Thursday, August 19, 2010

Villa rentals in the south of france an introduction

Villa Rentals In The South Of France: An Introduction

Every August the South of France fills up as the rest of France arrives. Motorways can be horrible and the traffic near the beaches even worse. But the reputation, while sometimes deserved, is overdone. With a little homework, even in August it is still possible to find your own place in a villa with a pool in the sun far from the crowds.

A quick geographical tour of some of the areas of interest:

The Cote d'Azur: is the area stretching West as far as Menton. The scener...

villa rentals in france, france villa rentals, villas in france

Every August the South of France fills up as the rest of France arrives. Motorways can be horrible and the traffic near the beaches even worse. But the reputation, while sometimes deserved, is overdone. With a little homework, even in August it is still possible to find your own place in a villa with a pool in the sun far from the crowds.

A quick geographical tour of some of the areas of interest:

The Cote d'Azur: is the area stretching West as far as Menton. The scenery is beautiful. It is here that the foothills of the Alps fall off at the coast. This dramatic combination of scenery and sea views is one of the things that makes the area so famous. Villas that are a little way inland are generally the best value for money in the area: you will find some very comfortable holiday villas for about half of what one pays closer to the coast. For most people, this area has the ideal combination of pretty villages and easy driving distance to the sea when one is so inclined. Villas in the area are in the areas around Valbonne, Opio and Tourrettes-sur-Loup. A little further West, in the areas around Grasse are the villas with the most spectacular views in the South of France.

The stretch to the East of Nice that includes Monaco, Cap Ferrat and going as far as the italian border is the home of serious money. One of the reasons for this is of course the beauty of the scenery and the quality of the building. Rents for villa holidays are similarly breathtaking, either impressive or wasteful depending on how you see the world.

The Var is a very popular spot for vacations in the area around the Gulf of St Tropez. St Tropez proper is a stylish suntrap which came to prominence in the 50s when Brigitte Bardot and others graced the then undeveloped sands. The development of the town has come on some way since then and it is packed in the summer, but it retains a certain exclusivity: celebrity spotting is not hard in St Tropez.

Villa holidays in St Tropez proper are not cheap, but as you get further inland so the scenery improves with spectacular views over the Gulf of St Tropez, and the villa rents go down. Around the Gulf at Beauvallon are a number of charming villas for about one third of what one pays a few kilometres closer to the so-called 'action'. There are also a some attractive and realistically priced villas near the charming village of Grimaud. The style of villas in the St Tropez area is dictated by local government, and must be in a Provencal style. Further West, towards Grasse, a more modern style of villa can be found alongside the traditional Mas Provencal.

Some practical considerations: Tradition in France dictates that some villa owners insist on minimum two-week bookings in villas during peak periods. The airports for the areas mentioned are at Nice and Toulon.


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Viewty lg ku990 better than the iphone

Viewty LG KU990 - Better Than The iPhone?

With all the hype of the current release of the Apple iPhone you would be forgiven for not being familiar with LGs latest offering, the LG KU990 Viewty. As with the iPhone handset the Viewty allows you to navigate its menus and features with the touch of a finger. But LG have added a few features to the Viewty that the iPhone is sorely missing. Could this touch screen technology underdog really be better than the iPhone?

The LG KU990 Viewty is equipped with a 5-megapixel ...

mobile, phone, mobiles, phones, cell, compare, prices, viewty, iphone

With all the hype of the current release of the Apple iPhone you would be forgiven for not being familiar with LGs latest offering, the LG KU990 Viewty. As with the iPhone handset the Viewty allows you to navigate its menus and features with the touch of a finger. But LG have added a few features to the Viewty that the iPhone is sorely missing. Could this touch screen technology underdog really be better than the iPhone?

The LG KU990 Viewty is equipped with a 5-megapixel camera including a xenon flash and auto focus which puts Apple iPhones 2-megapixal offering to shame. The camera can also be switched to capture high speed motion footage and includes a unique feature that allows you to watch the video replay in slow motion. Combine this with the option to automatically upload to YouTube and you can plainly see why the Viewty is genuine competition for the iPhone.

The Viewty allows you to browse the Internet through a fast GPRS or 3G Internet connection with an innovative web browser that allows you to zoom in on areas of web pages and then use your finger to drag the page across the screen. This function is useful as the handset screen is small and trying to read a full webpage without the zoom would be almost impossible. Surprisingly the Viewty is missing a Wi-Fi option, a feature which has become very popular and almost a must have on new mobile phones as Internet browsing becomes more popular.

The onboard 170MB memory is generous but the microSD memory can only be expanded to 2GB which is really poor when you consider that the Viewty is going to be used for capturing high quality photographs and video. In comparison with the iPhones standard 8GB the Viewty falls short by a long way.

The onscreen buttons and menus are easy to navigate and the photo gallery neatly allows you to drag and drop photos as if you were shuffling through a bunch of photographs laid out on a table. As with the iPhone there are some traditional buttons located under the screen that allow you to quickly answer calls or direct you to the main menu. There is also a selection of buttons on the side of the handset which allow easy use of the camera options.

At 103.5 x 54.4 x 14.8 mm the Viewty handset is smaller than the iPhone but slightly thicker. The battery life is good for a regular phone but with the other technologies included it will be necessary to regularly recharge especially if you have set the phone to vibrate each time you select a button on the touch screen.

In conclusion the Viewty is not just a clone of the iPhone. Yes the iPhone will be a lot more popular and will sell many more units due to a frantic advertising campaign and brand awareness. Yes the iPhone does look beautiful and operate a lot slicker than the Viewty. Yes the Viewty is missing Wi-Fi, but there are a few features that will help the Viewty compete with the iPhone. It has a far superior camera which includes video capture, the Viewty is open to networks other than O2 and the handset costs are likely to be significantly less than the Apple iPhone. The Viewty is kind of like the footballer playing for a small team who scores a spectacular goal but is overshadowed in the media by the big team players strike.


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Viewing american politics from the perspective of martians

Viewing American Politics From The Perspective Of Martians

I'm being silly, but indulge me here as I veer off into the realm of fantasy. Not *that* kind of fantasy, but the world from a Martians perspective.

Say we're explorers from Mars sent to Washington D.C., in human form, in the year 2007.

What would be our conclusions about American politics were we to come down fresh, understanding very little of the political system?

We would understand immediately that there are purported to be 'two sides' (the validity of which is...

persuasion, framing, politics

I'm being silly, but indulge me here as I veer off into the realm of fantasy. Not *that* kind of fantasy, but the world from a Martians perspective.

Say we're explorers from Mars sent to Washington D.C., in human form, in the year 2007.

What would be our conclusions about American politics were we to come down fresh, understanding very little of the political system?

We would understand immediately that there are purported to be 'two sides' (the validity of which is up for debate), and the two sides are represented by colors and animals--red or blue, elephant or donkey.

There are also a few fringe sects, marginalized by the craziness of their philosophies, who angrily disagree with both the reds and the blues.

So these are the two realistic options. Third or fourth candidates are not allowed to compete, really. They have "no chance of winning" or there's the fear that the third party will take votes away from "real" candidates.

So the red and the blue appear to really dislike each other, but they're two sides of the same coin, always in line to keep out the fringe and so they have some common interests.

Then things start to get good. . .

They have an even bigger common enemy: the media. The media supposedly reports the activities of both sides so they make more money from advertisers.

'The Media' claims to be unbiased, but it isn't true. They are loyal to whomever is in power and whomever owns the media outlet.

What's even more exciting for us explorers to discover is that there are even more enemies these two sides have.

Prostitutes. Most recently Louisiana Senator David Vitters who gives an awful lot of lip service to abstinence only sex ed, was identified by the DC madam and the Canal Street Madam as being a client.

Under aged boys. Uh oh. US Representative Mark Foley, crusader against child abuse and exploitation, became child abuser and exploiter when it came to light that he had a bit of a taste for Congressional pages.

