asking yourself some key questions such as:

A. What would I love to do even if I did not get paid for it?

B. How many days will I work each week?

C. What type of work from home business am I interested in?

D. Where will I live?

E. What do I like to do?

Determine what you need to happen to get out your job. Do you know how much you need to make in your business to leave your job? What is your financial freedom number? Your financial freedom number is the amount of income you need to have coming in passively each month to cover all of your expenses.

One of the reasons you want to know this is when you are looking at home based business income opportunities you want to choose one that has the profit potential you want and need. If your financial freedom number is 5000.00 per month you dont want to choose a business that does not have the potential to net that on a passive basis.

As you are networking and meeting new people you can analyze the business opportunities that arise from a totally unemotional point of view because you are clear about your goals.

3. Remember it is better to give then receive. One of the biggest problems I see with networking is most people go in it to see what they can get first before they give. Always look for a way to be of service to the people that you meet first. There is a universal law of reciprocity. You will always get back more than you give out. As you get to know people think about how you can help to enrich their life or help them towards their goals.

If you read an article or run across something that might be of help to them send it. When you have a genuine interest in others success you are blessed through your giving.

Some people call it karma and others say you reap what you sow. My lifes experiences have been blessed more than I could have every imagined whenever I give.

So look for ways to contribute. You may be able to do this in a variety of ways:

a. Volunteer to work with them some way.

b. Introduce them to people in your network that could help them.

c. Send notes or articles that might be areas of interest or
could help to increase their business.

4. Learn how to joint venture or strategically partnership. One of the fastest ways to get out of your job, launch a business or simply make some money is to create a joint venture with someone.

Joint Venturing is a way to take either yourself or two other people who could profit from working together but simply did not have the relationship. You profit from making the connection.

For example you know a veterinarian has a large practice with a list of over 700 clients. You also have a relationship with a new pet groomer in the city who is trying to increase his business. You put the two together and every time the pet groomer gets a new client due to your structuring this deal you get paid. We call this mail box money. Money comes in your mail box whether you work or not.

5. Set up a written networking plan. I am amazed at how much time and effort people will spend to find a new job. However, when it comes to designing a plan to exit the rat race they do it almost haphazardly. You will be much more effective if you have a written plan. The plan does not have to be elaborate. Here are some of the basic things you want to cover:

a. What is my goal?

b. Who do I want to meet?

c. What events should I focus on?

d. How often should I be networking?

6. Attend seminars and boot camp events. Specialized knowledge is one of the keys to being successful in a home based business. When you attend boot camps and seminars you able to surround yourself with like minded people as well as learn from the experts.

However, if you really want to make these educational experiences profitable do three things:

a. Introduce yourself to at least 3 people and get their cards. Ask them why they are there and what they hope to get out of the event. Exchange numbers and ask, What is the single most important thing you need help in making your business venture successful?

When you ask this of someone else you will genuinely get to know someone and you may be able to help them. In addition, out of respect they will want to know more about you and a new relationship may be formed.

b. Go to lunch with someone you meet at the seminar and tell them the things you learned so far and will implement. There is something about speaking your goal out loud that will make it real. If you immediately implement one single action every time you learn something the results will grow exponentially.

c. Introduce yourself to the speaker. Sometimes this can be difficult if the event is large. However, if there is a book signing buy their book so while they are signing it you can ask one question. My question is, What is the single most important skill you contribute to your success? You might like my question or you can come up with your own. The point is you have a great opportunity to network and learn from someone who is a master at their craft. Seize the opportunity.

7.Have a goal for every networking opportunity. Simply going to an event and "working the room" almost never yields any measurable results. Before you attend any event know what you want your outcome to be in advance. Are you going to meet specific person? How will you insure your introduction? Make sure you have crafted out a plan and enlist support from someone to help you execute if needed.

For example, if you want to meet someone ask the host of the networking event if they know the person and if they would be willing to introduce you. Your chances of success are almost guaranteed due to the nature of the event.

Networking is often an overlooked opportunity to find a way out of the rat race. If you want to look for a work at home career, connections can be a key to rapid success. Get the inside tips and discover 7 ways to network your way out of a job.



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7 ways to motivate yourself when studying a foreign language.

7 Ways To Motivate Yourself When Studying A Foreign Language.

Motivation is a tricky thing, isn't is? If you are one of the brave souls trying to learn a foreign language by yourself you'll be sure to run out of motivation some time. This is a collection of my best tricks to help you complete what your started.

Track you progress.
Make a chart or find a calendar. Mark you chart every time you finish a session or have studied for a set amount of time. Place your chart in a place you can't avoid. Make a commitment to look at your cha...



Motivation is a tricky thing, isn't is? If you are one of the brave souls trying to learn a foreign language by yourself you'll be sure to run out of motivation some time. This is a collection of my best tricks to help you complete what your started.

Track you progress.
Make a chart or find a calendar. Mark you chart every time you finish a session or have studied for a set amount of time. Place your chart in a place you can't avoid. Make a commitment to look at your chart every day. This seems simple, but it's incredible how much it helps your motivation.

Don't overdo it.
Learning a new language isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. If you start out full of fresh energy it is important not to burn it all at once. Limit you study time to one lesson or one hour a day. After you have reached your daily goal - Stop. That way you conserve motivation and energy for the nest day. Portion you energy to last. This allows you look forward to your next lesson and finish the race strong.

Get support.
Online or off-line there are groups who share your goal. Join an online forum or find some similarly minded people in your community. You will find that there are other people who are going through what you are going through. Some will even have been through it. Your support group will keep you going when you want to stop. Not to mention all the good advice, moral support and fun you will have.

Visualize you reason.
Get real clear on why you are learning a new language. Make at picture in your head of what will be different in your life when you reach your goat. What will it get you in the end. Great travel experiences, a promotion, new friend or something else? Find a picture in a magazine or online to represent your goal. Make sure that you look at it every day. Post it on your bathroom mirror, place it on your desk or hang it by your bed. Make sure you look at it every day.

Get a goal buddy.
Keeping you motivation high on your own is though. If you find somebody with the same goal grab the opportunity to ask if they want to partner with you. This can work even if you don't share goals. Just encourage and push each other to succeed. Having someone to answer to and who answers to you adds a whole other layer to your motivation.

The one minute trick.
You know those days when you can't find a glimmer of motivation. Do a one minute effort. That's right. You can find the energy for just one minute, can't you. Just get started with the intention of working for 60 seconds. Once you start, it you will keep going. This works like magic.

Set mini goals.
There is a trick to doing this right. Think back to a time when you quit something before you reached your goal. How long did you work on it before you quit? Your mini goal is to keep going half as long. When you get there give yourself a reward. Go watch a movie, eat a nice meal and pat yourself on the back. Then decide on your next mini goal. This will ensure that you never reach your quitting point.

Plan your rewards.
Split your large goals into smaller goals. If your language program is 30 lessons long you can plan a reward after every 5th lesson you finish. Write out a plan and decide what the reward will be after every smaller goal is reached. Rewards can be anything you like, big or small. Make your reward a small celebration!

Get a coach.
Learning a language by your self can be a lonely adventure. Even if it's just once a month a session with a language trainer or tutor will boost your motivation big time. This is will also show you that your skills are growing and that your progress is real. Check your local newspaper or college for adds. Nothing is better than finding a native speaker of your language who is willing to coach you.