Women. Specifically wanton women. There was this one time, the woman was wearing a blue dress. He liked cigars. . . . At least Bill Clinton had the sense to make sure the woman was over the age of consent.

Other noteworthy enemies include. . .

Closeted homosexuality. This has turned out to plague a number of people lately. There's Larry Craig and the foot tapping incident ("misunderstanding"). And Democratic Governor of New Jersey Jim McGreevey. At least he's no longer in the closet.

Extramarital affairs. The list is too long. And really, is this even an issue people care about anymore?

Women who don't want to be groped. (CA Gov. Terminator).

There are plenty of other enemies. Crack cocaine (Marion Barry), voter fraud, blah, blah, blah. Actually, voter fraud is only a problem for the big loser, not the fake winner.

Blue, red, elephant, donkey, they seem to want to make all the laws and then break them.

In our research as Martian anthropologists, we'd have to conclude that some form of perversion or criminal record is mandatory for political candidates.

We'd also have to conclude that the non-politicians, the ones who vote (or don't vote), have such a short attention span that really, it doesn't much matter. It's football season and there's a new season of "The Biggest Loser" and it's back to school time and the kids need new backpacks. And before you know it, it's the holidays again.

Jumping into this little fantasy world sometimes gives us a fresh perspective. It's all about framing. Putting a new lens on life.

Try it with your life and your persuasion. See how it goes. Tell others about it, tell me about it on this blog. Create a discussion, invite your friends and colleagues to join the discussion here. Lord knows we need to step back from the craziness every once in a while and talk to each other intelligently about what we observe.


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View nyc with clean tourist buses

View NYC With Clean Tourist Buses

The clean air sightseeing buses in New York City is actually part of the commemoration of the summer and the height of tourism in the area. These buses actually have the capacity to reduce harmful pollution by around eighty five per cent because of the new technology that they have from the newly-installed diesel engines.

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You may be roaming around New York City looking for the best shows or museums. Or you may be just shopping around the town watching out for the best MINI parts for your car. Or you can simply play the role of the tourist just taking in the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Whatever your purpose, you can go about the city of New York while riding buses that do not contribute to air pollution.

The clean air sightseeing buses in New York City is actually part of the commemoration of the summer and the height of tourism in the area. Today, at 11 in the morning, these new environment-friendly buses would be unveiled. There would be twenty one new buses that will be added to the citys touring buses. These buses actually have the capacity to reduce harmful pollution by around eighty five per cent because of the new technology that they have from the newly-installed diesel engines.

These twenty one buses are the usual double-decker buses that are colored red. As the icon of New York City sight-seeing, it is


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View from my island the grand outing of the kitchen

View From My Island: The Grand Outing of the Kitchen

Kitchens used to be hidden from view - but not anymore. Thay have become the focal point of the house and the people who live in it. In this article, the author shares the joys and the advantages that she finds in this new arrangement.

kitchen islands, kitchen carts

When I was growing up as a child in the sixties, kitchens were always a hidden affair. If it was not separated by a wall from the other rooms in the house, then a divider had to be installed to hide it from the rest of the world. Inviting friends over to the kitchen to show off your new kitchen island or cooktop was not the thing to be done.

But not anymore. The kitchen of my adult years has now become the focal point of the house and the people who live in it. There is still the obligatory lounge room to receive guests but it is now just a little room on the way to the grand, open space of kitchen, family and rumpus rooms combined.

This is where most families now gather after a long days work - the parents preparing the family meal while the children (if they are in their schoolyears) do their homework in the family dining table or (if they are already young adults), sit and chatter around the breakfast nook or family room couch. Kitchens now exude warmth and welcome helped by the oak or teak oil-fini


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Vietnam ho chi minh city

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City

Thirty years after the end of the war, the incredibly resilient nation of Vietnam, and the Vietnamese people, is beginning to emerge from the shadows - from .

vietnam, viet nam, ho chi minh city, ho chi min, ho chi minh, south east asia, asia

Vietnam is a country deeply scarred by war and yet its outlook is forgiving and forwardlooking. Its people believe last centurys occupations, battles and political influences have enriched the nation.

Washed ashore above the Mekong Delta, some 40km north of the South China Sea, Ho Chi Minh City, known also as Saigon, is a city on the march, a boomtown where the rule of the dollar is absolute. It is a testament to its wartorn past. Its history has made it resilient, effervescent, charged with initiative and roaring with trade.

The centre of Ho Chi Minh is compact and ideal for wandering around. It boasts fine restaurants, immaculate hotels and glitzy bars amidst its colonial villas and venerable pagodas.

There are many interesting places to visit including the markets, cathedral, riverport, Presidential Palace (perfectly preserved for some unknown reason!) and the nearby park which also houses a museum of Vietnamese History and Culture and a small zoo.

Ho Chi Minh City started life as a fishing v


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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Videos make buying cars easier

Videos Make Buying Cars Easier

Small business owners are using a very effective method of advertising to sell cars. They have incorporated the use of video technologies to offer automobiles for sale to the public and let them view these automobiles on their television. These automobile videos are a good way for people to see the true image of an automobile before they drive to a lot and talk to a salesperson.

Any car dealership could have thousands of automobiles on a lot at any given time. People can a...


Small business owners are using a very effective method of advertising to sell cars. They have incorporated the use of video technologies to offer automobiles for sale to the public and let them view these automobiles on their television. These automobile videos are a good way for people to see the true image of an automobile before they drive to a lot and talk to a salesperson.

Any car dealership could have thousands of automobiles on a lot at any given time. People can access some car dealerships on line, and spend the afternoon looking at each one on video tape if they so choose. The seller is always given an option of using videos to sell the car, and those that choose this option often sell their automobile quicker than someone who did not.

Several cable networks offer community bulletin boards which feature video ads to sell a variety of items. For one low fee, the average person can put their automobile up for sale and tape a video of the car while it is sitting in their driveway. These ads also provide the specifics of the sale offer on video for people throughout the local community to view at any time during the month.

While videos make buying cars easier, they can never replace the need for a person to make a personal inspection of the automobile. The videos used to sell cars will provide people with contact information so that they can arrange for an inspection of the vehicle when it is convenient for both parties. These videos can also serve to protect the public if there is a problem with the car shortly after sale. The condition of the automobile and the terms of sale are captured on video tape and can be used in court.

Some businesses organize car auctions and record videos of each automobile so that people in the back can view the automobile up close. There are usually several angles taken on video that will give a potential buyer a view of the automobile from the front, side, and rear. People truly enjoy being able to see video images of the interior of the car that include the front and backseat views.

Videos can prove very useful when they are used to sell cars, boats, and items used in water sports such as jet skis. Many car dealerships provide security on their automobile sales lot by running video cameras all night to record any type of vandalism or destruction that occurs on their property during the day, or at night. Some insurance companies give discounts on their insurance policies if video cameras are in use all of the time at a business.


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Videography tips from the pros

Videography Tips from the Pros

Making videos or videography is a different animal from photography. When you are trying to capture great pictures for a portrait or an event, you think in terms of still shots. In your mind the objective is what will make a great picture.

Video opens up whole scenes to be captured on film, for better and for worse. But it also opens up a lot of opportunity for mistakes, unexpected results or interruptions and surprises. Not only do you have to continue to think about what makes a great shot, you now have sound and movement issues to factor in. So while videography is much more fun, it also can be a lot more work.

You are trying to find a middle ground when you start offering video as part of your services. You know that anybody can bring a camcorder and capture video streams. These days they can even do it with their phone. But you want to create a more professional shot than the high school kid with a camcorder. Then again, you are not trying to win an academy award here. So the level of professionalism has to be better than amateur so you can justify charging for it but it doesnt have to be great art to be a good video that the customer will be happy with.

To accomplish this mix of perfectionism and compromise, a few tips from the pros who have already set up a video business can help a lot. Here are what many of the old pros tell us to focus on especially as we are getting our video business up and running

The cornerstone advice that the pros give about making great video is plan ahead. The more you know about your shoot, the better equipped you are when you show up. If you are shooting a wedding, visit the chapel, perhaps the reception hall and plan where you will set up to capture the best images. Plan your routes as you move around so you can create a smooth flow that works with the wedding procession rather than interrupts it.

The same is true of any event. Even a sporting event, as spontaneous as that is, will offer some less traveled areas where you can position yourself to catch the action. If the best location for capturing video is above or a distance from the activity, then you know you will need to use zoom and focus differently than if you can be in the middle of the action. This helps you plan how to prepare your equipment and your crew who will be supporting the shoot.

Lighting is something that must be part of your preplanning so you have sufficient light so the action and facial reactions are easy to pick out on the video. Outdoors, keep the sun behind you if at all possible. Indoors, scout out how the existing lighting will look on video during the hours that you will be shooting. If they are not sufficient, you should get in there and set your lights in place well in advance of the event and work with the event organizers so they know your lights will be on during the event. The people who hired you want a great video so they will work with you. But you have to let them know what is going on.

A good video is a combination of stability of the camera and constant movement. So use a tripod to stabilize the shots when the video is being actively shot. But you have to be able to move the set up quickly to a new location. So make sure that your equipment is well maintained and that cameras, tripods and that all supplies are quickly accessible for field changes or repairs.

One of the most valuable insider tips is to shoot with the intention of editing. In that way, you will shoot more footage than you need, knowing you are going to edit it together later. You can go back and capture connecting video shots to smooth out the action and you dont have to get upset if you get some bad footage. These and many other talents you will develop will take you to that level of professionalism you want to reach. And your customers will notice it too and come back for more of your talented videography.



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Videoconferencing goes to kindergarten

Videoconferencing Goes To Kindergarten

The empires of the future, says Winston Churchill, are the empires of the mind. He speaks justly. While in ancient times brute force was power, an educated mind is now a country's most effective weapon. Clearly, there is a greater challenge than ever for teachers to come up with innovative means of teaching. One such innovation is videoconferencing.

Two-sided Jury
Experts believe there is generally no difference in learning through videoconferencing and learning the time-honored way, which is face to face and from inside a four-walled classroom. Students are exposed to the same amount of knowledge; teachers go through the same process of preparing their lessons.

The drawback to teaching through videoconferencing, however, is that it's a medium ripe for abuse. Because teachers do not have to physically interact with their students, there is a higher risk of mediocre teaching strategies and style. The same is true of ineffective learning on the part of students, precisely because the teacher cannot physically and immediately gauge how blank a student's stare is, for example, or how frequently the student had doodled on his notebook rather than take down notes.

Lessons from a Virtual Classroom
Essentially, videoconferencing is a good innovation to education because it democratizes access to knowledge. In fact, through videoconferencing, knowledge can be shared to any part of the world, no matter how inaccessible this place may be.

With the influx of technology in almost all aspects of life, more and more schools are offering online education. The surprising outcome is that there are now also more and more students who have come to accept this mode of teaching. In fact, visionaries predict that at some point in the future, videoconference will become a very vital cog in the knowledge wheel. It will replace the standard face-to-face teaching method. Teachers will be imparting real lessons - from virtual classrooms, in real time.

The secret to becoming an effective virtual teacher does not lie in how well you are familiar with video conferencing technology (although this knowledge is also a plus), nor does it depend on how well you enunciate words to beat the expected video-audio time lag. It all depends on that old standby: the lesson plan.

Writing the Virtual Lesson Plan
How, then, does one become a good online teacher? The secret is not just familiarity with videoconferencing technology but also continued adherence to a very old and often overlooked fixture of classrooms: the lesson plan.

There is a need for teachers to map out their virtual teaching strategy. In doing so, answering the following questions would surely help:

  1. What do you expect the students to learn after each lesson?

  2. How will you present the topic?

  3. 3. What materials you will use to support the lesson? Will you be using visual aids or audio clips?

  4. How long will the lesson be?

Videoconferencing in Schools Today
Videoconferencing, while already used by a few educators and learners, is still in kindergarten, as far as education is concerned. In time, however, it will go to school the same way that other innovations did. When this happens, learning through videoconferencing could prove to be not just be a novel experience but a rewarding one at that.



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Subject: [FIRSTNAME], video to increase trust...


Everyday consumers commonly think of online businesses as high
technology enterprises. While there are indeed some websites
that deal in high tech merchandise, most vendor websites trade
mostly mundane materials like clothes, beddings and linen and
other ordinary stuff we use in our daily lives. With common
enterprises like these, the website is only another selling
point for their inventory. What will be mostly displayed in
these websites are pictures and short text descriptions of
products. On the other hand, vendors that deal with high tech
materials design their websites in such a way that it reflects
the level of technology they work with.

In the eyes of a common consumer, websites that do not exhibit
high technology design are probably failing or disreputable.
When browsing consumers find your website somewhat lacking in
style and technology, looking for another website that will
satisfy their expectations is highly probable.

While it would be considered crass and distasteful to make your
website look like the command center of the starship Enterprise,
a few smatterings of high tech applications can give your
website design reputation a good boost. In the beginning days of
the internet, people tried to make their websites attractive by
using lots of blinking and animated pictures in their websites.
As website design matured, a more professional and modern feel
gradually took over the blinking internet kaleidoscope world.

Today, website design is usually patterned or themed after the
owners profession or business. Simple but tasteful and
professionally elegant are now the norm in designing websites.
However, this norm, like technology, is fast becoming obsolete.

As internet availability, data transmission speeds and
bandwidths increase, the more options people have for designing
a web site. In the beginnings of video streaming, video
vendor sites were those that usually contained audio-video
streaming capabilities. They used video clips or trailers of a
movie to entice a customer to buy the whole video. Today, almost
all vendors of video and audio have portions in their websites
reserved for viewing movie trailers and listening to audio

Of course, it would be a mistake to discount or limit the use
of video streaming to video and audio websites. Common vendor
sites like can surely use video streaming to further
enhance the shopping experience of a customer. After all, a
customer would like to see the merchandise before she actually
makes a purchase. Video streaming provides this specific aid to
both vendor and consumer. Aside from viewing videos of the
product from different camera angles, a short demonstration of
the product can be included in the video just like they do in TV
shopping channels.

Outside of video specific and trade merchandising businesses,
video and audio streaming is also useful when it comes to other
industries such as medical transcription, online education,
medical facilities and personnel interconnectivity, online
tutorials and instructional modules recorded in video format.

Most importantly, the spread of internet video streaming usage
signals an advance in technology. With advances and discoveries,
opportunities for new ideas and enterprises abound.

To your success,

P.S. While it is great to have new technology available to, we
need to put it to good use for it to be beneficial to us. In the
case of websites with video streaming, the customer is assured
that the products they sell are workable and crafted with
quality. As internet shopping becomes more and more popular,
vendor websites will have to see to it that they provide their
customers a good look at their product.


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Video to increase trust

Video To Increase Trust

Everyday consumers commonly think of online businesses as high technology enterprises. While there are indeed some websites that deal in high tech merchandise, most vendor websites trade mostly mundane materials like clothes, beddings and linen and other ordinary stuff we use in our daily lives. With common enterprises like these, the website is only another selling point for their inventory. What will be mostly displayed in these websites are pictures and short text descript...

home base business ideas,home base business,base business home internet marketing opportunity small,

Everyday consumers commonly think of online businesses as high technology enterprises. While there are indeed some websites that deal in high tech merchandise, most vendor websites trade mostly mundane materials like clothes, beddings and linen and other ordinary stuff we use in our daily lives. With common enterprises like these, the website is only another selling point for their inventory. What will be mostly displayed in these websites are pictures and short text descriptions of products. On the other hand, vendors that deal with high tech materials design their websites in such a way that it reflects the level of technology they work with.

In the eyes of a common consumer, websites that do not exhibit high technology design are probably failing or disreputable. When browsing consumers find your website somewhat lacking in style and technology, looking for another website that will satisfy their expectations is highly probable.