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7 ways to make money using nothing more than your list

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

An opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or internet based company. Even for a small venture such as a niche profit site an opt-in list can make a world of difference and also add some extra income for your pocket. Rarely would you see an e-commerce site, big or small, that is without an opt-in list.

An opt-in list allows for a company to market their wares and site via an e-mail. With an opt-in list, a site and a subscriber consents to sending and receiving a newsletter from your company. Through this, you can keep your subscribers abreast of what is currently available in your site as well as whatever is coming out.

And because there is mutual consent between the two parties, any mail sent to the list is not considered as spam mail. There is a great number of successfully read promotional materials such as catalogs, newsletters and such that are sent because the subscribers themselves have signed up for them, meaning, they do want to be sent those items.

Building a list is crucial, only a small percentage actually subscribes for an opt-in list. Many people find promotional mails annoying but of you provide a good newsletter or promotional material, you will see your list build up and grow. You can also achieve this by having good content on your site. If people like what they see and read on your site, then they surely would want more. Newsletters would be a way to attract them back to your site. A little teaser or appetizer if you will.

But other than marketing your wares and your services, an opt-in list can also be used to earn extra profit. Not all lists can be used though. It would be good to first build a successful list with a huge number of subscribers. The more subscribers you have, the more money you can get. Here are seven ways to make money using nothing more than your list.

1) Place advertisements. There are many corporations who will be willing to pay to put their banners and ads on a list with many subscribers. Selling or renting out lists is not a good idea so rather than doing that, many companies would just rather place ads with lists that have a huge subscriber base. Your newsletter could be placed with many ads and each one spells money.

2) Have affiliations with other companies that have at least a semblance or relation to what your site is about. Here other companies will provide links and brief descriptions of what they offer, products and services. With every click made on the link that directs or leads a subscriber from your list to their site, the company will pay you. This P4P or pay for performance.

3) Make deals with other companies by asking for a small percentage of sales done through your list. With every sale done by customers that have come from your list and have gone there because of your newsletter, the other company will pay you a small percentage of your sales. The more people who buys from them, the more earnings you get.

4) You may also get products from other sites on a consignment basis and sell them to your list via your newsletter. Place descriptions, articles and photos of the product in your newsletter. There will be those who will buy from you and when that happens, you can order the product from the other site and sell it to your buyer.

5) Sell e-books or a compilation of your articles on your list. Manuals and how-to articles are in great demand. Many people will be willing to shell out money to gain knowledge about a certain topic and subject. With your existing list trusting your expertise in that area, an e-book could be offered and sold or used as an incentive.

6) Create a network out of your list. Get people to invite more people to view your site and subscribe to your list. The larger your list is, the more people will be able to click on your links and affiliate links as well as make your advertisement rates higher.

7) Subscribers are willing to pay for information if they know that it can be trusted and relied upon. Use your list to get more and more people to subscribe to you as well as browse your site. Lastly, you can use your list to earn money by making them your partners. Your list will be the bloodline of your growth and increase.


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7 ways to make alkaline diet benefit you

7 Ways to Make Alkaline Diet Benefit You

Discover 7 easy tips you can use in your daily life to help your body balance itself back to alkaline balance and experience better overall health.

alkaline diet, alkaline body, alkaline balance, alkaline foods, pH balance, acidic body, acidic foods, acid alkaline, acid alkaline balance

The premise of an alkaline diet is that the nutrients found in supplements, alkalizing foods, and water can bring the body back to balance. These vitamins, minerals, and herbs infuse the body with new energy, vitality, and better health.

Alkaline foods and water must be consumed in order to provide nutrients the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins in the blood, lymph, tissues, and cells.

When pH balance inside the body is out of balance the body tries to correct that sensitive pH balance. That process shows up as uncomfortable symptoms, including colds, flues, allergies, diseases, viruses, and bacteria.

When the pH level in our body is unbalanced, almost any area of the body can be affected. For example when the nervous system is effected as the result of unbalanced pH balance it shows up in the form of the depression. When cardiovascular system is effected we could have heart disease or experience other heart-related problems, including thickening and hardening of the arteries, coronary hear


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7 ways to harvest free traffic

7 Ways To Harvest Free Traffic

The downfall of many would-be successful internet marketers is that they just cant get the revenue to expense ratio right. High on the list of culprits is paying too much to drive traffic to their websites. One way to fix this is to concentrate on free traffic and can the advertising altogether, as these 7 Tips will help you do.

Tip #1: Organic Search Engine Rankings. There are only three search engines you need to worry about and those are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Conquer...

unemployment, unemployment insurance benefits

The downfall of many would-be successful internet marketers is that they just cant get the revenue to expense ratio right. High on the list of culprits is paying too much to drive traffic to their websites. One way to fix this is to concentrate on free traffic and can the advertising altogether, as these 7 Tips will help you do.

Tip #1: Organic Search Engine Rankings. There are only three search engines you need to worry about and those are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Conquering top search engine rankings in the big three starts with good keyword research. When you know what search terms you want to target, its then a matter of tailoring your site to match what these search engines are looking for.

With Google you need lots of original content (that is, large websites) and natural-looking incoming links. With Yahoo its pretty much the same except that you can use reprinted articles, otherwise known as duplicate content, in building your subpages. With MSN you can attain top spots with small mini-sites that simply use the search terms in the domain.

You need incoming links, known as backlinks, to move up in the rankings. Some popular ways to get these include using social bookmarking sites, posting comments and trackbacks on blogs (and other sites) that dont use no follow meta tags, submitting articles to article directories, posting your URL on directory sites, and exchanging links with other sites.

Tip #2: Social Networks such as Myspace. This usually involves making multiple profiles and getting very social on the social network with other users. automation software is often utilized to make mundane tasks such as sending friend requests, comments, and messages to other users much faster. Myspace allows their database to be sorted by a nice range of demographics, which is very helpful if you need a target list of prospects to promote your product or service to. You can also access members of groups who all have a shared interest in a certain subject.

Tip #3: Free Classified Ad Sites. This is getting to be a very effective free traffic method, but you do need to go about it with some tact and creativity. Craigs List is the king of free online classifieds, and a properly tailored campaign can harvest hundreds of targeted prospects per day. Software is very handy for managing larger campaigns.

Tip #4: Video Hosting Sites. Anyone can harvest sales leads from video hosting sites these days. You can make a video using a digital camera or free screen recording software on your computer, or a combination of both. This is where the creative types will soar above the crowd.

You Tube is the undisputed king of online video hosting, and a smart marketer can reap thousands of views for his or her video per day from inside You Tube itself. All you need to do is drive people to your page, which can be done by commenting on other videos or other peoples pages, and sending friend requests. Software makes this process much more efficient.

Tip #5: Question and Answer Sites. These are becoming incredibly popular, with Yahoo Answers being the clear leader for the moment. Anyone can ask questions, anyone can answer questions, and as long as you dont come across as a blatant spammer, dropping your links into both questions and answers is pretty easy. Its certainly worth your time to market any niche through Yahoo Answers.

Tip #6: Forums. Message board forums exist on the internet for just about every topic imaginable. An advanced Google search using message board forum and your topic of interest will probably turn up several places where people discuss your subject. Join these forums, become active and helpful to others, then do subtle marketing through your signature (or even your user name).

Tip #7 Give-aways on auction sites. auction sites such as ebay are a great opportunity to find customers for your niche. Write a 10-page report that has a few good tips and a great sales pitch for your product, and then give it away for free (or charge something like $1 for it). Hype it up with some good sales jargon so it moves well. Capture the emails of those downloading the book and add them to an autoresponder service so you can keep mailing them offers.