While it would be considered crass and distasteful to make your website look like the command center of the starship Enterprise, a few smatterings of high tech applications can give your website design reputation a good boost. In the beginning days of the internet, people tried to make their websites attractive by using lots of blinking and animated pictures in their websites. As website design matured, a more professional and modern feel gradually took over the blinking internet kaleidoscope world.

Today, website design is usually patterned or themed after the owners profession or business. Simple but tasteful and professionally elegant are now the norm in designing websites. However, this norm, like technology, is fast becoming obsolete.

As internet availability, data transmission speeds and bandwidths increase, the more options people have for designing a web site. In the beginnings of video streaming, video vendor sites were those that usually contained audio-video streaming capabilities. They used video clips or trailers of a movie to entice a customer to buy the whole video. Today, almost all vendors of video and audio have portions in their websites reserved for viewing movie trailers and listening to audio teasers.

Of course, it would be a mistake to discount or limit the use of video streaming to video and audio websites. Common vendor sites like can surely use video streaming to further enhance the shopping experience of a customer. After all, a customer would like to see the merchandise before she actually makes a purchase. Video streaming provides this specific aid to both vendor and consumer. Aside from viewing videos of the product from different camera angles, a short demonstration of the product can be included in the video just like they do in TV shopping channels.

Outside of video specific and trade merchandising businesses, video and audio streaming is also useful when it comes to other industries such as medical transcription, online education, medical facilities and personnel interconnectivity, online tutorials and instructional modules recorded in video format.

Most importantly, the spread of internet video streaming usage signals an advance in technology. With advances and discoveries, opportunities for new ideas and enterprises abound.

While it is great to have new technology available to, we need to put it to good use for it to be beneficial to us. In the case of websites with video streaming, the customer is assured that the products they sell are workable and crafted with quality. As internet shopping becomes more and more popular, vendor websites will have to see to it that they provide their customers a good look at their product.


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Video takes over the web

Video Takes Over the Web

Today, the web has become one of the most common platforms for personal socializing and marketing products and services throughout the world. With more bandwidth, now available for almost the price of peanuts, it has become very easy to put up content in the form of audio, video and images as compared to plain text. As the web began to take off and technology improved, people were able to use and utilize more interactive forms of media via the web.

independent film, music, video, movie, media, download, itv, iptv, television, web tv, tv, web video, ipod, news, sports, tv feed, television on the web, videos, stream, movie trailers, movies, indie

Today, the web has become one of the most common platforms for personal socializing and marketing products and services throughout the world. With more bandwidth, now available for almost the price of peanuts, it has become very easy to put up content in the form of audio, video and images as compared to plain text. As the web began to take off and technology improved, people were able to use and utilize more interactive forms of media via the web.

Because of this, one of the most effective advertising and communicative media- web videos, have taken the place of TV commercials, life experiences and short movies!
Websites like and the likes, have capitalized on this phenomenon and have rooted themselves firmly in to the world of videos, which are taking over the web.

With various playback technologies now supported by the web, it has now become easier than every to incorporate videos on any website, hosted on any platform. The cost of putting up videos on the web is all dependent on the purpose and goal of the web videos.

Many large and small brands alike, have realized the potential of websites like, and are releasing videos on the web, for their marketing campaigns. Individuals too, utilize and release web videos over the web. Some videos released over the web, are about sharing life experiences, some are about personal interviews, some for dating and so on.

Videos have taken over the web like a storm and their popularity is ever growing and ever increasing. So much so that, today major search engines like Google and Yahoo are working on web video search algorithms. The popularity of videos over the internet has soared to new heights especially with the advent of web video blogs, particularly since the sole purpose of web blogs, in general, is to facilitate the sharing of information, be it personal or commercial, with ones self and others.

Web videos have another, ulterior advantage as compared to other web media like images, sounds and animation; that being the power to grab attention of all individuals efficiently, since the average attention span of an average Joe or Jane is extremely short and plenty of other options are available. Since, web videos are efficient and more to the point, many prefer to watch rather than read or listen. Web videos also offer extremely high entertainment value, engaging potential readers and customers alike, and the same time they are competent in portraying what one may want others to know, be it life experiences or marketing bottom-lines.

Thus web videos are not only the best and most efficient marketing tools on the web today, but also the best way to communicate and stay in touch with family and friends, express ones feelings or give personal interviews. The ease of use, entertainment value and attention grabbing ability of web videos coupled up with the fact that they are easy to make/record, upload and share, is video has taken over the web.


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Video streaming

Video Streaming

One of the most effective ways in which an individual is able to market their product or service is through video streaming. Many people are aware of this when they watch television. There is product placement in tv shows, and there are also commercials regularly on television channels, especially on basic cable channels. Video streaming is effective and catches the attention of the individuals that are watching the tv whether they mean to or not. Some people are able to watch commercials without focusing on them too much, until a particular commercial catches their eye. This is such an effective concept on tv that many people were able to see how to use it to their advantage. As the internet began to take off and technology improved, people were able to offer video streaming on their websites. This was seen as very cutting edge for a while. Eventually, however, like all technological advancements, improvements came along and offered even more. It is now easier than ever for websites to offer vide

Video streaming is now able to be offered in advertisements. This is a relatively new concept, but it is growing in popularity. It sometimes allows individuals to initiate the ad. This helps to guarantee that the individuals that watch the ads are those that are at least moderately interested in the product, good or service that is being offered in the streaming video of the ad. Other times, video streaming is offered for purely personal and entertainment reasons. This is helpful depending on what the individual is looking for. Many people are able to offer video streaming from their own home or location. Anyone with a web camera can offer video streaming from their home computer, if they have the internet and a website or messanger service. Some people are able to charge for this and they can make money this way from different clients that they are able to find over time. Video streaming can offer up a lot of new possibilities to t

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Video streaming who needs television

Video Streaming Who Needs Television?

It was a satisfying feeling when I happened upon a website recently that told me that a band I have always enjoyed are back together after they disbanded a few years ago.

This group had been performing for 30 years to capacity crowds. Then came their farewell concert tour and everyone thought they would only hear about this group in the context of history and decade specific countdown shows.

Today two of the original members are touring on a limited basis. The overall f...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,video streaming

It was a satisfying feeling when I happened upon a website recently that told me that a band I have always enjoyed are back together after they disbanded a few years ago.

This group had been performing for 30 years to capacity crowds. Then came their farewell concert tour and everyone thought they would only hear about this group in the context of history and decade specific countdown shows.

Today two of the original members are touring on a limited basis. The overall feel of the band is a little different than the original band, but it is compelling enough to reconnect with the career of this new, yet classic, band.

How do I know this? Did I read about it?

No! This information came in the form of a fifteen-minute video stream with the two principle artists in the band. They spoke candidly about the reformation of the group and the new simplified sound and direction. They spoke of the emotional difficulties they experienced when the group went their separate ways and how a one time performance promised by the duo set the stage for a new album, tour and renewed life for this respected band. Stats counters indicated I wasnt alone in my enthusiasm for this new career wrinkle.

Video streams react to an on-demand generation. You can visit the websites of news organizations and watch video streams of the news you want to see. In some cases this is viewed as an extension to television news coverage, but for some this is an on-demand replacement for television newscasts. Even newspapers are responding to the on demand world and placing supporting video streaming on their websites for those interested in a more personal take on the morning news. and a host of other websites provide comprehensive news coverage through video streaming and their marketing strategy is to let it be known that this coverage is news on demand and online. These companies are not seeking terrestrial stations to send their video streams to, they are relying consistently on online video streams and their success continues to grow.

News reporters who once had a place on terrestrial television are now finding uncommon success in online news reporting. Elaborate sets are designed (or created through the use of green screens). These online video streams bring the same newsmakers you might find on regular television into your home and on your time.

Many of these video streams are made possible through the sale of typical video advertising that precedes the actual video clip, which makes the end product free to the online user.

The growth of video streams is impacting national and international news, business forecasts, entertainment and music.