These tips are only the beginning of free traffic opportunities on the web. Plenty of marketers make a nice income without spending a dime on advertising. Will you become one of them?


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7 ways to grow flowers

7 Ways to Grow Flowers

Flowering landscape trees are the crown jewels of the yard.
Perhaps no other plants, individually, can have as great an
impact on how a yard looks in spring. Browse the articles to
which I've linked below for information on particular varieties
of flowering landscape trees. Pictures are included.

Crape Myrtles: Landscape Trees of the South

A popular choice in flowering landscape trees for Southerners,
crape myrtles have a long blooming period (mid-summer to
fall). The blooming clusters of these flowering landscape trees
come in pink, white, red and lavender. The clusters appear on
the tips of new wood. Northerners can sometimes get away
with treating these flowering landscape trees as perennials
that die back in winter but come back in spring.


Not all specimens with a weeping habit are flowering
landscape trees, but this article looks at several weeping
varieties that do bloom, headed by four types of cherry.
Saucer Magnolias

The size and shape of the blooms are what suggested the
common name for these flowering landscape trees. Want a
specimen with a brilliant bloom as big as a saucer? Access
information on these beauties here.

Rose of Sharon

Although some people think of it as a landscape "tree"
(because it gets tall and can be pruned so as to have a single
trunk), rose of sharon is, in fact, a flowering shrub. The fact
that it blooms relatively late -- and for a long time -- makes it
a valuable plant for those looking to distribute their yard's
color display throughout the growing season.
Top 10 List of Flowering Landscape Trees and Shrubs for
Spring |

This article features information on ten flowering landscape
trees and shrubs that brighten our spring seasons. Included
are redbud, callery pear and crabapple.
Hawthorn: Late-Blooming Landscape Trees

This article offers information on Washington hawthorn trees,
which are perhaps most valued for the time at which they
bloom (late spring to early summer). Many of the popular
flowering specimens bloom earlier in the spring, and while
their blossoms are pleasant sights for eyes sore from winter's
barrenness, they desert us too quickly!



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7 ways to fail in an erp selection

7 Ways To Fail In An Erp Selection

The best way to fail at an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is to choose the wrong software up front. Choosing software without following some basic guidelines is a sure-fire method for disaster. Probably the worst thing that someone has done (that we know of), was to buy their ERP software at a tradeshow, thinking it would be the cheap and easy way to solve their problems. They ended up spending more than they expected in finding ways to force the software i...

ERP, ERP failure, software, enterprise resource planning, selecting

The best way to fail at an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is to choose the wrong software up front. Choosing software without following some basic guidelines is a sure-fire method for disaster. Probably the worst thing that someone has done (that we know of), was to buy their ERP software at a tradeshow, thinking it would be the cheap and easy way to solve their problems. They ended up spending more than they expected in finding ways to force the software into their business.

Below are some ways that will set you on the path to fail at your choice. In other words, they are ways that you can insure that you will choose the wrong system for your company.

1. Choose ERP software without understanding your requirements. First, you should ensure that you are getting the best fit for your company by documenting your requirements. The requirements should cover the strategic, reporting, functional, and technical aspects of what your company requires to run the business. Choosing software without these documented and without using them as a benchmark to compare the software against is a strategy for problems.

2. Select ERP software without paying attention to business processes. There are certain ways that you run your business. Not all of them are rocket science, but there are certain things that make your company unique and successful. Choosing software without understanding how things flow in your company will create big problems in the implementation when the software processes information contrary to how you run your business.

3. Choose ERP software because your Friend/Neighbor/Relative is using it successfully at their firm. Another nightmare scenario that has actually occurred is that decision makers have purchased software because their ____ (fill in the blank) has used it and it worked great at that company. That company is not your company. On the surface they may seem similar, but just because one company is running well on the ERP system does not mean that yours will. You may have a special process for getting your goods out the door. The software may not support that method. Perhaps there is some information that you must have because of financial, regulatory, or supply chain requirements. The other company may not have that issue. Perhaps you need to track lot numbers and the


4. Not having the ERP vendor prove that it will support your business processes. ERP vendors have one goal. Sell you software. Do they care if it fits, can successfully operate your business, or even if it will be a huge burden on your staff? Not really. In fact, if you buy software that requires a lot of care and feeding because it is not a good fit, then the vendor is the one who supports it and makes a handsome flow of income off your company. Get the vendor to demonstrate that it meets your requirements and can transact information in a method that is aligned with your business processes.

5. Choosing ERP software because it looks cool. You may laugh at this one, but the user interface is a sexy selling point of many systems. Is a plain old green-screen as nice to work in as a really colorful Windows screen? Probably not, but does the Windows-based system really address your issues? Your goal should be aligning a perspective system with your business needs. If it comes with a cool interface great, if not, can you live with it?

6. Let the ERP vendor tell you what you need to be doing. Related to number 4 above, having the ERP vendor guide you in your selection is a roadmap to hell. You need to guide them. Tell them what you want and expect. Too many times has a single vendor gained the trust and confidence of a decision maker and guided them to a particular system, without any concern for how close a match is it to the business requirements and processes.

7. Take the ERP vendors first offer without negotiating. You can generally negotiate with a vendor several times and get a more than fair price. But the key is to follow good negotiation tactics. Dont forget that most everything is negotiable. The software, the services, the maintenance, the timing, etc. In the ERP industry, the best time to buy software is at the quarter or year end according to the vendors financial calendar.

The key thing to understand is that there is a path that can lead you to success and many routes to failure. Know thyself first. Understand your business and document it. It is not enough to think you know it. Talk to all levels of users and managers. Ensure that everyones needs are defined and a priority is placed upon those needs. If you are not sure of selecting a major investment such as an ERP, then get outside help from a consultant who is non-biased towards systems and can guide you. Be careful of assistance from a company that has an SAP practice, or an Oracle practice, etc. They have internal motivation to help you choose their flavor of software.

Most importantly, understand that you need to drive the process. It is your selection and you need to live with the results. As any good project manager will tell you, start with the end in mind. What do you want the system to do for your company now and in seven years from now? Understand this and go forward in selecting your system.


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7 ways to drive traffic to your website

7 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Internet. Business. Profit. To fully integrate all of these words into a successful merging you will need another word. Traffic. Every article you will find about making your site or company successful would always include the importance of generating traffic.

So, we all know that in the core of it all, traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, and you have your companys internal organization well taken core of, it would be time to get to the nitty gritty of things, generating traffic.

If you already have a site and you want think that you're not getting the traffic that you're supposed to be getting, then its time to reconsider. If you are contending in these very competitive business, you should always be a step ahead of your competition, increasing your traffic flow should have been done starting yesterday.

Timing is essential, thats an old adage known to everyone. But with generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of today and tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always have been yesterday.

To help you out in generating more traffic for your site, here are some seven surefire ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

1) Invest in good advertising with search engines

Googles Adwords and Yahoos Overture provide great advertising schemes that are very truly popular and assures great traffic. Although with this surefire way to increase your traffic would cost some money. While some would shy away from spending money to increase traffic, it is imperative in this case to do so because Adwords and Overture is the top surefire way to increase your traffic.

You could see for yourself the success this search engine advertising methods have reaped rewards for so many companies. Lots of site feature these advertising system and many have signed on to reap the benefits. Do not be left behind. Every penny is worth it with using Google and Yahoos advertising.

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites

With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

3) Use Viral Marketing

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or if ever low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your companys name, product or link to a certain media such as a funny video, entertaining game, an interesting article or a gossip or buzz. With this method, people get infected with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will pass it on to many people.

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content

Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results. You could write your own content or you could hire someone to do it for you.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site

Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communities

Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility. When you found a good foundation for your site, people will trust you and your site and will pass on to many people their trust. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters.

If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find a loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation. If you arouse the curiosity of your customers they would be pushed to help you with your traffic.




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7 ways to drive laser targeted traffic

7 Ways to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic

An affiliate marketer may have all the things needed for him to be able to succeed in a business such as affiliate marketing. He may have the necessary drive, diligence and perseverance to be able to understand how the system works. He may have all the tools necessary in maintaining the business, including a really unique and interesting website which could earn him a fortune if only the whole world could see it. However, all these would prove useless if he does not know how to drive traffic

affiliate marketer,online traffic,traffic,affiliate

An affiliate marketer may have all the things needed for him to be able to succeed in a business such as affiliate marketing. He may have the necessary drive, diligence and perseverance to be able to understand how the system works. He may have all the tools necessary in maintaining the business, including a really unique and interesting website which could earn him a fortune if only the whole world could see it. However, all these would prove useless if he does not know how to drive traffic to his website. His business would sink into oblivion together with all the sales, fortune and dreams that he might have realized if he only knew how to do this particular task.

Getting people who matter to see ones website is a difficult undertaking if he tries to consider the fact that there are rivals everywhere waiting to pin him down. The immensity of the internet as well as the affil


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7 ways to conquer acne

7 Ways To Conquer Acne

Reports show that over 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of all adults suffer from acne at some time. Acne affects males and females worldwide, regardless of nationality.

acne, acnes, FAQS, FAQ, ACNE, ACNES, faq, faqs

The most effective methods to combat acne include a combination of prevention and better skincare.

Here are some of the ways you can use to prevent and treat acne:
1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. But avoid wearing tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits. These synthetic fabrics that tend to trap body moisture and heat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Stick to loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends, and keep your sports gear and equipment clean.
2. Safe Cosmetics

To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that can contribute to acne, use products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "oil-free." Opt for "hypo-allergenic" perfumes and cosmetics to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritation. Coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes can cause reactions.

Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can caus


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7 ways to boost your energy

7 Ways to Boost Your Energy

Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can give. Or when we try to sleep and cant. Follow these invaluable tips to a new you!

Osteopathic medicine, osteopathy, health, family health, D.O., alternative medicine, medicine, womens health, holistic medicine prevention, preventive medicine, nutrition, OMM, osteopathic manipulation, alternative treatments

Everyone would like to feel more energetic during the day. You naturally go through periods of higher activity which contrasts with times of relaxation. The problem occurs when more energy and concentration is required than we can give. Or when we try to sleep and cant. Follow these invaluable tips to a new you!

1) Stay on a regular sleep schedule. You cant stay up late during the week-end and suddenly on Monday morning wake up refreshed. If you do enjoy later nights on Friday and Saturday vow to get to bed early on Sunday to wake up rested.

2) Avoid the sugar and caffeine roller coaster. Eat some protein and foods with a bit of fat in the morning. The brain needs protein and the body does not store it. You dont have to eat very much- a glass of low fat milk, a piece of cheese, or a handful of nuts will get you going instead of pure carbohydrates like a plain bagel.

3) Take a 5-10 minute power nap around lunch. Even if you just close your eyes and let your mind drift you will be refreshed


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7 ways to avoid credit card overload in your online business

7 Ways To Avoid Credit Card Overload In Your Online Business

There are loads of reasons why people decide to start an online home business and some of them include convincing sales copy and promised riches.

Our emotional response to a sales page is what hooks and the need to be lead by someone we hope will show us the way to a no-brainer cash cow with an endless stream of $100 bills is what has us whipping out our credit card faster than we can say compound interest

You could try willpower as a method to stop this endless, ex...

Diane Corriette, Success University, World Profit, Network Marketing, Work From Home, Online Success

There are loads of reasons why people decide to start an online home business and some of them include convincing sales copy and promised riches.

Our emotional response to a sales page is what hooks and the need to be lead by someone we hope will show us the way to a no-brainer cash cow with an endless stream of $100 bills is what has us whipping out our credit card faster than we can say compound interest

You could try willpower as a method to stop this endless, expensive necessity to buy, but it can be easier said than done. When you are watching a timer ticking down the seconds before the offer ends, or there is a fast action bonus that you have convinced yourself you need. Or even worse, the price is rising with every second that passes and the longer you wait the more expensive the product gets. Resistance of any kind is futile.

And while these are all fantastic marketing techniques when you are the seller, they are an absolute nightmare when you are the buyer.

Your credit card takes yet another hit as you buy the latest piece of viral software or adsense templates. Your credit card absolutely cowers when you add the latest article site monthly membership fee, and it gasps for air when you add the new gurus coaching program onto to it!

Yes folks, when the marketing machine hooks you there is little you can do but give in and buy. Or is there? Here are 7 proven ways (and I know they are proven because I had to use them myself) to stop credit card overload:

1. Create a vision for your business. I always get back to this because for me it is one of the most important things. If you know you are focusing on writing info products you dont need the latest gadget software. Focus, focus, focus with a vision for your business and whatever that vision is dont allow anything to come along and deter you from it.

2. Stop okay so the price of the product is increasing before your eyes, but stop anyway and ask yourself Is this something I really need, and how will I use it within the next 24 hours? If you dont know how you will immediately put it to use I would argue that you really dont need it right now.

3. Delete the email dont even read it, when you are stronger (you will know you are stronger because you stop salivating when a new email offer arrives), open the email and unsubscribe from all these mailing lists you are on!

4. If curiosity really is killing you and you have to open and read the email then BEFORE you click that link to take a look, stop and let your logical mind take over. Tell yourself you are only looking and before you buy you will read the entire sales page TWICE!

5. Read the entire sales page TWICE Research has shown that long sales copy works. Its my personal belief that the only reason why they work is because we are too lazy to read them, so we go from the top of the page and the headline straight down to the fast action bonuses and hit the Buy now link. If you really think you need this product then read the sales page from start to finish at least twice. I recommend 4 times to be sure.

6. Dont put your email receipts in a separate folder It is easy to forget about that $27 ebook, or $8 domain you bought. Leave all your receipts for that month in your inbox. It is important they remain unopened and highlighted. You will be surprised at how many purchase receipts you actually accumulate and it definitely stops the spending!

7. Find yourself a business where you dont need any extras! Internet marketing is such a huge area that its easy to believe you need to buy all the latest products for your business. Find yourself an online business that provides you with just about everything you need. That doesnt mean you never have to buy anything again. It just means that you need less and so can be conservative in your spending.

Credit card overload can become an occupational hazard for anyone working online, and running a home based business.

If you are fairly new to internet marketing there is still time to save yourself, re-read my 7 ways to avoid credit card overload, in fact print it off and hang it on your wall as a reminder of what you must do to survive online.

If you are a long-term internet marketing veteran who has managed to buy more than you have ever sold online, heres my advice step away from the computer, put the credit card down and put your hands behind your head!