What may be the most surprising is those who may have wanted to share information via television in the past are now more than content to take their message directly to the people and allow them to watch at their convenience. Many are wondering why they would want to make video available any other way.

Many visual consumers are inclined to agree with the sentiment.


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Video streaming turn in your bulletin

Video Streaming Turn In Your Bulletin

A nineteen year-old college student named Ryan stands both behind and in front of the camera in a creative venture known as a video bulletin.

Ryan wanted to use his creativity to do something unique for his church. The result often finds him in a cape or displaying a variety of opportunities within his church like small group studies, missions trips, youth group activities or childrens services.

Parishioners look forward to what Ryan will come up with next. In fact, t...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,email marketing,webinar,video streaming

A nineteen year-old college student named Ryan stands both behind and in front of the camera in a creative venture known as a video bulletin.

Ryan wanted to use his creativity to do something unique for his church. The result often finds him in a cape or displaying a variety of opportunities within his church like small group studies, missions trips, youth group activities or childrens services.

Parishioners look forward to what Ryan will come up with next. In fact, the demand for his efforts have grown so much that the video bulletin is placed on the popular YouTube site and is downloaded by many who attend his church along with many who simply enjoy his impressions of the Blues Brothers, Garth and Wayne or possibly a reenactment of a japanese martial arts film.

Video streaming is often used by churches to present their weekend messages to those who visit their site, but creative people like Ryan are finding unique ways to make a visual impact in a way previously untapped.

Ryan spends more than six hours each week scripting, filming, editing and adding sound effects to a feature that generally lasts around five minutes, yet some in his congregation indicate this is one of the features they most enjoy in the service.

Other churches are finding ways to make an impact by providing video streams of their drama productions for anyone to enjoy.

Churches across the world are beginning to see opportunity in technology. The growth of video as an accessible medium online has allowed churches like the one Ryan attends to find value in allowing a sought after video stream to be available even when the church doors arent open.

While this article has been speaking about churches and their use of the medium, it is an encouragement to businesses to consider the use of video streaming. It doesnt have to be elaborate, but the more fun you have with your video the more fun your viewers will have.

Video streams have proven over and over to be a strong calling card to Internet users. More and more entertainment choices are available in video streaming and deals are continuously inked to provide new content for web users.

If you are looking for traffic building opportunities, you might even consider visiting an existing video streaming site and pasting code to a popular video that is in concert with your site and make it available on your site for visitors.

Video streaming is being embraced by many diverse groups are you one of them?


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Video streaming the full meal deal

Video Streaming: The Full Meal Deal

The use of video streaming blends several complimenting media into one highly familiar media package. Your online customers are used to video presentations. In fact, they will tune into the Superbowl just to see the unique commercials. Many of those same commercials can be downloaded again online.

Consumers are fascinated with clever and entertaining video. The advent of reality television may be an online marketers best friend. Entertainment consumers are conditioned to a...

marketing,website promotion,internet marketing,traffic building,video streaming

The use of video streaming blends several complimenting media into one highly familiar media package. Your online customers are used to video presentations. In fact, they will tune into the Superbowl just to see the unique commercials. Many of those same commercials can be downloaded again online.

Consumers are fascinated with clever and entertaining video. The advent of reality television may be an online marketers best friend. Entertainment consumers are conditioned to accept real life video from those who may not be professional actors. This is a benefit to netrepreneurs because you can produce video for download through Podcasts, Windows Media, Real Audio, Quicktime or other distribution methods that combine audio, print and video in a package that may entertain or inform your potential customers.

The Internet has grown to accommodate a full range of marketing tools and video streaming is one of the most all-encompassing means of connecting with your prospects.

The use of video streaming could be for entertainment purposes, but it could also provide site members with a video seminar with you or an expert in the field of research on the applicable uses and benefits of a product or service you are marketing.

The use of so many Internet technologies makes it possible for the average online business to participate in the distribution of media formats commonly thought of as the domain of media professionals. The effective use of these media formats are well noted throughout the worldwide web and have proven a highly successful tool in marketing products and services on a worldwide scale.

The integration of RSS feeds for the delivery of audio and video to customers and the announcement of the new media products through ezines and blogs provide just a small taste of the ability to cross promote your marketing strategies within your own business website.

Video streaming can provide a sense of excitement in that the prospect has their first chance to visually observe the product or available service. They may also catch their first glance at those who are part of the process and in some inexplicable way they begin to feel a connection with your online business.

You see, there is always a sense of mystery about who is behind the development of an online business and a video presentation can let your prospects get to know more about your company and the people who make it work.

Take the time to visit your favorite search engine and discover ecommerce sites that provide video streaming and catch a glimpse at how this media option could prove beneficial to you and your online business.


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Video streaming and the pop culture revival

Video Streaming And The Pop Culture Revival

A group that had a significant following in past pop culture is currently pioneering another wave in pop culture. This group was famous in the 70s and 80s and has continued to see a broad base of fan support.

They have indicated that they feel a bit like those who first pioneered television must have felt. Each month this group puts together an hour-long television type show that is free and available on demand. The video stream is produced with the same elements you wo...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,video streaming

A group that had a significant following in past pop culture is currently pioneering another wave in pop culture. This group was famous in the 70s and 80s and has continued to see a broad base of fan support.

They have indicated that they feel a bit like those who first pioneered television must have felt. Each month this group puts together an hour-long television type show that is free and available on demand. The video stream is produced with the same elements you would find in a television show, but without the commercials.

The show features live music from an intimate studio room located at the home of one of the singers. It may provide guest artists and interviews as well as candid moments with the band. The end result matches virtually any artist profile show you might watch on TV.

The big difference is that this group did not pitch their show to a network. They fund the production themselves and archive the video for on demand viewing. This inspires improves list building efforts and reminds fans why they have loved this group for so long.

In turn the hope is that the music, interviews and behind the scenes stories about the music will encourage site visitors to either come see them in concert or make a direct online purchase of music or related merchandise.

The feel of the program is a lot like watching a musical biography with the interactive bonus of sending them an electronic note or gaining access to other group information.

Everyday we hear of greater and greater inroads that can be seen with video streaming as an alternative to traditional television. The interactive nature and portability of these video elements allow commuters to watch video streams on portable devices and can allow visual content consumers to download full episodes of their favorite shows or other content that is of high quality, but ONLY available online.

Do you think anyone suspected that mass media would be so completely altered by the advent of the Internet? It really has begun an incredible revolution in media product download. It has simplified the process and has allowed a much more organic approach to content development and distribution.

Video streaming has allowed niche marketing to take place in a pop culture format. This group might not be able to secure a contract for a monthly show from a television network. If they were to secure a monthly contract they would likely not have the creative control they desire. With online video streaming they call the shots and their fans get to see their creative genius in music and in the production of their web based video stream.

More and more businesses and organizations are discovering the benefits of being able to provide video content to their site visitors in an effort to entertain, educate or inform.

The best video streams are ones that will ultimately benefit site visitor as well as site owner. The video stream should be a natural outgrowth of your business and allow site visitors to maximize their visit by accessing links to make purchases of products related to the video stream.


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Video streaming a new town hall

Video Streaming A New Town Hall

It was a night in July 2007 when a new town hall was discovered. Men and women from around the United States participated in a debate of sorts between 2008 Presidential hopefuls on the Democratic ticket.

What made this event unique is not that the candidates took their message on the road, but that the candidates received questions via video streaming site YouTube. Multiplied thousands of Internet users tuned in for a town hall meeting that was available on a global basis....

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,email marketing,webinar,video streaming

It was a night in July 2007 when a new town hall was discovered. Men and women from around the United States participated in a debate of sorts between 2008 Presidential hopefuls on the Democratic ticket.

What made this event unique is not that the candidates took their message on the road, but that the candidates received questions via video streaming site YouTube. Multiplied thousands of Internet users tuned in for a town hall meeting that was available on a global basis. Viewers even used YouTube to pose their own questions to competing candidates.