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7 ways to advertise your business for free

7 Ways To advertise your business For Free

1. Free directories: directories are perfect for customers that are searching for a particular topic. Whats great about them is that you only have to post once and they are good for long periods of time. It saves a lot of your time when you dont have to resubmit your information every week or every month. The bad news is most of your traffic wont come from here. I still feel it is worth it to get your link out there. Just take one day and set it aside for posting to free d...

advertising,work at home,business plan,make money online,make money,part time,extra income,cash

1. Free directories: directories are perfect for customers that are searching for a particular topic. Whats great about them is that you only have to post once and they are good for long periods of time. It saves a lot of your time when you dont have to resubmit your information every week or every month. The bad news is most of your traffic wont come from here. I still feel it is worth it to get your link out there. Just take one day and set it aside for posting to free directories. You wont need to do it again for at least 6 months.

2. Classified Ads: These are great for work from home businesses. Think about it. Where do people go when they are looking for a job? Thats right-the classifieds. The only downside to classified ads is that you have to resubmit them quite frequently. Once you find which classifieds bring you the most traffic you can concentrate on them and weed the others out. So it is really more time consuming in the beginning, and doesnt have to be later on when you get the hang of


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7 useful tips to improve your image

7 Useful tips to improve your image

Most of us like to look good and why not this is how we can attract the opposite sex. Very few are born with a natural look but that does not mean that others cant look good. There are certain things that need to be taken into consideration to improve your image.

tips to improve your image,imrove your image,skin care

Most of us like to look good and why not this is how we can attract the opposite sex. Very few are born with a natural look but that does not mean that others cant look good. There are certain things that need to be taken into consideration to improve your image.

7 Useful tips that can help you improve your image

1. You need to take good skin care: Good skin care is easy. Soap or lotion and moisturizing are the two main ways of improving the look of your skin. Our skin runs pat dry due to lack of water especially during the winter season. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday to moisturize your skin. Its very important to protect your skin from the harmful ultra violet ray of the sun. Pick a moisturizer with sun protection because sun damage is the main factor that ages skin.
2. Acne: One of the best ways to treat spots and acne treatments would be to use appropriate creams, soaps, cleansers and medications


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7 unusal online business ideas

7 Unusal Online Business Ideas

So you want to start an online business. You have surfed the web, read some blogs and have found that lots of people are making some decent mullah. But you are frustrated due to the lack of any new idea. Dont worry. There are still many ideas that you can implement using a little money, lots of efforts, and some persistency.

1. Think about your hobby. What you would like to do in your spare time? May be you like to go hunting, or scuba diving. May be you want to make doll...

online business, traffic, link

So you want to start an online business. You have surfed the web, read some blogs and have found that lots of people are making some decent mullah. But you are frustrated due to the lack of any new idea. Dont worry. There are still many ideas that you can implement using a little money, lots of efforts, and some persistency.

1. Think about your hobby. What you would like to do in your spare time? May be you like to go hunting, or scuba diving. May be you want to make dolls. List some of the annoyances and inconveniences you encounter while pursuing your hobby. Search in Google to find solutions to your problems and then write a small e-book. Sell the e-book using clickbank dot com.

2. If you are an artist, crafter, or designer, check out etsy dot com. You create your own shop by signing up for free. Listing an item with photos cost 0.20 cents. The selling fee is 3.5% of the final sale price. You can accept payment through PayPal.

3. Start a blog. But dont start a blog on making money. Find your niche and sign up for free at Blogger to create your blog. You need to select a name for your blog. Select the name of your blog carefully. Write down half a dozen names that tell something about your blog topic. Check out those names using the overture keyword selector tool for search popularity. Use a name that people search at least more than a thousand times every month.

4. If you decide to use the number 3 (starting a blog) method to generate incomes, sign up with ReviewMe, PayPerPost, and Chitika for writing paid reviews of other companys products and services. This will supplement your Googles Adsense incomes.

5. If you are good at computer programming, write a simple online tool, e.g calculating carbon foot print of your visitors, or total body fat. You get the idea. The program should be simple to use and easy to develop. Build a website around your tool and sign up with affiliate programs for revenue generation.

6. If you frequently go on short trips or vacation, buy a good but small and high resolutions digital camera for easy carrying with you all the time. Take at least 200 pictures on each trip and put them for sale on shutterpoint dot com. There are a few other websites where you can put your photos for sale. Check them out by doing a Google search.

7. Participate in paid survey.But dont pay to join any program for paid survey. Use Google to search for paid survey and visit a dozen paid survey websites. Review their offerings and write those down. Now search webmaster forum in Google and then sign up in a couple of webmaster forums. Ask about others experiences with paid survey companies and pick a good one.

Now you have these seven unusual ways to make money online. You will not make a ton of money overnight. But once you gain experiences in online money making opportunities, you will explore other methods to earn big bucks.


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7 uniquely creative things to do with your wedding photos

7 Uniquely Creative Things To Do With Your Wedding Photos

1. Photos on Canvas

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your favourite wedding photo transformed into stunning photo art? By printing the image onto a hand-stretched canvas you can give an artistic, finished look to your most classic wedding photo.

2. Personalized Stamp

Turn your favourite wedding photo in a custom postage stamp. All you need to do is upload a photo and then customize it just the way you want. Each stamp is actual valid postage and c...

wedding, wedding photos, wedding crafts, wedding photo crafts

1. Photos on Canvas

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your favourite wedding photo transformed into stunning photo art? By printing the image onto a hand-stretched canvas you can give an artistic, finished look to your most classic wedding photo.

2. Personalized Stamp

Turn your favourite wedding photo in a custom postage stamp. All you need to do is upload a photo and then customize it just the way you want. Each stamp is actual valid postage and can be used to decorate your thank you and holiday card envelopes or as creative wedding favours. Add a personal touch to everything you send by mail and create a timeless keepsake as well.

3. Custom Thank You Card

By featuring one of your wedding photos on the front of a custom note card you can create classy customized thank you cards for your guests and others who helped with your wedding planning. Each of your guests will now have a photo keepsake from your special day.

4. Create a Multimedia DVD Slide-Show

You can create a DVD slide-show presentation of your wedding photos that can be played on your TV. You can even select your first dance or other favourite song as your background music. A neat and interactive way to create a memory of your wedding day.

5. Online Scrap Book

Tell the story of your wedding by publishing an online scrapbook. Include photos from the events leading up to your big day including showers, stags, rehearsal parties as well as the ceremony and reception. Your scrapbook will be easy to share with all of your guests because it will be available via the internet.

6. Digital Photobook

Trendy coffee table style albums are becoming more and more popular with so many people looking for new ways to display their digital prints. These unique albums include hard cover options such as suede and canvas. The easy to use software helps you design your photobook just the way you want it with many choices for image sizes and layouts.

7. Wedding Caricature

A wedding caricature is cartoon version of you and your spouse on your wedding day. Each image is hand drawn by an artist and makes for the perfect first anniversary gift.


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7 types of sales letters you can use to improve profit margins

7 Types Of Sales Letters You Can Use To Improve Profit Margins

While the main objective for sales letters does not change at all and thats to encourage customers to avail of your products and services there are different types of approaches you can use to make them more effective.

7 Types of Sales Letter You Can Use to Improve Profit Margins

Introductory Sales Letters This is perhaps the most discussed about type of sales letter in the Internet. This type of sales letter introduces your company to prospective customers. Read...

online copywriting,professional copywriting,web copywriter

While the main objective for sales letters does not change at all and thats to encourage customers to avail of your products and services there are different types of approaches you can use to make them more effective.

7 Types of Sales Letter You Can Use to Improve Profit Margins

Introductory Sales Letters This is perhaps the most discussed about type of sales letter in the Internet. This type of sales letter introduces your company to prospective customers. Readers may or may not know about you, but either way, theyre sure not to have bought from you, and your sales letter should tell them why its time to change that fact. When writing this letter, keep it as brief as possible because they dont know you well enough to believe that reading more than one page of your letter would do them any good.

Product Update Sales Letters This is mainly for old and existing sales customers. The primary thrust of this letter is to let them know about your latest product offerings and how they compare to previous items in your product line. Usually, sales letters of this ilk offer incentives as well for customers to buy during the promotional period. Make sure you include details about the expiration date for the promo period as well as information for ordering just in case theyve forgotten how already.

Selling Incentive Sales Letters This type of sales letter is also for old and existing customers. Although youre not offering them anything new to buy, youre offering them the chance to purchase old or existing products and services for lower or better rates. There could be discounts, rebates, or other selling incentives. It could be a contest or any other promotion to encourage them to buy more and buy now.

When writing this type of letter, its important to make the incentive as exciting and attractive as possible. Secondly, emphasize the urgency. Selling incentives last for a brief period of time it has to or you might go bankrupt so make sure they understand that the clocks ticking away!

Thank You Sales Letters If its the first time for any individual to avail of your products and services, always send them a thank you letter right after completing their purchases. You dont have to do it and they know it. But you did it all the same and customers will always appreciate your efforts. It will also make them remember your website more easily. At the end of your letter, of course, make sure that you mention what other great products and services are awaiting them in your website upon their return.

Holiday Sales Letters Never let any important holiday in the year pass by without writing to your customers. Write to them one or two weeks before the holiday. Write the appropriate greetings then segue with explanations as to why your products or services could be a perfect gift for the celebrated holiday. If you have holiday promotional offers you definitely have to mention them in this letter.

Company Celebration Sales Letters These sales letters establish the fact that you think of your customers as part of your family, and thats why you include them in your celebrations. If this year marks the 60th year you are in business then make sure that you let your customers know this. Acknowledge the role theyve played in your success and of course dont forget to end the letter with an invitation to drop by your website in order to build stronger and longer lasting bonds. These letters also apply for any achievement, award, or recognition that has been bequeathed to your company.

We Miss You Sales Letters Your customer or order tracking software can usually alert you when a long period of time has elapsed since certain customers have dropped by or purchased from your website. Make sure to send them we miss you sales letters to these customers as well as customized information regarding your newest products and services that youre sure theyll welcome based on data from their previous orders.

These may take time to write, but its an effort well-spent because it ensures that your customers will remember you - even when though much time has passed since their last visit simply because you took the time to remember them as well.


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Thursday, March 19, 2009

7 traffic techniques for network marketers

7 Traffic Techniques for Network Marketers

Network marketing is a numbers game. The more people you introduce to your opportunity, the more money you'll make. Learn the best ways to generate traffic to your network marketing site in this informative article.

network marketing, internet marketing

Network marketing is a numbers game. The more people you introduce to your opportunity, the more money youll make. To start generating a steady stream of traffic to your site, try these 7 creative techniques:

1. Write and Distribute Articles, Reports and Ebooks. Internet users are all interested in one thing information. Use this to promote your business by creating high quality content and allowing others to reprint it for you. One great way to do this is to distribute a brandable ebook or special report. This is one that a website or list owner can change to include a reference to their website. This doesnt mean that it looks like they are the publisher, its just a way for them to include information on where the ebook was downloaded from and (if applicable) to include their affiliate link for your products and services.

2. Participate in Newsgroups, Forums, and Mailing Lists. There are hundreds of forums online and you can find one for almost any topic imaginable. Most allow you to include a si


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7 top ways to make money online

7 Top Ways to make money Online

Why would anyone want to make money online? Well, firstly you can work from anywhere in the world that you can get an internet connection. Secondly, you can create an incredible income even if you only have a few hours a day. So if you want freedom, flexibility and want to make money, read on
So, how do you actually make money online?

Here are some of the most popular and proven ways to make money online, in no particular order:

  1. Make money on eBay

  2. Make money wi...


make money, make money online, make easy money online

Why would anyone want to make money online? Well, firstly you can work from anywhere in the world that you can get an internet connection. Secondly, you can create an incredible income even if you only have a few hours a day. So if you want freedom, flexibility and want to make money, read on
So, how do you actually make money online?

Here are some of the most popular and proven ways to make money online, in no particular order:

  1. Make money on eBay

  2. Make money with blogs

  3. Make money with Online Surveys

  4. Affiliate Marketing

  5. Google Adwords

  6. Google Adsense

  7. Your own website

Some of these methods require some internet knowledge, while some are suitable for a total beginner. Some will produce an immediate income while others may take months or more.

For instance, blogs and surveys are ideal for the beginner, and surveys can produce immediate income. A blog is like an online journal. Surveys simply require you to share your opinion.

Your own web-site on the other hand requires some expertise and will usually produce income in the longer-term. However once your site does start making money for you, its like having your own money-printing machine!

Google Adsense is where you enable adverts to show on your blog or website, and you get paid every time someone clicks on the ads. So, if your blog or website become popular, and you are getting thousands of visitors a week or a day, you can make a great income doing pretty much nothing! (You did the work previously setting up the blog or site and now you can reap the rewards).

Google Adwords is where you pay for your own advert that will appear down the right side of the page when people do a google search. For instance, lets say you are selling health products and need more customers. If you have your own website, however simple, you can create an advert that will appear on Googles search results when someone does a search for health products. You pay every time someone clicks on your advert. Lets say Google charge you 20 cents a click, and for every 30 people that click you get a sale of, say, $40. As long as you are in profit with the results, it can be well worth doing. However, I strongly recommend that you follow the experts with this method, else you could waste a lot of money. Read my ebook before you get involved.

Affiliate marketing can work well with Adwords. This is where you send buyers to other peoples websites and get generous commission on any sales made. The sales are tracked by way of a coded link. You dont need to buy stock or send items to customers, the website owner does all that. This can be a superb way to make money once you understand it.

Selling on Ebay is another way to make money online quickly. You dont need to sell stuff from your loft, you can sell whatever you are most interested in so, if you love sport, why not look into selling sports-related items. If you make jewellery, sell that. If you love dogs, sell dog-related items. Again, there are tricks of the trade that will make the difference between ebay success and failure.

There are e-books available which show you how to create your own web-site and you can also get free websites when you buy information packages on the web (for examples of this visit the recommended businesses via the link below). I make money in all these areas because I think its a great idea to have more than one income stream. After all, why limit yourself?

I go into detail about exactly how to make money online with all 7 of these methods in my free e-book (see below).

My best advice is to do what I did and copy those who are already making money online as I demonstrate in the e-book. Why? Well, you can avoid wasting lots of time and money this way. I spent 18 months trying to figure out the best ways to make money online and the result is, many methods can work but not always as fast as you may wish. So, you can get started with the methods that make immediate cash and then progress into other methods if you want to earn more.

Some people make six figures A MONTH online, while others just want a few hundred a week. Thats the great thing about making money online, you can build up to whatever income you want, and lets face it, there arent many jobs that offer you that!


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7 top tips for microsoft word users

7 Top Tips for microsoft word Users

Most of us use Microsoft Word. However there are some really clever features which few people know about and they can make quite a difference to your experience with Word. This article lists my favourite seven tips for getting the most out of Microsoft Word.

top tips, microsoft word, writers top tips

Microsoft Word is an extremely easy tool to start using. However there are lots of interesting features under the bonnet. Some of these features can save you a lot of time when producing documents. I am amazed that they are not as well known as they should be. These top seven tips are my favourites and I cannot imagine life with microsoft word before I found them!