While this forum made for some rather interesting video questions, the implications of the use of video streams are phenomenal. For the first time citizens from across the United States were invited to be a part of something that simply required the ability to stream video on the web, and the audience responded.

The CNN debate was sponsored by the video streaming giant YouTube. This approach to debate may have had some people thinking it was a cross between politics and a reality TV show and some would argue thats what it ultimately became.

However, this debate also helped foster the notion that anyones voice can be heard from any point on the globe. The debate format was sometimes eccentric, sometimes anticlimactic, but interesting nonetheless and memorable for the milestone it passed in forging a new way to connect with the public.

This is not an article about politics. It is, however, a beacon pointing out another merit of video streaming.

Childrens television channels have been working to integrate video streaming into televised childrens games. The effects of this new paradigm are not lost on children who gravitate to the technology and appreciate the potential for their own brush with fame.

The presidential debates using video streams for questions should allow all who are involved in Internet-based business to consider video streaming in present and long-term marketing goals.

Many video streams on download locations like YouTube have in excess of a million downloads. Some statistics indicate many people are spending more time with their computers than they are television and other forms of media.

Television and movie companies are catering to the need with hi-resolution trailers and television show downloads all using video streaming technology and all from the comfort and privacy of on demand personal computing.

If people are spending so much time online doesnt it make sense to find a way to bring your business to a group of consumers who are already immersed in all things pop culture?

Pushing forward with video streaming as a marketing tool is not only cost effective, but can be used as either an entertaining infomercial or something as simple as a guided tour through your primary site. In either case, site visitors may be inclined to ride the video stream than to click endlessly through a new site in the hopes of finding something worthwhile.

Video streaming can help you discover new ways to reach customers and theres no debate about that.


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Video streaming a market unto itself

Video Streaming A Market Unto Itself

Video streaming is not just a marketing tool anymore. Perhaps it never was designed for marketing purposes alone.

Today popular video seminars are available by video streaming downloads. The content has its own value so other tools are used to market a fee-based video seminar.

These could be strategic lessons about a specific industry, motivational streams or self-help and religious instruction.

Sometimes these video streams are for a specific course and may have pa...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,email marketing,webinar,video streaming

Video streaming is not just a marketing tool anymore. Perhaps it never was designed for marketing purposes alone.

Today popular video seminars are available by video streaming downloads. The content has its own value so other tools are used to market a fee-based video seminar.

These could be strategic lessons about a specific industry, motivational streams or self-help and religious instruction.

Sometimes these video streams are for a specific course and may have password-protected pdf file downloads for note taking or testing.

Some web users are assigning a monetary value to content rich video streams that can empower them for greater success, give them tools to help cope with loss, provide step by step directions for a specific skill set or simply provide a unique opportunity to be encouraged by someone skilled in the arena of motivation.

In some ways video streams may be a bit like renting a series of DVDs, but the side benefits are much more acute and bring a comprehensive value to the overall download. Take for instance interactive online polls, reference material downloads and links to specific complimentary products. These are all things that are not available with existing DVD technology. One of the primary things that may hold video streaming from a broader acceptance is that there are still a significant portion of the population who are not utilizing the web for this type of interactive information.

The overriding principle of Internet functionality is the hybrid of complimentary technologies one application that works in concert with a separate and distinct application. Imagine being able to gain access to a highly valuable training video stream and then gaining priority access to a forum where other members who have viewed the same material can meet to discuss certain aspects of the training. These benefits only add to the value of a paid video stream.

Colleges and Universities have long recognized the importance of making offsite video available for distance learners, but the Internet also allows individuals to view the video stream from the comfort of their own home or even in a Wi-Fi hot zone using headphones while drinking a latte.

What does this say about video streaming? Well it tells us that this entertaining application that was ultimately used as a marketing tool has grown into its own. Something that was deemed useful to businesses as a marketing tool can, and in many cases does, stand on its own as a marketable product in much the same way an ebook can be used as both a marketing tool as well as a marketable product.

This versatile tool can still be used for the amusement of the masses (ala YouTube and similar video streaming sites), it can still be used to pass along free content rich information, but it can also be used to enhance an existing fee-based ecourse or study program making something accessible that was never available in such a dynamic way before.

How does this affect the way you view the potential in video streaming for profit?


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Video slideshow production

Video Slideshow Production

Slideshow production companies are popping up all over the internet. People are taking their pictures, negatives, slides, and videos, and placing them on CDs, DVDs, or VHS for personal use and for gifts for all occasions. People everywhere are hiring professional slideshow production companies to make slideshows for any and all occasions. But how do you know which slideshow production company to choose?

video slideshow production,wedding slideshows for receptions,graduation slide shows,anniversary slideshows,birthday slideshows,memorial slideshows,vacation slideshows,holiday,photo montage,video album

Slideshow production companies are popping up all over the internet. People are taking their pictures, negatives, slides, and videos, and placing them on CDs, DVDs, or VHS for personal use and for gifts for all occasions. People everywhere are hiring professional slideshow production companies to make wedding slideshows for receptions, graduation slideshows, anniversary slideshows, birthday slideshows, memorial service slideshows, vacation slideshows, holiday slideshows, and just about anything you can think of slideshows. But how do you know which slideshow company to choose?

It use to be that when we took our photos of our special occasions: weddings, vacations, reunions, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, family, friends, pets and so on, that wed get the photos developed and place them in a photo album or a shoe box. A couple of our very favorites would be placed in frames. But, the photo album or shoebox would then sit on a shelf or under a bed or in a closet or somewhere where theyd be neglected


Best Trick Photography And Special

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Video sharing sites

Video Sharing Sites

Are you interested in uploading any videos that you may have made to the YouTube website? YouTube is a website that is often referred to as a video sharing website. It allows internet users, like you, to upload and share any videos that they have made. With a large number of members and site visitors, having your video or videos displayed on YouTube is likely to get your videos thousands of views!

video sharing sites

Are you interested in uploading any videos that you may have made to the YouTube website? YouTube is a website that is often referred to as a video sharing website. It allows internet users, like you, to upload and share any videos that they have made. With a large number of members and site visitors, having your video or videos displayed on YouTube is likely to get your videos thousands of views!<br /><br />If this is your first time uploading a video to the YouTube website, you may be wondering exactly how you can go about doing so. The good news is that uploading videos to YouTube is a relatively easy process. YouTube not only gives you step-by-step instructions on how to upload your videos, but they also provide you with video uploading tips; tips that will not only make it possible for your videos to be uploaded, but tips that will also help to improve their quality.<br /><br />If you have used YouTube before, even just to watch videos, you likely already know that you need to


Learn The fastest way to make money online

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Video production has changed in the last 10 years

Video Production Has Changed In The Last 10 Years

In the past it used to be a cumbersome problem when you wanted to shoot with video equipment, the equipment was big and bulky and very expensive, there was no digital edited it was all done by analog edited, which when done you would loose the quality after each generation of copying the film. Digital revolution paved the way for film editing, it is highly flexible, the technology allows digital editing to create wondrous special effects, there is no loss of quality or the da...

video,video production,film maker,videos,producer,homemade video

In the past it used to be a cumbersome problem when you wanted to shoot with video equipment, the equipment was big and bulky and very expensive, there was no digital edited it was all done by analog edited, which when done you would loose the quality after each generation of copying the film. Digital revolution paved the way for film editing, it is highly flexible, the technology allows digital editing to create wondrous special effects, there is no loss of quality or the damaging effect of the original footage.

When the film is shot the footage which is called the initial footage is transferred to broadcast quality tape, it is then edited and give to the customer as a draft copy.

Videos are produced for fun and other videos are produced for commercial purposes, like advertisements, movies and music vids. When we are talking about a music video we are talking about a video clip which has music and give a visual interpretation of the song. Though music videos made specifically for television first appeared in the 1950s, the strong association between music and the video presentation of it started in the 1980s, with the launch of cable channels like MTV. A good producer will be able to choose the right music for your production.