1.     Oops. I left Caps lock on!

We all know that feeling. You are typing away merrily and then you look up at your screen to realise that you had hit the Caps Lock button. Now everything you just typed is in the wrong capitalisation. Dont despair. Highlight the text and goto the Format menu and select Change Case from the drop down menu. Then just select your desired case from the list provided, which will probably be tOGGLE cASE.

2.     While we are talking Cases.

Some useful shortcut keys:

Highlight your text and cli


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7 top foods to include in your kid s diet

7 Top Foods to Include in your Kids Diet

Have you ever wondered what foods should I feed my Kid to promote health and weight management?

weight loss, kids, children, fat, diet, food, exercise, fitness, health

Here is a list of the top 7 healthiest foods to feed your kid and why its so healthy:

1. Oatmeal: A fabulous breakfast food, full of B vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium. Old-fashioned oatmeal offers plenty of carbohydrate for quick energy and high fiber. Add berries and honey to make it a delicious perfect food for those fast-paced school day mornings!

2. Yogurt: Kick your child's dairy consumption up a notch and include yogurt on the menu. A great source of calcium, yogurt is easier to digest than regular milk, and the cultures (check the label to make sure they're in there!) are very beneficial to good colon health. Watch it on the sugar content though. A great idea is to buy plain yogurt and sweeten it yourself with fresh fruit!

3. Broccoli: it is one of the best vegetables for anyone, especially growing kids. It has loads of calcium, potassium, beta-carotene and a wide variety of the B vitamins. If your child is not a fan of plain vegetables include broccoli in a casserole or put a little shr


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7 tips to work at home successfully

7-tips to Work at Home Successfully

How to get your home-based business off to the best start.

work from home, business tips

So, you've decided to start a home based business. Congratulations! and welcome to the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship. While there is a lot to learn, your effort will be worth it. The thrill of growing your business, the freedom and flexibility to set your own hours, and the possibilities of ever-increasing financial rewards are all wonderful reasons to start your home based business.

Now that you've decided to start your business, you might be wondering "How can I get it off to the strongest possible start?" These seven tips will help:

1) Set up a separate working space in your home. It doesn't matter if this is a small bedroom, one part of the garage, or a corner of the living room. The important thing is to have some space that you can designate as your working area. This will give you the space and room you need to craft your dream.

2) Stock your working space with materials. This sounds basic, perhaps, but one underlying element of success is that you have easy access to the tools,


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7 tips to take control of bipolar disorder

7 Tips to Take Control of Bipolar Disorder

7 crucial steps to controlling and managing bipolar disorder or manic depression are discussed in this article.

bipolar disorder, manic depression, manic episodes, bipolar medications

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a life-long illness affecting the chemistry of the brain. In classic cases, it causes severe mood swings from manic episodes of extreme highs to depressive episodes of debilitating lows, with relatively normal periods in-between. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 2 million people age 18 and older have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar disorder at this time. But as with any chronic illness, such as diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy, proper treatment, management and understanding of the illness is crucial. Most people with bipolar disorder can lead full, productive and satisfying lives by taking crucial steps to control and manage their illness.

Some key steps to consider if you or a loved one have bipolar disorder include:

1. Find a mental health professional you trust. A person diagnosed with bipolar disorder needs to establish a relationship with a trusted mental health profe


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7 tips to save money on marketing a business

7 Tips To Save Money on Marketing a Business


Here are some tips to help you save money on marketing your business without sacrificing quality or results. In fact, some of them are very affective to boost your business cost effectively and fast.

Marketing, Advertising, Business, Business Marketing, How to Save Money on Marketing, Business Advertising, Saving Money, Saving Money on Advertising

The most effective marketing methods such as advertising in newspapers, popular magazines, on TV are very expensive for small businesses, especially for most start-ups.

Thanks to Internet, in the recent years, some very powerful, and cost-effective, even free marketing strategies have become popular.

Here are some tips to help you save money on marketing your business without sacrificing quality or results. In fact, some of them are very affective to boost your business cost effectively and fast. Implement them repeatedly and save a lot of money and time while attracting hundreds of thousands of more visitors to your website.

1. Link Exchanges

To exchange links with other Web sites is the most popular marketing strategy used by travel and tourism related businesses. Link exchanges help increase link popularity, and the chances to get higher search engine placements and ranks.

In addition, you will have higher chances to be seen by more surfers, to attract more visitors to your Web site, which will hi


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7 tips to recruiting a downline in direct sales

7 Tips To Recruiting A Downline In Direct Sales

If you are in direct sales, it is extremely important that you grow a healthy downline. Not only are you building a relationship with your customers through sales, but you should build a healthy relationship with your sales team. Here are 7 tips to generating a strong downline and keeping your direct sales business growing every day.

TIP #1: GET PERSONAL Your downline wants to know who they are working so hard for. Send a monthly newsletter will sales tips, monthly numbers...

direct sales, building a downline, recruiting tips

If you are in direct sales, it is extremely important that you grow a healthy downline. Not only are you building a relationship with your customers through sales, but you should build a healthy relationship with your sales team. Here are 7 tips to generating a strong downline and keeping your direct sales business growing every day.

TIP #1: GET PERSONAL Your downline wants to know who they are working so hard for. Send a monthly newsletter will sales tips, monthly numbers, top salesperson, etc. Offer a free forum or chat group to your team so everyone can share ideas and offer support to one another.

TIP #2: BE AVAILABLE Schedule time to speak with your sales team often. Constant contact will show them that you care. This gives your team a chance to share their concerns, thoughts and ideas with you. It also allows them the opportunity to ask questions.

TIP #3: HOLD A CONTEST Offer prizes or free services to new recruits. Offer special discounts or coupons to the team member who recruits the most new partners.

TIP #4: WRITE ARTICLES article marketing provides an avenue for free web site traffic. Write five articles, linking to a web site where your products are sold, then submit them to various free article directories.

TIP #5: EDUCATE YOUR TEAM Provide your current sales team with powerful information about your business and products. By educating your sales team, you will create an aura of excitement. This excitement pushes your team to recruit their acquaintances into this wonderful opportunity for self-based employment.

TIP #6: LOSE YOUR MIND Sometimes the silliest ideas are the ones that often get noticed in sales. If youve been playing it safe, get crazy with promoting your business. Print fliers, bookmarks, calling cards, booklets, etc. Go door-to-door and promote your business and sales opportunity. Focus only on promoting awareness of your business instead of sales.

TIP #7: DONT STOP It has been said many times that for every 9 nos you get, youll get one yes. Dont stop promoting recruits, regardless of how many nos youve had this far. Eventually someone will say, Yes! Sometimes the squeakiest wheel is the one that gets oiled!


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7 tips to naming your puppy

7 Tips to Naming Your Puppy

You'll use your puppy's name over 35,000 times in it's life. Here are seven tips to choosing a great name.

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Youve picked out the perfect puppy. You spent hours on the internet, researching the right breed for you and your family. Then you went from breeder to breeder or humane society to humane society, meeting and greeting pups until you find just the right match.

Now what? He needs a name!

Over the course of its life, you will use your dogs name more than 35,000 times. So be sure youre picking a name you can live with and love.

With these seven simple steps, the key to finding the perfect puppy name is at your fingertips!
<li>Dogs understand short commands. Easy names with two or fewer syllables work well.
<li>Your puppys name shouldnt sound like any commands. Stacy and stay are too close for comfort. Such a name will only confuse the issue.
<li>Remember, youll be using your pups name in public. Stinky may be cute among your fellow fraternity members, but it wont go over well at the veterinarian.


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7 tips to improve your golf

7 Tips To Improve Your Golf

If you have bad golfing habits today, you probably learned them when you first took up golf. But the good news is that anyone can break bad habits and learn good ones. Here are a couple of tips to help you on your way to playing better golf.

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It's when you start to play golf that you learn fastest. If you have bad golfing habits today, you probably learned them when you first took up golf. But the good news is that anyone can break bad habits and learn good ones. Here are a couple of tips to help you on your way to playing better golf.

1. Your aim is vitally important. If you can't send the ball in the right direction you will never get it in any of the holes. The clubface is the only thing that propels the ball, so line up the clubface with the target first, then take your stance with your shoulders parallel to the target line.

2. Always aim away from potential problems. Tee the ball on the side where the problem is. This will help to keep the ball in play and avoid penalties.

3. Bad wrist action equals a bad shot in 90 percent of cases. Keep the left wrist flat in relation to the back of the left forearm and the back of the left hand, and don't swing the club back farther than shoulder turn.

4. Read the green properly. A golf ball will ge


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7 tips to help your kid develop a positive self image

7 Tips to Help Your Kid Develop a Positive Self-Image

The adolescent and teenage years is often considered the most difficult years in life, especially for an overweight teen. Many peers of overweight children do not accept them further fostering negative self-perception. Research shows that parents who nurture a positive attitude and actively show their children qualities of resilience and optimism make dramatic differences that continue into successful healthy adult years.

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Try these 7 tips to foster optimism and resilience in your overweight child:

1) Believe in your Children. Assure your children that you are on their side and that you expect then to be the best person that they can be, although you dont expect them to be the best at anything. No one is perfect.

2) Find other adults who believe in your children. Teachers, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends can help you make a positive difference for you overweight child. Other adults that can see beyond the weight and also believe in your child can help your child take control of their lives.

3) Encourage your children to stay interested in activities. Let them know that their interests are valuable and deserve to be developed, whatever it is.

4) Celebrate your childrens winning experiences and help them to accept defeats graciously. Let your child know that you appreciate their efforts and positive attitude win or lose. Positive attitude and effort is for more important than victory.

5) Encourage upbeat c


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7 tips to help you select your custom car cover

7 Tips To Help You Select Your Custom Car Cover

Finding the right car cover for your vehicle is essential if you want to protect it from moisture, pollution, bird excrement, even small dings. Not all car covers are the same and few can offer total protection for your car. Read on to learn about the car cover that is right for your car.

car covers, Covercraft, custom car cover, floor mats, cargo liners, Hyundai, Jeep, Lexus, Infiniti

You lovingly wash and wax your vehicle on most sunny weekends, spending time detailing every single blotch, nick, scrape, or other damaging mark on your car's exterior. Part of the deal with owning any vehicle is making certain that it looks its best week in and week out. Still, you may not be doing all that you can to protect the finish. Other enemies including bird excrement, acid rain, and even harmful UV rays can thwart the best efforts of even the most diligent car owner. Fortunately, there is one automotive accessory that can help keep your car clean, provided you use it when your car is parked for an extended length of time. What am I talking about? Car covers! Read on for seven helpful tips to help you choose the right cover for your truck, van, SUV, or car.

When shopping for a custom car cover you must give consideration to what it does besides simply covering your car. Among some important points to know:

Will the car cover protect from damaging UV rays? If you live in an area of intense sunshi


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7 tips to health and weight loss 4 kids

7 Tips to Health and weight loss 4 Kids

Try these 7 easy tips to promote health and weight loss for your kids.

weight loss, kids, children, fat, diet, food, exercise, fitness, health

1 Role Model Your heath and weight directly effect your childs health and weight. Children with just one overweight parent have a 25% risk of becoming an overweight or obese adult. If both parents are overweight the risk of becoming an overweight adult jumps to 50%.

2 Be Positive- No one enjoys receiving negative feedback. Talk to your child with compassion and encouragement. Instead of saying, 'Lose weight', say, 'Let's be healthy and start taking care of our bodies'. Focus on the foods you can eat, not the ones that you cannot. Say, 'Let's go pick out fruits and make a fruit salad,' not 'Don't eat that.'

3 Make healthy eating a family affair - A family that eats together, eats better, according to a recent study in the journal Archives of Family Medicine. Children who report frequent family dinners have healthier diets than their peers who don't, the study showed. Also fill your refrigerator and cabinets with fresh fruits, nuts, low-fat cheese, and things for everyone to snack on.

4 Eat Breakfa


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7 tips to better photos

7 Tips To Better Photos

After I bought my first digital camera, complete with its little viewing screen, people would usually ask, Can I see the picture? Children would ask me to take their picture, and then run over and ask to see it, then run back and ask me to take another!

Its great to have all that excitement, but were my pictures actually the best they could be?

Here are 7 tips that I have learned that have improved the quality of my photos.

1. Always use the highest resolution set...


After I bought my first digital camera, complete with its little viewing screen, people would usually ask, Can I see the picture? Children would ask me to take their picture, and then run over and ask to see it, then run back and ask me to take another!

Its great to have all that excitement, but were my pictures actually the best they could be?

Here are 7 tips that I have learned that have improved the quality of my photos.

1. Always use the highest resolution setting. At the start, I had the resolution set to medium. That way I was able to take about 100 pictures before having to download the memory card to my computers hard disk. That was fine for viewing on screen, but then one day I wanted to do an 8x10 paper version, and the results were disappointing. Now I always use the highest resolution my cameras can provide. I have had to spend some money on more memory cards, but it was worth it.

2. Use a Tripod. Even the slightest movement of the camera can create a blurry image. Invest in a tripod. I have also found that when taking group shots, I am better able to judge when to click if I am looking directly at the group, rather than through the view finder.

3. Buy a Good Photo-Editing Program. Perhaps your camera came with Photoshop Elements, or similar. If not, go to your computer retailer and buy one. Not only can you fix blemishes (maybe Susan was having a bad zit day), but you can do more creative things as well. Recently I combined a photo of my grand-daughter with one of Dora-the-Explorer. Jasmine loved it.

4. Use the Lowest Compression Setting. As you use that fancy photo editing program, be careful of your compression setting. Most programs default to jpeg format, which saves space by selectively removing pixels, and recreating them the next time you view the photo. If you open, edit, and save a photo multiple times, the over-all quality decreases. Try to do all your editing in one pass, using the lowest compression, or use a format like tiff, which does not compress.

5. Get in Close. Dont waste pixels on excess background. Get in closer, either physically or with an optical zoom setting.

6. Good Things Come in Threes (or more!). Considering the incremental costs of taking a photo with a digital camera (close to nil!), you should take lots of shots. If the shot is available for more than a few seconds, take more that one exposure. I always tell the subjects of my photos that I will be taking at least 2 or 3 shots of them. A blink at the wrong time ruins the potential.

7. Read the Manual. In fact, read it more than once. As if I have to explain this one!

Heres an equation for you.

(LOTS of photos with your digital camera) + (the above tips) = (a day coming soon when youll be proud to show off your creations)


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