With the advances in technologies in video equipment and the production sets it has given rise to many new film makers and has made it possible for many more people to get into this field and become a directory overnight and help their career move in a positive direction. The process of video production differs from one company to the next, there are certain procedures and stages that video production takes on. The actual place where filming takes place is the production stage, the pre-production stage can have a huge effect with the entire process of the video and film production.

Video production companies are firms that are engaged in the commercial production of video. In the post-production stage, video production companies are engaged in editing and duplication. Trade show videos suit companies that have complicated products where people need to see to see how it works and in what situations.

Before a production company films the must take into account and calculate how long or how many days the filming will require, the reason for this is because they need to calculate the cost to create a budget. Many time people are looking for companies that can do everything from A-Z, but many companies cannot offer this, there are only a handful of companies that have this capability.

It may be possible to schedule some quick media training or suggest other ways to enhance their performance. Schools offer programs that introduce students to the world of digital video or media productions and the commercial technology on how to do this, the school helps the students create their vision for filming, animation, interactive tools or audio. When attending a video or media school they have the ability to provide environments for recording, creating and producing music.


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Video production equipment the director s cut

Video Production Equipment: The Directors Cut

The Video Craze Affordable video production Equipment

New technologies in video production equipment combined with the emergence of videoparticularly digital videoas an acceptable medium for film has made it possible for almost anyone to become a film director virtually overnight. While the cost of film and film equipment is financially prohibitive, video production equipment is relatively inexpensive and can be mastered quite quickly. While there is a great deal more ...

video production, produce video, film making

The Video Craze Affordable video production Equipment

New technologies in video production equipment combined with the emergence of videoparticularly digital videoas an acceptable medium for film has made it possible for almost anyone to become a film director virtually overnight. While the cost of film and film equipment is financially prohibitive, video production equipment is relatively inexpensive and can be mastered quite quickly. While there is a great deal more to the art of film that just having the right equipment, the accessibility of video production equipment has encouraged many amateur filmmakers to give it their best shot. Understanding the basics of video produ


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Video product creation can take your online business to the next level

Video product creation can take your online business to the next level

2007 is starting to look like the year of the vlogs. An explosion in Internet video is taking place, and in large part it's an explosion based on video blogs. A massive online industry is gearing up around video sharing sites like YouTube and Internet video platforms like Television is moving online, and Internet TV may soon replace your favorite TV programs.

If you're an independent producer of video content or an Internet marketer interested in learning how to take advantage of the revolution in Internet video technologies, a good site to visit is Rocketboom (). This site is marvelous in its simplicity; it has already grown into one of the most popular sites on the Internet. Rocketboom focuses on what's happening in the world of Internet news and technology. Its content is presented in a light and highly entertaining format.

The quality and simplicity of Rocketboom illustrates how fast the revolution in Internet technology is transforming delivery systems. Licensing and distribution costs used to require an investment of millions of dollars to get a broadcast TV channel on the air. Rocketboom is created with a consumer-level video camera, a notebook computer, and a simple set. It looks and feels like a commercial TV broadcast, but it has no budget for advertising. The videos are produced on simple sets, but the content is as smooth and as professional as anything broadcast on television. The cost of storage and bandwidth space on the Internet is so cheap today that a video channel like Rocketboom can be launched with virtually no investment at all.

Like most popular video sites on the Internet, Rocketboom is distributed through a technology called Real Simple Syndication, or "RSS." This technology lets viewers subscribe to your channel and receive alerts every time you make a new video product available on your site. And like so many other new technologies that are connecting people on the Internet, RSS is a free service.

Paid downloads of your video products is only one of the many revenue streams that can be generated for online video content. When your audience grows and you have the demographics to show advertisers, you will start to see what a powerful force video is for driving your business. Offering both free and subscription services is a good way to build a large community of users around your video products.

If you aren't creating video products for both free distribution and sale on the Internet, you aren't reaping the full benefits of connecting your business to the Worldwide Web. You may be impressed with how Internet has become a great tool for gathering and transmitting information, but creating video content for a potential audience of millions on the Internet is the best way to take your business to the next level.

Check out Rocketboom and then come back to this article. When you do, I think you'll be ready to create your first great video product for sale on the Internet.


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Video podcasting and its use to promote home based internet businesses

Video Podcasting And Its Use To Promote Home Based Internet Businesses

Video podcasting is a fancy term for distributing a video clip by way of RSS enclosures or Atom. In this case the RSS feed is used very much like a television channel and interested parties can subscribe by using their computers, a television, a media center or a mobile multimedia device of one kind or another.

Video podcasts can be distributed in one of two ways- either as a stream or as a file. When sent as a file it is sent as a complete video podcast whereas streaming ...



Video podcasting is a fancy term for distributing a video clip by way of RSS enclosures or Atom. In this case the RSS feed is used very much like a television channel and interested parties can subscribe by using their computers, a television, a media center or a mobile multimedia device of one kind or another.

Video podcasts can be distributed in one of two ways- either as a stream or as a file. When sent as a file it is sent as a complete video podcast whereas streaming means that parts of the file are left out and the individual can choose to watch only what interests him or her. As long as you have an Internet connection and a web host that permits media file hosting you can create and distribute a video podcast for your home based internet business.

Video podcasting works much like an advertisement and that means that it is a tremendous advantage to your home based business, as it is an excellent promotional tool. You can do practically anything you choose on your podcast to promote your internet business therefore the options are many. In other words you can choose exactly what format and content you wish for your podcast without having to follow any set rules. For example you can provide as much information about the products and/or services your internet business offers as you like. There is no better way to advertise what you have to offer consumers than by way of a video podcast.

Always make sure that when you do video podcasting that your podcasts are relevant to the subject, straightforward as opposed to vague and give concise and up to date information on your subject matter. Be aware that it will cost you some money to make use of video podcasting as you will need to locate individuals who have knowledge of recording and creating podcasts as well as finding people who are willing to be recorded for the podcast or you can choose to be a part of the video podcast yourself.

When creating a video podcast make sure to set aside plenty of time to make it. Many people expect it to take an hour or two when they first begin but instead they end up taking five or six hours. It takes time to become familiar with the process of video podcasting. Keep in mind that video podcasting helps to get information out about your home based business in much the same way that online newsletters and creating a blog does. It is an excellent marketing tool for your purposes.


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Video marketing the one they come back for

Video Marketing The One They Come Back For

I was sent a link recently to a video that was powerful in the way it presented the idea of going the extra mile for customer in ways that were easy, but unexpected. I left the viewing of the video inspired and wanting to find new ways to make my own businesses better.

While I was inspired by the video and would willingly send anyone to the site I also discovered this video to be a video marketing strategy for a series of inspiring books and motivational downloads.


marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,video marketing

I was sent a link recently to a video that was powerful in the way it presented the idea of going the extra mile for customer in ways that were easy, but unexpected. I left the viewing of the video inspired and wanting to find new ways to make my own businesses better.

While I was inspired by the video and would willingly send anyone to the site I also discovered this video to be a video marketing strategy for a series of inspiring books and motivational downloads.

The video was the marketing tool. It was emotive, challenging and powerful, but it was also designed to BE the selling tool for the affiliated products. Testimonial after testimonial located after the viewing of the video indicated this series was an excellent resource and empowered employees to find job satisfaction in serving customers well.

I think the reason I was so taken with the approach was that it was vastly different from most video marketing strategies.

In most cases the video presented is a sales tool telling you why the available products are just what you need. The videos will provide the testimonials and bits of details that leave you with partial answers to thought provoking questions.

These are key elements in video marketing and they are effective, but the novel approach to giving you a complete and motivational video download was unexpected.

Heres why I believe this approach works. The emotive video does not actively sell a product or service. Because this is true there is no pressure, just the emotional connections associated with the viewing. Once the video is over the viewer will think of others that would benefit from viewing this feel good motivational video.

The soft sell of the video is literally making it possible for an incredible number of potential buyers to visit the site and find encouragement.

Even if they have no interest in buying the product they will likely keep the link handy to share with others over the long-term and Im pretty certain there will be some of those that find the motivational material a strong enough reason to make a purchase.

Whats more is that the video is essentially timeless. The end product could change from time to time, but the video remains the cornerstone of the marketing plan. And because so many will forward a link to business associates, family and friends the end result is a positive experience even after the viewer understand there is a no-obligation set of products that can be purchased following the viewing.

This is a great example of giving more than you have to, and by doing so you end up with improved traffic and a higher conversion rate.

I think part of the problem with most sales videos is that they often breed distrust from the beginning. Most people see the sales pitch and watch for the angle they know is coming. This secondary type of marketing approach takes them off guard it is a simple straightforward story that turns out to be true, emotional, motivating and inspirational. And that story ties very specifically into the product being sold, but in the end the video stands on its own merit.


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Video marketing its different manifestations

Video Marketing- Its Different Manifestations


Just go through these facts and figures:

This [online video ads] could very well become the dominant form of online advertising ... probably within the next 18 to 24 months- Bob Hanna, senor vice president of sales with Burst Media-a group that offers publisher sites to advertisers.

Online video ad spend is to surge by 89% in 2007 and is poised to grow and in 2010 will be worth around $2.9 billion.- marketing vox.

At some time early in 2010, one in 10 dollars ...

internet marketing, search engine optimization, SEO

Just go through these facts and figures:

This [online video ads] could very well become the dominant form of online advertising ... probably within the next 18 to 24 months- Bob Hanna, senor vice president of sales with Burst Media-a group that offers publisher sites to advertisers.

Online video ad spend is to surge by 89% in 2007 and is poised to grow and in 2010 will be worth around $2.9 billion.- marketing vox.

At some time early in 2010, one in 10 dollars devoted to internet advertising will go for video placements- David Hallerman, a senior analyst with eMarketer and author of the report Internet Video: Advertising Experiments & Exploding Content

Well, if you have a sharp mind [and even if you dont], you cannot but notice the rising fortunes of video marketing. Well, video marketing is the next big thing in the world of Internet marketing.

Video marketing entails the use of video for conveying your message to the audience. Most experts believe that videos are more effective when it boils down to establishing an engaging and interactive platform to communicate with the target audience.

If you too are interested in entering into the world of online video marketing, then it will augur well if you are aware about the various forms of video marketing.

Video advertising is one of the basic forms of video marketing. In case of video advertising, the advertiser makes use of the video that is already being run across TV channels. Usually, the video is edited to shorten the duration. This also makes the video more appealing to the online audience. At times, the video might be stripped of its sound to fasten the downloading speed.

However, experts believe that running a same video for your Internet marketing campaign as well as on TV channels is not a good idea. According to Amit I. Budhrani of Alza Management Institute, Most advertisers feel that the content for a video advert can be borrowed from their own TV commercials. However, this is not the case. One needs to clearly differentiate between a video advert and an advertisement made for the TV. Video made for a TV can never replace video that is required for the Internet. And it will not make a good impression about the company in the eyes of the people since they can quickly make out that the ad has been copied directly from the TV. If this happens then one is likely to lose out on viewers since people will not care to view the ad of the company ever again. Hence the company will loose viewers instead of gaining them. And this will be a very big loss of opportunity.

Budhrani also adds that, People are not going to spend their bandwidth on ad that can be seen on TV. In other words, if you have to capture the attention of the online audience, then you have to present them with fresh content that is creative as well as engaging.

Ron Coomber of ITV agrees with the opinion put forward by Amit I. Budhrani of Alza Management Institute. According to Coomber, The conventional 30 second television commercial will not be as effective when presented on the Internet. According to Lanctot of Avenue A/Razorfish, "It's easy to repurpose TV Ads, but it's not a good idea. Everyone seems to agree, but they keep doing it."

However, winds of change are slowly sweeping in. According to Treffiletti of Carat, We have some clients who have allowed us to actually shoot video for [the Internet]. In addition, when they're shooting a commercial and they have the A roll and the B roll, the B roll has a lot more life now. We can actually use that extra footage."

The other form of video marketing that has been attracting the attention of business houses and corporate sector happens to be in-text video advertising. In this particular form of video marketing, a video gets uploaded and subsequently played whenever a user scrolls over an underlined text.

Experts state that in-text video advertising is a highly efficient method that can be precisely targeted towards a particular segment of the online audience. This is because a person will be induced to take his mouse over an underlined word only if he can relate with that word. For instance, a young mother might roll her mouse over words like bottle feeder, baby diapers, infant care etc. This is because as a mother of an infant, she can relate with these words.

In-text video advertising is a user-initiated form of advertising. This means that the video will be played only when the user opts to roll his mouse over a phrase or a word.

Advertisers also have the option of going in for product placement in video. This form of video marketing is similar to in-film advertising wherein the product is placed in the video. For instance, one can notice Omega watches in James Bond movies. Product placement in video works on the same line except for the fact that the same is done in the virtual world and through an online medium.

The products are integrated in the online video. At times, the viewers are also allowed to interact with the product in question. This increased interactivity enhances the engagement quotient of the advertisement.

Advertiser funded video is one more manifestation of video marketing. Well, in this form of video marketing, the advertiser creates the content of the video but the same is run on third-party websites. The video seeks to entertain, inform or educate the viewers as well as to convey the information of the advertiser to the target audience.

One can also directly deliver the video to the consumers via email. This form of video marketing is known as direct video. However, this is a relatively new form of marketing and is yet to be exploited in a big way. The rise of Web 2.0 has allowed advertisers to deliver videos in HTML [Hyper Text Mark-Up Language] and thus avoid languishing in the receivers bulk or spam folder.

Most experts believe that this form of video marketing has a good potential especially considering the fact that an increasing number of netizens are now opting for hi-speed broadband connections instead of the traditional dial-up connections. This is good news for those opting for direct video as research has proven that those having broadband connections are more receptive towards video.

The growing popularity of such as YouTube has opened up one more avenues for advertisers, business houses and the corporate sector. One can place videos in social network sites. According to a report that appeared in Reuters, YouTube, the leader in Internet video search, said on Sunday viewers have are now watching more than 100 million videos per day on its site, marking the surge in demand for its snack-sized video fare. YouTube, the leader in Internet video search, said on Sunday viewers have are now watching more than 100 million videos per day on its site, marking the surge in demand for its snack-sized video fare.

Experts state that this particular form of advertising has a great scope provided the videos feature original content [that is the ideas for the video are not directly uplifted from the ads that are run on television] and are high on creativity.

And if you do not want your video to get featured in a social networking site, then you can always have them displayed on mobiles. Well, experts state that since the number of mobile users is showing a tremendous increase, one can go in for mobile video marketing. According to Jim Cook of, there are currently around 2.5 billion mobile handsets in the world, roughly the same number as TVs and PCs combined.

Those conversant with Internet marketing dynamics state that mobile users are showing a tremendous appetite for videos. As of puts it, A number of recent studies have shown that consumers are actually very willing to receive ads on their phones as long as certain conditions are in place.

Most experts state that people are willing to see videos on their mobiles as long as these videos are relevant to their needs and desires. Similarly, viewers also expect something in return from the advertiser after watching his/her advert. Experts also believe that mobile video viewers want an assurance that they can opt-in or opt-out of the video.

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, UK, there are already many types of mobile video ads available including banner ads, text ads, search ads, short code response numbers in print and TV and ads inserted between levels of a game. Essentially, the choice available to advertisers is as large as that of internet advertising and it is recommended that - in the same way as internet marketers select only the forms beneficial to their brand and campaign.

Thus, there are various forms of video marketing. Advertisers, wishing to use this form of Internet marketing, should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each form of video marketing. They should also weigh their intentions and objective campaigns of their online marketing campaign against each form of video marketing and select the one that will help them to gain maximum mileage.

As Interactive Advertising Bureau, UK puts it; online video takes this to the next level by delivering the content we love other portable video players. This leads to accessing video content in entirely new places; living rooms and cinemas are no longer the only place to view video.


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